Re: IA´s dream diary....
In my Dreams last night I was in 2 different and challenging situations...first I was in a forest with wild animals attacing us, and I had Children and some grown ups to protect...we found a high Cage in the forest and I said, we climb up on the Cage roof and sleep for the night, the morning did come and I noticed that the side we climbed up to the Cage was very high, but on the other side it was low...the ground so to speak...it was horrible to notice that we where not at all protected as I thought, but not knowing about the true circumstances all Went well, but it did really make me Think in new patterns so to speak....
This seequence was me sitting in a car with a man, I can´t say who he was, he was the driver, and we was supposed to drive over a bridge but he refused to drive over it, and he said he want drive becides the bridge, I tried to tell him that it might be difficut to find a way to get back on the road again, and it might be obstacles we can not drive past...but he did want me to give him a go to drive his way, and I said...okay...all Went rather well and we ended up on the other side of the bridge but it was too steep the bank and I told him..see...we can not drive up here the car will not manage it to the road...so we looked futher down and noticed to see staires rather low so it would be managable to drive the car up to the road..but he now again wanted to drive backwards....he turned the car around but here I have had it...I did get out of the car and started to walk into the forest...suddenly I had a Child with me...but in somehow he dissapeared and I was all alone..now I did see a house on a hill and I was going there, I found a pathway and I was releved because Before that I was Walking in a high grass and it was difficult...now I felt something on my right leg on the caf but on the right side...I was too occupied to climb up to the house so I was thinking I will look into the leg later...now it was so steep and I was thinking...they can in no way drive a car on this road up to the house...I was totally taking all off me to get up to the house but I did manage...I got into the house and there was 2 women an older and a younger one...and some Children...I was so exhausted so she the younger said..lay on the couch for a minut...and I did...after a while I rose up and now I looked at my caf....it was 2 heded snake...not alive but like a braclese of some kind...the women did take it fast..and did not want to talk about it...so I only said...it must have bean on the couch where it did stick to my leg...and we did not talk more about it
There was more too but I am too comfused of the Dreams warying so much and so much of happening and strong feelings involved...I have to let it sink in....I might come back and fill in more if I see it nessessary....huh...what a night :-)
Re: IA´s dream diary....
The night Before last I did have an experience what I did not record because I was asking John if it was him in my Dream and if he was aware of it...I do not know how John look like...but the feeling I had was that it was him...the feeling I have got from his Writings here...the Dream was like this...I woke up in the Dream when I noticed an energy entering my sphere so to speak...Í looked at the right from where the energy was coming...and a Young mans face appeared ....I asked...who are you...he only smiled but did not say anything...Now a new energy approaces me from my front...and I at once see it is my first cousin M...and I grabbed her on her shoulders and said...Hi, it is me...do you recognize me...she did not...and is now looking total in fear at me...I started to Think...she does look like just as my cousing M but can not be her because she does not recognize me...so my thoughts go like this...do I not look like as me as I do in my flesch body??...how do I look like in my energy essence....so these questions did arise...but why did she look like her..but did not recognize me as me??....who can answere this to me...why it was like this??
Re: IA´s dream diary....
Last night in my Dream I did have a bicysle...first I was so happy the bicysle being so robust...but when I started to sit on it I noticed being very hard to manuevre, it was Heavy, and almoste impossible to bike on...my son did sit behind me and where he was sitting was very odd too, we where like in a garage and I saw that the way out of the garage was very steep upwards, so the pedals Place was also odd...very front on the bicysle and when trying to pedal I had to stretch my legs so far away so it felt total impossible to make it...so here I awoke myself from the Dream
Re: IA´s dream diary....
From last night Dream I only remember me saying...3/4 what kind of car is that??
Re: IA´s dream diary....
Last night Dream I was with my teen bf...and his brother...my teen bf is no longer with us here but his brother is...so we where going to Movies, I had given them as birthday present tikets to Movies, and now they wanted to use them...when we where at the Movie theater I asked if they had theires tikets...the brother said yes...by my teen bf said no...I said...we try to as if I can come later with the tiket...he said the man at the door that there is only one spot left...I said..they have tikets, and that I will come with the bf´s tiket later..now it changed and there was no spots left so the both left (my bf´s brother and the bf) they did leave me at the theater...I did not even know where they had parked the car...so I tried first to find them..but gave up..and started to walk home...it was far a way...I saw it from bird´s perspective so I knew on what direction to take Walking...I come to a house and Went inside to ask for directions...when I come out to the street I saw a man..and his face expression did tell me..that he had bean the one to play the role of my decesed teen bf...he did give me the message that I must try to feel secure with other men too...I am Crying now here...it was so intence and off course true too....
In this seequenze I was with the princess Madelaine of Sweden...I had bought envelopes to give her so she can send me photos..I said..I have not buy you any stamps you might use the Royal mark maybe....
Re: IA´s dream diary....
Last night was very intence again....I was in a Place I did not recognize at all...I did see a Child and grownup´s, and I see a Cobra raising from the grass, I am backing away slowly from it...and I shout to the grownup´s...take the Child away...and they do..suddenly I have a Child with me and we go into a house...I read a name on the door...my aunt´s from fathers side...I re-check and yes it is her Place...I take the Child inside there but they do not want us to stay...so I take the Child with me and leave...
In this episode I am in a manage and I am hurt and lying on the ground...no one come to help me but the horse...my bf is talking with a women and I am amazed he did not come to my help...I go to him and ask if he could see what the horse did...no he said..no off course not..you was so occupied with other thing´s...so I walked away...and now he panic and tries to hold me in his grip, and I say...let go of me...he are not willing to do so...I have to say it many time´s...let go of me...and in the end he let me go...I am so dissapointed and hurt...I go to pack my things...now I am in a lo what they have in country side...and my son in talking through the door, and asking what is happening...I say that I have had it...I am leaving...now the bf have talked about me being so jellous and making a scean...and not at all saying how the reality was...so I am not talking to anyone of his friends anymore...and they are compelled...but if they do not see the truth, then I am not the one telling them...they will see it everntually.
Now in this episode I am bitten by the snake..it is not anymore Cobra...it is a very poisoned snake...a very Little one...I was accepting it in some way...like ..it was expected when me only Walking away and not fighting for my rights.
Re: IA´s dream diary....
In last night Dream I was on a bridge with very much snow so you couldn´t see the bridge at all, it was snow covered. I walked on the snow and suddenly it did break and I fell down, someone was with me who did shout my name, I fell under the brigde but the snow did fell outside so it did not fell on me...I shouted..I am okay...but no-one lended a hand to me...I had to crawle by my own up to the bridge what was left of it...there was a lot of people but no-one did anything...so I started to say...to whom do we report this, they must come with a sighn´s that no-one will drive on this bridge...no-one cared..I could see politians too, I approached them but they only hided behind their Magazines....so I raised my voice and suddenly 2 polititians did rise and said...follow me...we Went into a building and they asked a man if he could report further, but there was a crisis in his office, and the co-worker did go home and he said...I will get new one first thing on the tuesday, so he was not willing to help...we Went further into the building and now they vanished...I enterd alone into a room full of people...I said...the bridge is broken, you need to allert someone to Close down the bridge...No-one said anything still they where hiding behind Magazines...Now I did for the first time speak up...and I noticed my voice to be broken...I was compelled to hear how strange my voice was...so I appologized for me having the Cold and my voice was not strong enough...but now I did allert people to listen...and I said...Now I have said it...if you do not do anything it is on you all...you are the one´s who can do something about this...I have done my part...
Re: IA´s dream diary....
I have had some nights now different way to Dream than Before, I do not know how to even decribe it...but it might be more accurad to say...Before when I have said...I awoke in the Dream..it was a fake awakening...when now I am awake in the Dream, and it is therefore I do not feel I am dreaming, but I still say to myself...remember this....so I have felt total awake and I know I was dreaming when I woke up, because I was in my bed :-)
I in the Dream was talking and telling about how I with working with my memories and that my mother has confirmed my age, but off course she does not Believe me finding this memory because I was only like 7 months age...but nevertheless I have found these memories and some memories what my parent´s have hide from me, this is so delecate that I did not even preassure more to know about, did accept the way mother wanted to tell about it...whilst Crying her Eyes out...so I have in the last few nights being talking about memory work to someone who whas interested to hear...like Learning out how I did.
Re: IA´s dream diary....
I have started new way to be in my Dreams..I wonder if it is what you call lusid...I can tell that the body or I am not the body but the air or maybe like a mist or a cloud material...and I can see me such as too...it is more difficult to keep me near a physical person so to speak...I am in this lusid state like a White air...I saw my grandchild A and I tried to talk to her...I know she did see me but I also felt she will never admit....so now I did go and visit her in my body so to speak...and I asked her...did you see me when I was invisible...she said first no...but then she said...I did see you when you where gray...so have I gone from gray to White??...It seams that I have.
It is rather interesting to try to keep me collected so to speak when I am this air or mist or what to call it...maybe eather...I still want to feel "collected" to feel secure...as we are collected in our body....so more training and all will change I am sure and get more interesting :-)
Re: IA´s dream diary....
Last night I dreamt that I was watching energies how a girl did inhale them...I did not know if it was okay for her to do so, or if I should have done something to prevent that to be happening...so I observed and then I tried to blow air at her to see what happens and now the energies did not go into her mouth, but from her own mouth come an energy to stop me from breathing air at her, I was wondering if it was her own protection or if the energies did do that...I never found out what was what....
In this seequence a women told me that after you die you can not do any gymnastic for 6 month...I did find this very odd but did not ask why, somehow I did accept it...
In this seequence I did help a women who was Crying she was sitting on the floor and I helped her into a bed...
In this seequence I did go to bathroom when I noticed my clothings to be embarresing, I had pink transparant knikers and a very short dress, I was wondering why I had not put leggings on me when the dress was so short...it was not me...and I was thinking who did influence me to dress this way...I did not find out...and I awoke myself....