-getting to meditate this morning. ah,love it.
-having house to myself again for a little while
-having breakfast
-feeling better then yesterday morning upon waking
-job this week is still on,and got a follow up email today about it. will be so nice to get a paycheck again.
-that so far it's actually been a pretty easy transition mostly so far with being here
-more stuff being organized since yesterday
-doing a little root chakra sound therapies last night before bed
-having dreams/desires
-taking things one day at a time
-feeling like best friend maybe does care for me with how angry he is at me. his actions scream he wants attention. he was complaining to his parents and his dad told him he has to let that anger go,it's not healthy. why is he so angry if i'm out of his life now? I haven't spoken to him in almost 6 weeks. It almost makes me thinks he wants me to have tried contacting him. He literally came in and cut himself out of my art print. On one hand,it seems he is being so mean and on the other,it makes me think he wishes i did try to contact him and is surprised i didn't. but what did he expect after the news he broke and finding out all those lies,and not to mention it's also pointless considering R probably reads all his texts. I love him,but sometimes you push someone away to a point where all you can do is let go. It just makes no sense why he is being mean to me still when he dropped me.
-that i almost know how to drive,and i know this is the year i will be getting my liscense. it seems silly with how long it's taking,but it doesn't matter,it's a goal i know i'm going to achieve and progress is an amazing feeling.i could probably pass the test if i were to go now,but we are waiting until i'm so good,that there is no chance i won't pass on the first try.
-actresses/models with a look like mine
-comedy show actors and watching some clips last night before bed