Mind Machines and the Brain Wave Generator
Does using the brain wave generator program that comes with the Mastering Astral Projection book have the same effect as using a mind machine, such as one on this webpage: http://www.amazon.com/Proteus-Mind-M...0043824&sr=8-1.
The book says that it the brain wave generator can be used in conjunction with a light and sound machine but I'm not sure how.
It is unfortunate that the CD doesn't work on Apple computers. Is there a downloadable version that does work with Macs? If not, I hope there will be one in the future.
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Re: Mind Machines and the Brain Wave Generator
Here is a thread that may be helpful: viewtopic.php?t=3675
Re: Mind Machines and the Brain Wave Generator
Thank you for the link and information.
Do you know if using a sound and light machine by itself will have the same effect as using the BWG?
Re: Mind Machines and the Brain Wave Generator
Only if it's loaded with a preset that takes you out to theta or delta. I had the impression that the BWGen can use light goggles if you want to go whole-hog on the experience. I think it would be too much for me, I'd probably have a seizure (said tongue- in- cheek, I have no preexisting conditions)
BTW, I took a look in the 'Other Altered State producing Sound', because I could have sworn there were threads on the Mind Machine, but I found very little, only one post from someone who owns one and was looking for presets for it. Maybe you can pm the OP and get more input on it.
Re: Mind Machines and the Brain Wave Generator
I think the one machine that I linked does take you to delta waves.
Speaking of sound producing altered states, I once was in a trance techno club in Germany, and being there for more than a hour I started to see strange things. Every time someone would walk to one side of the room I would then see them back at the other side of the room without them having walked back to that side. Weird. So from this experience I think that sound can produce altered states.
Thanks for your help.
Re: Mind Machines and the Brain Wave Generator
Oh, sound is known to produce altered states- there is no argument.
The thing is that different frequencies produce different states, so it depends on what you're trying to achieve. I'm sure that the MM you referenced does produce light trance, and you could take it from there. If there is no more info on it you could email them with questions, I'm sure they would help you.
Re: Mind Machines and the Brain Wave Generator
I found their website, and on it they said that the machine induces a deep dreamless sleep trance state. I think this is what I will need for doing OBEs. I'm just amazed at this type of technology. Why isn't it more popular?
Re: Mind Machines and the Brain Wave Generator
Originally Posted by Superluminal76
Why isn't it more popular?
Well, it is popular, in some circles. I've been using brainwave technology for a couple years now (I use software from a company called Transparent Corporation), and there are a lot of hypnosis sites that offer guided meditation and hypnosis tracts that incorporate brainwave technology.
The thing is, most people just aren't that interested in altering their brainwaves or anything of that sort. Even fewer people are at all interested in something as esoteric as OBE.
Re: Mind Machines and the Brain Wave Generator
Well, it's not the masses that drive progress.
I'm just worried over whether there will ever be a banning of esoteric knowledge, and that's probably why most of it is kept secret. If you've seen the X-Men movies, you'll see that so called occult-powers are seen as a threat by some people.
If OBE abilities become proven then its practice might be attacked as a security threat. This might be seen as paranoid but I think it's realistic. They might say things like these people can astral project or use psychic powers to scan out our secret military sites, and so on. But one counter to that argument might be that they can also develop these abilities and pose a counter measure, but in any case, just thinking out loud.
Re: Mind Machines and the Brain Wave Generator
Well, since esoteric knowledge comes from the inside, I don't see how anyone can ban it.
Since time immemorial esoteric knowledge has been obtained by mystics, and most religions were started by such mystics. The most danger any mystics get into is the danger of being worshipped and turned into religion. So I wouldn't worry about it.
Going to your Xmen analogy, it wasn't the knowledge that troubled humans, it was the power it engendered. And of course, at the root of all evil is Xenophobia, which is a whole different animal.