
Signs and synchronicity – Part IV – Messengers

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Back then, I had been living in Paris for a little more than 4 months and it was now summer time. For our vacation, my loved one and I had planned a three weeks backpack-and-camping trip in Brittany, France… And also a quick stop in Normandy at [URL="http://www.dimensionsguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Mont-Saint-Michel-Castle.jpg"]Le Mont Saint-Michel[/URL], of which I had first heard about a few years ago from a complete stranger I had met in a bus. Her description of the ancient homes and shops and of the monastery built on top of a high mount completely enclosed by the sea during high tides, had such an effect on me at the time that I had promised myself I would go too one day… So that summer, since we were going to be in the area, I made sure that we would stop there for a visit.

[B]The chapel[/B]
During our visit, before visiting the abbey, we entered in a smaller chapel also dedicated to St. Michael. My attention got caught by a large open book in which guests and guests had written a few words to address their prayers to him or to thank him for prayers answered… This had me wondering if I would be answered too if I were to pray for what has been on my mind (and heart) for such a long time… I very sincerely wanted and [I]needed[/I] to know what I was here for, what was my path. For some reason, I wasn’t very comfortable with the idea of writing something in the book, nor with the idea of buying and litting a candle or sitting down to pray, so I simply prayed in my heart, as I was visiting the chapel, with simple words of my own, hoping that I would be heard nevertheless… And yes, the [I]next[/I] day, I was to have a little surprise ;)

[B]A daring little one[/B]
We were walking toward cliffs and shores near our camping that day, and on our way, a daring butterfly decided to alight on the right upper part of my camisole. We both thought it was very amusing. ``Take a picture!`` I told my loved one, and I carefully handed him my camera, trying not to move too much so that the daring little one doesn’t fly away too soon… Apparently though, it felt at home there, as it left only after my loved one had time to take three pictures!

I had read before that small animals such as butterflies and birds were sometimes `sent` as messengers and I had loved the idea, but although surely the thought crossed my mind, I don’t think I allowed myself to believe that [I]maybe[/I] there was a connexion with my prayer to St. Michael. Knowing myself, I’m pretty sure I thought it was more likely a pure coincidence. However, I was to find out soon that this event was only the first of a series of `quite uncanny coincidences`…;)

[B]Another chapel … And another daring one[/B]
Four days later or so, we arrived on Bréhat Island, and there we found, on top of a small hill, a small country-like chapel also dedicated to St.Michael. It was somewhat crowded up there, outside the chapel, but to our surprise, we were lucky enough to be just the two of us inside. It felt intimate and welcoming. I don’t think I prayed or asked for anything. It just felt good to linger there, gaze around and daydream about Le Mont Saint-Michel, and whether my prayer has been heard or not. I think I even allowed myself to wonder about that butterfly for a moment. We left, and simply enjoyed the three (or four) remaining days of our trip. If a sign or another `messenger` was sent the next day, I didn’t caught on. However, on the day of our return, we were up for another surprise as we were to have an unexpected visitor ;)

Once back in our apartmemt, we opened the window, and later on, a small bird decided to make its way into our apartment through that small opening. Curiously enough, the bird didn’t knock itself anywhere, nor did it fly all over the place. My loved one tried to catch it, but was never able to, so I tried my luck, and oddly enough, easily caught it! When I released it, the bird even lingered a second or two (or three) on the windowsill before it flew away.

A butterfly, then a bird… Now I couldn’t help but wondering : were these messengers indeed, or was my imagination running wild? The answer to that question came two or three days later, when I went back to work at the bookstore…

[B]A connexion very hard to deny…And a strange (but nice) customer[/B]
One of my colleague was discussing with a lady who seemed to have an issue with something. Since this colleague of mine wasn’t used to work with customers, as he was usually working in the backstore, I went to his aid and tried to understand the situation. The lady showed me a CD she had bought days before. It was called [I]Décrets du matin[/I] (Morning Decrees). We were a general bookstore, but we had several of these CDs from a spirituality-oriented publisher whose books were good sellers at our store.

She said she had listened to it once and didn’t like it at all. She was actually quite nice and even joked that she could definitly [I]not[/I] listen to something like [I]this [/I]in the morning… [I]Not [/I]calming at all, she said! I wasn’t sure what to do because the original package and the jewel case had been already opened, so we couldn’t offer her a refund, although I certainly wished we could, since she was so nice… But to her, that wasn’t a problem : she [I]didn’t[/I] even want a refund! She oddly insisted that we take it back. I tried to convince her to keep it because I wasn’t comfortable with the idea of taking back something without even giving a refund. [I]``Couldn’t you offer it to someone around you? Maybe someone you know would be interested to have it``[/I] I said to her. She replied -and it really struck me- that maybe [B][I]I[/I] [/B]would like to have it. It struck me because then I realized that on the CD case was a small picture of... St.Michael! And the CD contained prayers and mantras invoking his light and protection…

We kept the CD behind the counter for quite some time, because we couldn’t sell it as new. I often thought of bringing it home, but I didn’t want to tell my colleagues why I wanted it, nor did I want them to know that I had a growing interest for spiritual things… I wasn’t ready to come out of the closet, mind you ;) So it ended up in the winter sales boxes, among other second-hand looking books and CDs, and someone else happily bought it. I felt really sorry when I cashed it and wondered if it was going to be `the end of the story`. To my good surprise, I was to find out later that it was not so… But that’s another `chapter` ;)

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  1. Korpo's Avatar
    I've always wanted to go there - that island.
  2. poème's Avatar
    You should go one day then...It's really worth it! ;)
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