I was walking with a man beside me in some town, a part of my mind was telling me that this man is my best friend and we were talking casually when suddenly a strange feeling came to me like a shock, I look around only to perceive I didn't know the Man or the town(lucidity), I loudly proclaimed my lucidity and start to bombard the man with questions, but he was looking nervous and angry, he was cursing to himself, he suddenly moved and touched my forehead with his finger and my body became completely numb and paralyzed, I couldn't even talk. He was talking to himself how much effort he put into creating this perfect dream and now everything is wasted, he erupted at me how the next time he will make the dream so perfect that I will have no chance of gaining lucidity ever again. With a second touch to my forehead he woke me up.
IA, I have a little suggestion for you to try out, if you are sometimes waking after 4-5 hours of sleep(at least), try this: "I want a waking dream" repeat it at least ten times before falling asleep again, this is a little hack that will make your remaining dreams a lot more live like, not lucid but pretty close without ruining the dream structure, if your intention is strong enough it can give you the ability to navigate yourself inside the dream with a free will, good luck and have dazzling dreams :thumbsup: