-people who help me and support me
-finally getting a budlight shirt for my job yesterday
-doing a bar job yesterday
-always finding the best shopping finds
-my beauty
-my eyes
-my lips
-having great curves
-M having taken an interest in me
-my comeback that's soon to come
-having a babydoll face
-my mario collection candy that came in the mail today
-having great taste
-having a super easy time fasting and eating much more minimally since stopping one of my meds i had suspected that i never gave a fair shot of stopping since i went right back on it after stopping in the fall and my weight starting to drop a little
-my medications
-being considered sexy
-my bully starting to be nicer
-getting through hell and starting to feel free
-the cute strawberry kitchen sponges i bought
-mopping and sweeping my kitchen floor and cleaning the stove
-having l cat over and being ready for h cat to be over
-my dad helping me get bully's real address by driving his house and giving me $40
-having the mattress in my living room now which is comfortable and makes me feel nice since it's coolest in this room
-the weather cooling off some
-people being nice to me
-pronoia and having faith
-free drinks
-kind people
-great deals
-meeting new people
-being talented
-my authenticity
-being smart
-being offered more jobs by another one of my agencies
-my lip injections
-support from others
-how my skin looks with my airbrush tan
-deciding i want to become more eco-conscious
-interesting environmental articles
-cleaning and organizing my fridge
-going for walks
-trolling others and how funny it is and laughing
-my beauty
-being sexy
-getting a check in my account yesterday that covers my rent for the month
-having nice hair
-getting a good amount of jobs from one of my regular agencies these days which will help for next month's finances
-wearing my new cat bracelet i bought recently today
-hanging out with m's husband today after he helped me run an errand and going with him to run an errand then we went to lunch
-my bed
-ice cold water
-my fashion sense
-my strawberry kitchen sponges
-iced almond milk lattes
-being easy on myself
-my medications
-my gucci slides
-having cool companies to work for
-having things to look forward to
-letting myself recover even if it's just slightly
-my creativity
-entertainment to watch on youtube and hulu
-unique tastes
-remembering fun
-making headway with the cat breaking through the cat issue barrier. i may just have done it.
-fasting today
-being productive today
-starting to heal
-my balcony
-ice cold water
-nyc trip being around the corner
-having an enjoyable conversation on the phone with J tonight
-my bed
-releasing my anger
-burning my incense on the balcony this morning
-M saying he will fix my bathroom this fall
-having nice big chest
-having a nice curvy bottom
-being beautiful
-having a very young look and voice and mannerisms
-lip injections
-having a nice body
-having lived my dreams
-being smart
-handling some of the blows i've been dealt with well
-doing some spiritual writing check-ins
-physical exercise
-going for walks
-high current facials
-being female
-my femininity
-having work
-going to the pool
-buying a concert ticket to one of my favorite music artist's
-my authenticity
-being happy for other people
-my great taste in things
-buying a new microwave
-buying chic new ice cube trays
-organizing and decluttering and cleaning the kitchen
-my discover card
-adding more purple to my hair color tonight
-having great hair
-my medications
-clorox wipes
-money working out for me
-my ny contact being like my fairy godfather
-slowly healing
-finally going on a date
-getting an ipl facial and the lady doing a really good job
-my medications
-my creativity
-having opportunities open up for me
-ice cold water
-slowly moving forward with life
-breaking barriers
-seeing my mom's cats today
-having nice curves
-my beauty
-cleaning up my living room
-my goals
-m taking me to get my shoes repaired after the front got loose after my mom's dog was jumping on me a lot at her house
-my kindness
-physical exercise
-my new microwave coming today
-new clothes i ordered coming today
-having beautiful healthy hair
-lip injections
-the internet
-donating $10 to a planting trees organization
-physical exercise
-getting things done
-getting a check and realizing i have more then enough to cover my rent so can relax about finances
-my neon green nails manicure i got at the spur of the moment the other day at the local salon
-making progress with my apartment
-my nyc contact who makes my life easier
-buying some new plates in a black color to change aesthetics and merge with old aesthetic and throwing out some old things
-sleep and rest
-happy news in the animal welfare/animal activism world
-animal lovers
-lip moisturizer
-my balcony and the beautiful view from the window in the living room
-doing a spiritual check in writing after meditating
-starting to feel better about myself again
-mr.clean magic erasers
-being able to see
-being able to hear
-being able to feel
-having the new supplement client i enjoy working for
-having a lot of work booked with my healthy food agency for this month
-getting my chic new black plates in the mail
-vegan food
-my medications
-getting my chemical peel
-getting my manicure and pedicure
-getting my eyebrows threaded
-getting my ipl photofacial
-the amazing nyc opportunities have
-my nyc contact M and how helpful and supportive he has been
-my bully being gone
-doing some spiritual reflective check in writing on the past year and how much that lifted my mood
-laughing at life
-making progress with packing and cleaning
-trying new things
-manifesting my heart's desires
-my balcony and balcony view
-my appetite shrinking
-my accomplishments
-my laptop
-my apartment
-my cats
-my phone
-my healing and recovery
-beautiful things
-beautiful moments
-being kind-hearted
-my authenticity
-fashion and style
-being smart
-compliments on my personality
-cute life moments
-that my weight has slenderized compared to winter
-touching up my hair color yesterday
-having a young looking baby face
-transforming who i am
-mr.clean magic erasers
-my creativity
-having nice curves
-the smell of rain
-having a perfume that very closely resembles the smell of rain
-my new kitchen stuff such as the black ice cube trays, strawberry sponges, mint green microwave, etc
-my goals
-believing in myself
-not being sick anymore
-having fun and letting my impulsive side out at times
-being home now
-taking my vitamins and immunity shots
-sleeping a lot and taking a nice warm shower
-lentil soup
-looking so much younger then i am
-my louis vito keychain
-getting out of town for awhile and getting the nyc experience
-being physically beautiful
-attending some nyfw fashion shows
-my gucci handbag
-going to the beach
-getting some paparazzi pics taken of me
-having my own personal retoucher
-getting a lot of looks and great service at the gucci store in new york
-having great lips
-having beautiful white roses bought for me
-getting a michael kors shirt bought for me
-all the money put into my bank account by my manager
-being smart
-buying myself gucci sunglasses to cheer myself up today
-my rilakkuma teddy bear
-being smart
-being offered a trip to costa rica
-getting good work done on my kitchen
-seeing M and M care about me and were checking up on me while i was out of town
-seeing how good i can be with direction in new york
-trying new cocktails
-delicious food
-my sense of style
-my friend picking me up from the airport
-being talented
-stayed at a talented fashion photographer's place the last few days of my stay
-discovering new things
-reading and learning
-buying a certificate for a microneedling session and a haircut
-my phone
-my eyeglasses
-self improvement
-ibuprofen for working when i felt awful and under the weather
-transforming into a new person and how exciting it is
-seeing my feral cats yesterday
-having beautiful hair
-having model beauty
-cutting ties with my manager after the final straw today with his b.s and feeling sad about it, but free
-having a great 2nd date with the sheriff the other date, and our trip to costa rica being booked
-having faith that my money crisis will work itself out
-being productive
-the purple antioxidant drinks by vive with red algae and stuff great for circulation and antiaging
-cayenne pepper
-m and her husband being helpful and nice
-seeing my feral cats
-knowing i always win
-cayenne pepper
-ice cold water
-my intense bike ride yesterday
-challenging myself and learning something new yesterday
-feeling better
-my ambition
-my sense of style
-my medications
-having just a little bit of a wild side
-having a baby face
-warm showers
-the weather still being nice
-positive news stories
-my phone
-cleaning, reorganizing, and decluttering
-spiritual nourishment
-my strength
-meeting interesting people
-making efforts
-things to look forward to
-having beautiful hair
-physical exercise
-getting positive treatment because of my looks and positive energy
-my eyeglasses
-my creativity
-being smart, logical, and empathetic
-my instagram following having increased
-being back home
-being silly and having fun
-bar promos
-getting my recaps done
-my new benzos and xanax pillows
-pulling it together
-accepting myself
-vegan food
-mobile photo apps
-finally finding an editing app i like on my phone
-the guy i'm seeing taking me to costa rica and deciding to after only one date!
-having a baby face
-watching a great fashion show online from milan fashion week i enjoyed
-my talents
-switching back to the antidepressnt i was on before
-self forgiveness
-cleaning,organizing, and decluttering
-the great date i had last week
-being a nice person
-my new gucci sunglasses i bought last week
-my great taste in things
-being in a better place then i was two months ago
-my eyeglasses
-setting intentions and prayer
-getting a sweet little gift for the guy im seeing from work
-nice weather
-my style
-being unique
-trusting life and going with the flow
-ice cold water
-having photos for a new article for my publication
-having a photo i love of myself from my last trip
-my dreams that have come true so far
-new experiences
-abundance in my life
-having a day off tomorrow
-all the cool things i've done in my life
-my strength
-my creativity
-those that support me
-living on my own for over a year now and how amazing that is and easy it's been
-laughing at life
-allowing myself to recover
-masculine energy
-vegan food
-being over DM
-seeing JM and that it's been going well
-going to costa rica next week
-recovering and healing
-aloe vera
-losing weight
-going for a bike ride today
-losing weight
-bar promos
-my sense of style
-finding a mobile app finally that smooths skin again the way i like
-an idea coming to me that i think is going to work and help me with the money problems i've been having
-trying on my new gucci sunglasses and how amazing they looked
-having a little more money in my account today and faith that i will get through this financial hurdle
-all my pretty things
-my medications
-listening to some tibetan singing bowls
-updating my resume
-my beauty
-physical exercise
-having baby face
-sending out emails for jobs
-getting my . so now i wont have it while im in costa rica
-my accomplishments and things i've achieved
-the funny halloween decorations that are out
-moving forward
-all that i have going for me