-that at least D getting so angry at me and jealous and freaking out shows he cares a lot more then he lets on like i often thought
-at least D said his feelings of anger instead of not communicating it
-that D said we can be cool with each other
-finding out P likes me a lot and talking on the phone for hours the other night
-P saying im not an object but a diamond
-my body looking smaller
-my clothes looking nicer on me
-my arms looking smaller, and more toned
-being a loving person
-my abs getting more sculpted
-eating more vegetables
-skipping meals some days
-having beautiful eyes
-going to yoga class tonight
-cleaning some things
-acid beauty solutions
-being smart
-being creative
-trying a new vegan food product and loving it
-my venus dimples
-my beauty
-self compassion
-my beautiful crystal chanel mug
-talking with my psychiatrist today
-feeling calmer about my living situation since researching tenant rights in my city, and ♥♥♥♥♥ protections as well, and looking at my lease
-my new hyaluronic acid i use
-having nice cleavage
-my hair color that accidentally turned darker then expected growing on me
-being very physically attractive
-my feminine energy
-trying to be productive
-beautiful things
-getting the song i like cut to the part i want for my ringtone
-going to the gym today
-anxiety medication to calm me down
-my starbucks vanilla bean drink i had today
-seeing D really did have some kinds of feelings for me to get the way he did
-my acupressure mat
-me realizing some changes i want to make such as long no longer crazy shaming myself, not letting neighbors bother me anymore, doing more things to empower myself, working on career more, becoming a smidge more quieter, smarter, and just a lot of reflecting lately over all
-hot guys
-having beautiful lips
-organizing some papers
-my new pink glitter folder
-doing a little reading
-skincare face masks
-being a kind person
-the little heater in my living room
-rearranging things
-learning casual polish speaking on the app i've been using
-my venus dimples
-having a nice lower body
-my prada candy night perfume
-doing love meditations lately as a spirituality challenge
-meditating and getting new ideas
-chemistry feelings with a guy you like
-how beautiful trees are
-deciding i want to become more intellectual
-new experiences
-being an interesting person
-new affirmations i'm using
-lint rollers
-fabric refresh spray
-great design
-great lighting
-techno music
-discovering new music
-getting new ideas
-utilizing my resources
-being smart
-seeing my feral cats yesterday
-halloween candy
-having a feeling D may be checking on me
-lint brushes
-changing and evolving
-knowing how to use my oven now
-my acupressure mat
-the nail stickers i got the other day
-doing laundry
-sweeping the bathroom floor
-talking to M's husband on the phone today
-baby wipes
-working on improving myself
-learning casual polish language
-doing some stretches and toning exercise
-trying to see the fun and joy in things
-my beauty
-having nice lips
-having nice eyes
-good skincare products
-my femininity
-coming back to myself
-fabric refresh spray
-trying to get centered and grounded
-being convinced the disaster last night that occured had to have happened to bring me and D together again. Enough times something external happens to bring us together.
-how gorgeous D's eyes are, and attractive he is
-how sweet and polite D is and seeing he wasn't affected by what happened and seeing he had things i gave him out in the open on display in his living room
-that maybe D does care
-going to the gym today
-not being so scared of my landlord anymore
-epiphanies i've had lately
-beautiful weather
-night skies
-swedish fish
-having beautiful eyes
-beautiful things
-my hair color
-being smart
-calming down and seeing things more objectively now
-my talent
-having a kind heart
-knowing my heart's desires
-my acupressure mat
-my venus dimples
-having nice curves
-M's husband coming in the middle of the night to help
-feeling my feelings
-self compassion
-feeling more romantic lately
-having 3 upcoming jobs
-being considered attractive by others
-my new travel size lint roller
-finishing painting my nails
-trying to drink more water
-starting case notes last night
-seeing M's husband today
-seeing a wolf today
-vegan eggs
-my anxiety meds
-other people thinking i'm beautiful
-being smart
-my hair color
-working yesterday
-having nice eyes
-getting a new selfie for social media of myself
-cleaning products
-self compassion
-beautiful weather today
-trying to push through with life
-having a unique personality
-looking and seeming very young
-drinking more water today
-cleaning and organizing the bed
-having nice lips
-my acupressure mat
-beautiful things
-doing a little reading
-listening to some crown chakra music
-learning polish
-being a friendly person
-doing laundry
-buying crushed red peppers
-my neighbor letting me see her place today and being nice and normal
-listening to advice
-connecting with others
-new experiences
-getting my screening done and finding out valuable info
-the stuff for D coming in the mail
-my unemployment state funds and how long i have left for it seeming to have extended
-massaging my scalp
-massaging my face and neck
-starting to get close to being on a better sleep schedule
-kundalini yoga
-my beauty
-having beautiful eyes
-having a nice personality
-drinking more water today
-my creativity
-my thoughtfulness
-wearing heels today
-doing laundry today
-taking out the garbage today
-my chanel crystals cup
-my talent
-J emailing me to follow up on some ideas of his own for our upcoming project
-drinking hibiscus tea today
-my femininity
-ferrum phossum tissue salts
-my thoughts becoming more rationalized and calmer
-more affirmation D has been checking on me lately since around september
-being empathetic
-being smart
-things to be grateful for
-confirming more jobs lately
-M's friend randomly gifting me money today
-healthy digestion
-tony's chocoloney sea salt caramel chocolate bars
-going to the gym today
-having beautiful eyes
-my abs getting really sculpted
-tenants unions and the unions i've been having help me
-having a kind heart
-being someone who fights for what's right
-getting my new internet assistance from the financial assistance finally set up today
-having an attorney for my case
-discovering interesting and cool new things
-having a warm apartment
-my sense of style
-supporting small businesses
-cleaning products
-that i've done a good job fixing my purse
-hyaluronic acid
-doing some reading today
-doing some write-ups last night
-having a baby face
-awesome phone apps
-baby wipes
-self massage
-being open-minded
-seeing and talking to m's husband today
-my white claw t-shirt
-having a nice backside
-face rolling
-my thoughtfulness
-great design
-seeing H cat today and the other ferals
-getting my bracelet today
-getting my phone call done today with lcbh
-my bed of nails
-my glycolic acid body serum
-my beauty
-cleaning products
-getting on the discounted internet plan
-having another job tomorrow
-having beautiful hair
-D's eyes
-realizing I have in my eyes a similiarity to D's
-having interesting culture and background
-having goals
-tissue salts
-getting money deposited into my account today
-clothes fitting nicer today
-having great bone structure
-having an eye for content creation
-beautiful things
-finding my prada sock that had been missing for awhile
-making a dentist appointment
-catching up on things
-learning helpful new things
-getting homeopathic meds for H cat
-baby wipes
-positive news articles
-working today
-having a nice face
-my bed of nails
-my hair color and having nice hair texture and attractive hair
-my lips
-cleaning products
-activism for positive changes
-great design
-supporting small businesses
-kava tea
-my last action to tell D im done basically
-cleaning products
-the tenants unions helping me
-beautiful things
-making efforts to pick up the pieces
-root beer
-getting my place much cleaner
-seeing a black cat in my neighborhood again and putting cat food out for the cat in case he/she seen it
-being an interesting person
-hyaluronic acid
-being smart
-my laptop
-my phone
-self massage
-apple cider vinegar giving my skin a nice glow the other day
-being beautiful
-having nice lips
-having nice eyes
-finishing my recap tonight
-opening a new checking account
-doing some reading tonight