
On Elementals, Part IV

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Another interesting angle to look at when dealing with elementals is the actual nature of energetic blocks preventing flow within them.

Again, I'm kind of unclear what this could be in the etheric, though in the past I encountered early fears from my childhood that needed releasing. Most people will primarily consciously experience blocks in the astral and mental elementals.

In the astral body, this takes the form or desires and wants you cannot let go off easily or do not want to. In the mental body Kurt has coined the term "ideas about the truth." Which is a very subtle term - it means that you have an idea about what might be true and adhere to it as if it were true. This is completely independent of the actual truth content of the idea itself.

In a typical scenario these two kinds of blocks can be entwined. Think about a person who believes that they need a certain person as their partner and obsesses about that person. This is a mixture of desire and belief. Together, the astral and mental elemental effectively block out the soul who might not have such a limited idea about partnership, about who is an eligible partner and what is important for that individual.

The irony of this is that we often believe something will make us happy and desire it, and this prevents us from actually establishing flow and be happy. And that what we believe must be true often blocks us from discovering what is actually true from the perspective of the soul.

"Must" and "should" are strong indicators of the mental elemental at work. This often denotes that we operate from an idea about the truth. Similarly, we often operate from the mental elemental when we build big "conceptual cathedrals" - elaborate belief systems that try to link everything and be everything from the bits we know or think we know.

When the mental elemental is behaving like this, it is effectively out of control as it erects barriers to the soul and instead tries to enforce its own ideas about the truth. The mental elemental (often also identified as the ego) has many uses, like interpreting energetic experiences into language and depictions, implementing plans, working out technicalities and dealing with many of the details of living incarnated on the planet. But it is not ultimately meant to come up with the plans (which originate with the soul) or discerning the truth, something which truly comes from the soul and beyond.

As a first step, becoming conscious of these tendencies of the elementals is a good step to lessen their effect. But also remember what the elementals actually need (their "proper nutrition") and give them that. Elementals that have their actual needs fulfilled don't act out as much, don't strive as much for false surrogates, and they have less of a tendency to eclipse the soul when pursuing their own ends.

Blocks in the elementals are tendencies, habits, ingrained behaviours. If you start to countermand them in any way and lessen them, you have set in motion a process that also lessens their influence over you, and either they might become easier and easier to tackle, or bigger issues might become approachable that weren't before. Restraining the elementals, taking care of their needs and aligning them towards the plans of the soul, that's one possible way to work towards spiritual maturation.

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  1. poème's Avatar
    I really enjoy this series… I hope there is going to be a part V ;)

    [QUOTE]Another interesting angle to look at when dealing with elementals is the actual nature of energetic blocks preventing flow within them.
    Again, I'm kind of unclear what this could be in the etheric, though in the past I encountered early fears from my childhood that needed releasing.[/QUOTE]

    I’m wondering about that too… Could it be as follows : etheric body (linked with base chakra; the need [B]to exist[/B]; survival and security issues) astral body (linked with navel chakra; the need to feel; sensations and feeling issues), mental body (linked with the solar plexus; the need to think; intellect, belief system and ego issues), and so on… [I](This is inspired from the ideas in your text… and from these two pages : [URL]http://chakraenergy.com/seven.html[/URL] and [URL]http://chakraenergy.com/chart.html[/URL])[/I]

    So if this is correct, your initial intuition would be right on… It may very well be that fears (born from[I] perceived[/I] threats to the existence of the physical body -fear to die or to be harmed physically- and maybe also to the non-physical bodies -fear to be harmed or altered, to cause the physical body’s death or to lose one’s identity- may cause blockages in the etheric body. This could also explain why beginner projectors often seem to end up in their etheric body as long as such fears are in the way… Well, perhaps!
  2. Korpo's Avatar
    It's an interesting idea. There's a lot of sense in the three connections you describe, I'm not sure how it would continue for the higher bodies, though.

    In a sense people have to "unclog" the issues from their elementals before they can progress. This process isn't linear for everyone, though, for me there were glimpses ahead parallel to that process.
  3. poème's Avatar
    At the moment, I would link the causal body (said to be the home of the soul by some) with the heart chakra (the need to love). It may seem strange to link the causal body, which dwells on the upper [I]mental [/I]planes, with love, compassion and forgiveness but to me, right now, it actually makes sense. Among other things, the causal body is said to give the conscious self access to karmic memories, and unresolved and troubling ones especially, may then pour in dreams. I think this is designed so that one then comes to learn and experience unconditional love and compassion which give the necessary strenght to forgive oneself for past mistakes and forgive others for the wrongs done. It may also be at this stage that one [I]starts[/I] to [I]understand[/I] what ``being one with all others`` means. Also, a stronger flow of love and compassion pouring in may be closely intertwined with the need to find one's purpose in order to be of service to others.

    As for the throat chakra (the need to speak and express oneself [I]truth[/I]fully) could be linked with the buddhic body (higher [I]mind[/I] or faculty of[I] wisdom [/I]according to Kurt Leland[I]; the spirit?). [/I]I found this quote interesting while googling the topic :[B] ``[/B]Buddhi (Sanskrit, "intellect") in Sanskrit (Hindu) literature is the higher mental faculty, the instrument of [I]knowledge, discerment, and decision[/I]. Buddhi is comprehended slightly different in different philosophical systems.`` [URL]http://www.themystica.org/mystica/articles/b/buddhi.html[/URL]
    I found this last sentence to be especially true. It becomes really confusing at this point because not all authors and philosophical systems depict the chakras and the higher bodies in the same manner. Many link the buddhic body with love and oneness and/or discard the causal body for instance. That being said, I can also picture the buddhic body with an[I] increased[/I] flow of love (compared to that of the causal body), which would explain the bliss accompanying this stronger flow, and an increased sense of oneness ([I]understood[/I] at a greater degree [I]and experienced[/I]) The flow of love and the sense of oneness, in the higher bodies, may keep increasing from one to another, like Kurt Leland says, but the main focus of the buddhic body could still be `intellectual`.

    …Or it [I]could[/I] be that the buddhic body is linked with the heart chakra, and the causal body with the third chakra along with the mental body. (It could be seen as a transformed - or upgraded - mental body in that case.)

    As for the process possibly being non linear, that’s a good point, and I agree.

    Long comment again… I think I need to learn concision! :lol:
  4. Korpo's Avatar
    You have some good intuitions there.

    Kurt has most strongly connected the buddhic body with compassion and intuition. The higher the body the more neutral they get from a certain perspective it seems. But that doesn't prevent more and more love from flowing, which is also a part of compassion.

    BTW, in his latest published adventure Kurt has characterized the causal body as what completes a mental body to a full vehicle on the mental plane. From a certain perspective it is a full mental body, while the mental body could be seen as a lesser vehicle on the mental plane. You can read more about that here: http://www.kurtleland.com/astral-pro...-mental-bodies

    There are seven planes of existence in this reality system - physical/etheric, astral, mental, buddhic, nirvanic, monadic and divine, at least according to Kurt's latest book. The cosmic physical plane described in Kurt's latest adventure could probably be seen as the domain of a cosmic physical body with seven chakras, and that would correspond to what you're saying. Though that is largely speculation from my side.

    The terminology gets confusing here as Kurt also coined the term cosmic physical physical body, cosmic physical astral body, cosmic phsical mental body, etc. and uses "cosmic physical bodies" as shorthand for that. These would be special vehicles of consciousness that transcend the physical, astral, mental planes, etc. So each chakra of a potential macrocosmic body would be an energy body in each plane that would be its own microcosmos from that perspective. Again, speculation.

    I don't know if the causal body would give access to problematic past live experiences especially. Whatever is contained within the life bank of the causal body can become material for learning lessons and obtaining new perspectives, just as each new incarnation is also influenced by what is contained in this past life storage and what is missing. In this regard I found Robert Monroe's last book most interesting where he starts to collect his past incarnations in a way that reminds of retrievals.
  5. poème's Avatar
    Surely, as we develop, we learn to love in a more detached manner (detached from personal motives), so it’s very likely that a true and unveiled expression of love may actually come along with composure (or neutrality in your terms). A stronger flow of love would therefore mean a greater [I]capacity[/I] to love...

    As for the causal body, I would see it resulting from the union of the astral and the mental elementals into one body. So what you say makes perfect sense to me. The mental body (male aspect) would be `incomplete` as long as it is not paired with the astral elemental (female aspect). So you can see why I linked the causal body with the heart chakra; to me, love is precisely what brings these two together. However, if I do link the causal body with the heart chakra, then you’ll see that the crown chakra is linked with the monad and so, the divine body is not taken into account in this system… But maybe this actually makes sense, if one sees the divine body as the Source, unfiltered, therefore disembodied (bodies filter the Source)... Pure speculation but..?

    I did read Kurt Leland’s text and I do agree with you that there has to be some kind of connexion between the 7 chakras of a given macrocosmic energy body dwelling on its corresponding plane and its 7 subplanes and corresponding microcosmic energy bodies. As above, so below, they say… It’s very fascinating to see how infinite the path seems, through this perspective… There is [I]much[/I] ahead, it seems! :)

    As for the causal body giving access to sensitive memories especially, I think I was a little biaised and `[I]especially` [/I]wasn’t the right word to use. It is very likely that different consciousnesses may choose to work with this data in many different and personal ways.
  6. Korpo's Avatar
    Surely, as we develop, we learn to love in a more detached manner (detached from personal motives), so it’s very likely that a true and unveiled expression of love may actually come along with composure (or neutrality in your terms). A stronger flow of love would therefore mean a greater capacity to love...
    Yes, this is the case. Although the mix experienced when encountering this new state of mind accompanying it is an unusal experience and takes a while to reocgnise and understand. It's like recognising what the real "love part" of the mix was and what we mistook for it was just other phenomena of the personality that subsided, leaving the love to be seen for itself more clearly than ever before.
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