Welcome to the Astral Dynamics Down-Under Community.
The State of the Forum, mostly the technical information, but also includes the specific information like 'The Secret Word' that you need to register as a member of this forum.
Just as it says: Announcements, Forum FAQs and Feedback which relate to the forum, itself. This is where important announcements are posted, and where you'll find the rules, so please read. Also, please feel free to post suggestions, questions, etc. which pertain specifically to the board.
This is an informational forum to help members understand commonly asked questions or definitions. Most of the info is from Robert's books or writings, but where appropriate, other info is added. To make suggestions to add to this knowledge, please pm a moderator.
Please feel free to introduce yourself with a brief biography describing yourself and your esoteric interests.
This is where to ask direct questions of Robert Bruce. Please only ask questions that are not dealt with in his online works and books. Also please note that Robert travels extensively and is often away from his computer for weeks at a time. He answers questions here when he has the time and opportunity to do so. Short clear questions *will* get priority.
Radio and Video interviews featuring Robert Bruce, on diverse subjects
The purpose of this forum is for questions on Kundalini, and Raising Kundalini. *Please follow the same guidelines as for the 'Ask Robert Bruce' section. Keep questions clear to the point and and numbered if there is more than one question. Robert Bruce
The purpose of this forum is for users of the new 'Raising Kundalini' program to post comments and suggestions.
This is a virtual help desk where you can get help if you have any problems accessing or using using my online programs at www.AstralDynamics.com
Discuss Robert's workshops and radio talk shows.
All "Ask Robert" questions that have previously been answered in Robert's online free Tutorials & books will be moved here. Also, there are sometimes questions posted to "Ask Robert" in which others might want to participate, and those questions are sometimes copied to this forum for general discussion.
Questions and discussion about the techniques and guidelines given in Mastering Astral Projection, by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer. Discussion includes the MAP astral projection CD's for inducing altered states of consciousness.
Discuss experiences you've had while working with the exercises covered in the book and CD Set, Mastering Astral Projection.
Discussion on topics of scientific, metaphysical, and paranormal research into the areas of out of body experiences (OBE), astral projection (AP), and near death experiences (NDE)
Discussion on the personal experience of consciously induced OBE/AP, spontaneous OBE/AP, NDE, and related topics.
Discussion on topics relating to the BrainWave Generator included with "Mastering Astral Projection (M.A.P.)
Discussion on topics related to Robert Monroe's Hemi-Sync
Discussion on any other systems (other than the above) which produce altered states using sound
Discussion of dreams and dreaming experiences, lucid or otherwise.
Discussion on scientific research on the topic of dreams and dreaming, and for various speculations and techniques.
Questions and discussion of topics relating to advanced energy raising practices, experiences and side effects as ascribed to Kundalini awakening.
Discussion of energy work practices, techniques, and experiences, including Robert Bruce's NEW (New Energy Ways) and core image removal techniques, Qigong, Tai Chi, Martial Arts, Yoga, etc.
Discussion on healing concepts, techniques, methods, practices, styles, and paradigms, including self-healing
This is where you should post your requests for healing, or your offer to heal others. It can be helpful to share a picture of the person seeking healing, but please bear in mind that these forums can be read by the general public, and keep privacy considerations in mind. You can also send a PM with specific information, once you've made contact.
Discussion on development and experiences not related to the other forums, including topics such as reincarnation, the higher self, parallel lives, soul mates/twin souls, and other topics of a spiritual or psychic nature which don't have a dedicated forum
Discuss philosophical approaches that include Mysticism and Hermetic Magick. Topics include (but not limited to): promote human and God unification, astrology & cosmology of the human, control of elemental energies, alchemy, divination, evocation and invocation of higher beings, mystic projection to higher planes, ritual and ceremonial magic, kabbalah, recall of dreamstate lessons, transmutation of the human energy body, and mapping of the spirit realms.
Discussion on that most powerful of energies: love. Topics may include healing, expanded awareness, manifestation, and so on, as generated by or influenced by the use of the power of love
Discussion on all aspects, techniques and practices relating to meditation in any form, including centering prayer, yogic meditation forms, chakra meditation, guided meditations, self-hypnosis, mantra work, transcendental meditation, etc.
Discussion of topics related to conscious creation, deliberate manifesting, intention manifestation (IM), law of attraction (LOA), vibrational harmonies, and reality creation (RC), including methodology, practice, theory, and exercises
Discussion on the topic of psychic self defense, psychic protection, and psychic attack
This forum is not public-viewable and you must be signed in to read/participate in the discussions, due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter. This is a forum where people suffering from possession and serious neg (negative entity) abuse problems can share information, advice, and ask for help. Also note that this forum has stricter rules for participation than other forums on this site (see inside forum for details)
Quantum research, and related topics. Specifically, science and scientific research as it relates or may relate to matters spiritual or metaphysical
Topics relating to psi, psychokinesis, parapsychology, ghosts, hauntings, remote viewing, poltergeists, and related parapsychological subjects
Discussions on UFO experiences, research, and discoveries
Share links, jokes, and discussions that may be a little (or a lot) off topic, and have some good clean fun. Also appropriate for topics that are mostly on-topic but don't seem to fit anywhere else.
For all journals, dream, OBE and any other theme.
Books, films, television shows, music, etc., generally those related in some way to the subject and interests of this forum and its users
For questions you have always wondered about but didn't know who to ask. So ask Gnu. (Gnu isn't anyone in particular and everyone at the same time)
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Latest Blog Entry, Kundalini? by Zann