-people being understanding
-getting another gofundme donation today
-waking up feeling a little more normal and less depressed today
-beauty products
-wanting to be beautiful
-taking out the garbage
-changing the litter box
-taking care of my skin
-my pink neon light
-being seen as attractive
-seeing the attractive nurse guy at the donation place i go to
-getting in a plasma donation today
-drinking water
-how cute and loving my cats are
-listening to chakra music
-doing sit ups and my abs getting flatter and stronger from it
-ice cold drinks
-icy sweet drinks
-my new no1 cares at all purse
-luxury lipstick
-having great taste
-working on self improvement
-finding the joy in it again
-my accomplishments
-being productive and speeding up how much i am doing
-good, passionate music
-seeing things more positively and working to change how i see my reality
-hot guys
-seeing i got a $50 transit card in the mail
-having an appt with a new therapist this week
-hot tea
-being kind
-being smart
-feeling the world change as my perception changes
-looking young
-having sophistication
-all those who donated to me
-having positive psychic money dreams
-getting paid for jobs in july
-proving those who want/expect me to fail wron
-remembering the power of gratitude and old desires manifested, even the simplest ones and the pleasure it brings
-chakra music
-M's husband checking on potential W sighting
-trying to be productive
-drinking water
-being stylish
-beautiful designs
-working on my mental diet
-clean clothes
-cleaing spray
-having a place to live
-cat hugs
-seeking help
-manifesting my desires
-new ideas
-wanting to be more motivated and to better myself
-trying to become spiritually rooted again
-hand wash
-being smart and elegant
-my eyesight
-weather feeling nice
-brushing my hair
-being in the know on trends
-allowing myself to feel
-breaking apart walls holding me in from experiencing my desired reality
-my pink neon light
-having integrity
-deciding to work on solutions to problems
-having jobs confirmed for October
-a job I applied to, having my lifecoach and M give them a good reference.
-my psychiatrist appt going well today
-walking more
-getting an offer for rental assistance and sending the w9 to my landlord
-taking better care of my skin
-drinking water
-having a nice intense ritual meditation last night
-waking up on time and making it to my appt
-being paid for all July jobs
-changing how I do things
-changing perspectives on things
-getting my eyebrows threaded
-touching up my hair color
-showering more
-people being kind to me
-positive memories
-cool, cute and creative designs
-getting my meowbucks apron for B cat's Halloween costume and how adorable it is and how well packaged it came in beautiful tissue paper and ribbon
-evolving as a person
-immersing myself in new ideas
-trying to go with the flow
-feeling like I look thinner
-new desires
-how good the sun felt today
-my great taste
-having nice lips
-cleaning wipes
-hair ties
-having large eyes
-ab exercises
-self compassion
-starting a digital vision board
-being in the industries I'm in
-embracing being humbled
-filtering what I say more
-M still being nice to me
-my style
-pedometer on my phone
-hot tea
-new ideas
-mind sunshine
-shedding away old layers of me
-beautiful objects
-having a poetic mindset
-appreciating living old desires manifested
-looking so young
-my mood starting to lift just a bit
-having realizations and epiphanies
-laughing at the obvious jealousy others have of me
-my cats in their Halloween costumes for this year, having that bought and how adorable they look. Being able to have one little thing to make me smile and laugh
-how nice it feels outside
-remembering fun
-my ambition levels increasing
-cat hugs
-decorating my windows in pumpkin decals. My first time decorating outside.
-putting my little witch out in the living room for decoration that M gave me years ago
-having goals and desires
-showering a little more often
-taking more care to my skin
-feeling a little more attractive
-having jobs starting this week.
-getting another gofundme donation
-having psychic money dreams and seeing them come true
-having a new laptop M gave me
-having integrity
-the new cloud feeding mat for the cats
-having a beautiful look
-my grey fall jacket
-apple cider vinegar
-cleaning spray
-having money on public transit cards
-face rollers
-looking young
-M dropping stuff off today
-my faith in God helping me through what's going on
-walking more
-reflecting on my life and where I want it to go, what I want to shed away
-staying strong
-my determination
-listening to others success stories
-working on releasing old baggage
-drinking water
-embracing what is
-being able to donate plasma
-my creativity
-beauty in life
-pleasant memories
-cool experiences I've had
-being a giving person
-being able to think differently
-being able to change things.
-remembering spiritual things about reality
-letting myself cry
-buying lysol wipes
-making a payment towards rent
-realizing J's wife L actually just exposed her husband and made him look bad and herself
-having a job coming up
-peaceful sounds
-holding my cats
-expressing myself
-staying strong
-wearing makeup
-the nurse at the plasma center that I find kind of attractive
-my landlord being patient with me
-halloween decorations
-my accomplishments with my first career
-processing my feelings
-great designs
-having a baby face
-my hair color
-texting and email more resources
-self forgiveness
-people to text and message online
-standing up for myself
-being safe
-face rolling
-hot guys
-My mood lifting 1000% after starting work again this week
-people having sympathy for me what I went through
-well dressed guys
-well dressed people
-fashion inspiration
-someone I worked with in March finding me at work this week and hanging out with me and making me feel very welcome.
-taking the train since the first time in a few years
-taking the bus since the first time in a few years
-someone helping guide me the right way to go when I had trouble finding work the first day of job 2 this month
-being considered very attractive still
-being considered cute
-free lunch at all my jobs I had this month so far
-God protecting me from J and L doing anything further to me since last Friday
-realizing how I want to be a better person
-htdroxzyine helping my allergies
-drinking water
-drinking orange juice
-looking younger than others my age range
-being smart
-my anxiety medication
-having a decent psychiatrist
-making all my new psychiatrist and therapist appts
-iced lattes
-cute seasonal things
-experiencing cool new things like a magician doing magic trick with me and meeting a woman from guiness book of world record records
-randomly running into the girl who was my roommate at the psych ward at my psychiatrist appt
-comfortable socks
-nice weather
-beautiful architecture in my city
-being resourceful
-working hard
-feeling ambitious
-M helping me
-walking more
-my brown joggers
-paper towels
-kind and helpful people
-my lip scrub
-walking more
-finding the things that bring me joy and remembering things that did
-the nerve tonic I bought recently
-my accomplishments
-the art of femininity
-my allure
-baby wipes
-apple cider vinegar
-my landlord being patient
-working on my comeback
-mirror affirmations
-being able to order cat litter yesterday
-getting to read notes from doctor appts at new place
-drinking water
-Halloween candy
-getting an apple crisp macchiato the other day and how delicious it was.
-cleaning the bathroom sink
-pumpkin bread
-how sweet and loving my cats are
-someone bringing my groceries by the door for me
-helpful people
-drinking orange juice lately
-buying bleach and a lint roller today
-healthy digestion
-ordering a chic new coat online
-laughing at haters and how hard people try proving themselves to me
-looking at old accomplishments and memories
-doing laundry
-being proactive
-reaching my goals
-confirming 2 jobs today
-gratitude for being humbled and looking at the bright side of things
-having goals and desires
-bring b and p cat outside
-being resourceful
-M helping me
-attempting to call the law firm
-starting to believe in myself and good things again
-rates going up and things improving for the work I do
-God working things out for me
-learning and processing things
-halloween decorations
-being considered very beautiful
-shedding away old aspects of me to become new
-seeing people who were awful getting theirs even if it's not very nice of me to take joy in
-not letting those who wish ill will on me to have power over me
-ordering toner
-getting pet safe pesticide spray
-house feeling less gross and safer from things i did the last week
-taking care of my skin
-getting my coat i ordered in the mail
-finding gratitude in getting humbled
-cleaning a little today
-my landlord being patient with me
-my outlets working once i awoke from my nap
-my mood lifting today
-being hired as an election judge
-having an interview tommorow
-drinking orange juice
-having vegan chicken tenders for dinner
-having enough money to get a pouch of cat food
-cat hugs
-finishing some of my election judge training
-my house feeling cozy from the heat
-clean clothes
-being smart
-having nice eyes
-having tapered down to half the amount of anxiety medication i was taking this year compared to the last 3 years which is actually huge
-brushing my hair
-setting intentions
-possibly talking to that nurse i kind of have a crush on yesterday on the phone(it sounded like him).
-my laptop
-the power of surrender
-my mood being better and being more coherent than when i first left the hospital
-working again and exceeding my earnings from the last month before i stopped working again
-trying out my fitness app just now and doing some exercise
-my dad sharing his hbo login with me and watching some movies this past week
-clean clothes
-the blue joggers i wore today
-making efforts to fix my life
-not letting my ex's wife get to me so much anymore
-knowing my ex's wife is going crazy because she is jealous and that she's not stable
-beautiful things
-the landlord coming to my place and fixing the radiators
-facing my fears
-seeing M's husband again and breaking the ice finally and seeing he seemed to want to talk for longer and see me
-drinking water
-drinking orange juice
-new experiences
-fun and pleasant memories
-halloween decorations
-being smart
-halloween candy
-reflecting on things
-having ideas
-finding old flash drives
-how cute my cats are
-cat hugs
-becoming more patient
-having a nice hair color
-having a new coat for the season
-being compassionate
-having desires and goals
-putting care into my appearance
-getting paid
-hearing back from another boss
-having jobs coming up
-having clean teeth
-my new toner
-being smart
-ordering hair bleach
-ordering black hiking shoes with sparkles on them
-drinking water
-being rational
-mailing my dad's birthday card finally
-healthy digestion
-pet safe pesticide spray
-cool uses for technology
-having great taste
-redeeming a $75 off juvederm deal
-great ideas
-ordering an ipl certificate
-clean socks
-physical exercise
-getting an apple crisp macchiato yesterday
-my pink light
-my beauty
-hot drinks
-things slowly returning to a new normal
-being able to think for myself
-cat hugs
-being kind
-learning a lot this year
-being in the trends
-having goals
-M being there for me
-working through my feelings