
Type: Posts; User: juancarlosreyesp

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  1. Why there are no dates available for booking?

    Hello, why are no dates available for booking neither august, neither september?

    Thank you :)
  2. Replies

    Re: Mental attack with the Him

    Meanwhile you talk about attack of energy, and minds (negs); I say that are the secondary attacks, the first and more importat attack is always mental, programming, and in the programming, the more...
  3. Replies

    Mental attack with the Him

    Hello Robert Bruce

    Mental attack with the Him, I want to share with you
    Remember Him, is like to say, he is the absolute god, creator of everything and everyone, etc.

    This is what I talk about...
  4. Re: Depersonalization induced by meditation ?!

    Try some guided meditation, like the app Expanded from Monroe Institute :)
  5. Re: Some opinion about inhibitory trance and expander trance

    Thank you :)
  6. Re: Some opinion about inhibitory trance and expander trance


    The inhibitor trance, down, deeper and deeper, getting out of yourself, you fall asleep, inhibits intuition.

    The expander trance, in your mind infinitely up, contacting your guides, your...
  7. Some opinion about inhibitory trance and expander trance

    Hello, I had discovered there are two types of trance,
    The inhibitor trance, says: you go deeper and deeper, you sleep, etc. I even discovered some suggesting saying you go deeper and get out of...
  8. Mr Brue, did you tried tik tok for marketing

    I see Tik Tok is great for getting more customers and spread knowledge.
    Is different than facebook and youtube, but you have to follow some guidelines like frequent post and some tricks, maybe you...
  9. Re: Practice of organizing the field of Zhineng Qigong

    Hola CF Traveler te mand? un mail, por si te interesa este proceso de estructuraci?n.
  10. Re: Practice of organizing the field of Zhineng Qigong

    There is a free audio of 14 mn, I didn't buy anything.
  11. Re: Practice of organizing the field of Zhineng Qigong

    There is visualization
  12. Re: Practice of organizing the field of Zhineng Qigong

    Now I understand the three chakras theory, the dantians, it was an old practice in the Qigong, interesting :).
  13. Re: Practice of organizing the field of Zhineng Qigong

    Here is an example in spanish of 14 mn to organize the field.
  14. Practice of organizing the field of Zhineng Qigong

    Hello Robert Bruce, which is your opinion about the practice of organizing the Zhineng Qigong field?

    This is what I wanto to do, a comprehensive process of structuring, but includes Him and more...
  15. Replies

    Re: Moved: About Changing The Past

    The books of Regression Therapy Winafred lake Lucas Ph. D.
    could help you :)
  16. Replies

    Re: About Changing The Past

    Yes, I was adviced by a higher mind, to do this periodically, that was before I started my investigations about neonazism, the assassination of higher minds, and others.

    You have to relax and...
  17. Replies

    Re: About Changing The Past

    Yes is possible, is advisable you periodically, contact yourself in the past and communicate what you had learned, you don't have to go to the past physically, you can use a technique like Silva's...
  18. Re: Some improved concepts about the structuring of the trinity in the mind and mental body functioning

    1.1 LAYER OF THE BEING: The Trinity Son: The execution of the patterns
    The Son is the patterns an mental structures and functioning conceived in the Father, made reality.
    It is the effective...
  19. Re: Some improved concepts about the structuring of the trinity in the mind and mental body functioning

    Anoter ideas I have about trinity if your are interested :)

    1.1 Functioning of the Mind
    1.1.1 Introduction: The Plan and the reality: The Trinity, the One, the Him and the Love through the...
  20. Re: Some improved concepts about the structuring of the trinity in the mind and mental body functioning

    These techniques are done through visualization and project through the higher mind.

    The second technique is the draing and destruction of mental energies across the mental body, that structures...
  21. Some improved concepts about the structuring of the trinity in the mind and mental body functioning

    Everything is mind
    The perfect One is mind,
    The creational plan is the expansion of the mind, the creation of a new One, in an area where there was no mind
    Theorically a group of evolved...
  22. Re: Mental self defense and programming in one's subconsciousness as a god

    real technique for vampirims and the details of god structuring in one self

    Here are some details of the complexity of setting god, the reason is because is not enough to say I'm the only one god...
  23. Mental self defense and programming in one's subconsciousness as a god

    Hello only one thought :)

    The god assignment, first steps of mente defence

    The god assignment is very important because it saves programming, in example instead of giving permission, right,...
  24. Re: The essence of self defense and the structuring of the mental min

    Here are some example of suggestions for those who don't know about hypnosis
    Suggestion: Geometrical activation of cognitive functions
    This must be done for every cognitive function awake,...
  25. Re: The essence of self defense and the structuring of the mental min

    The need to property use the order to structure the mind through the different levels of Him.
    There is a Him0, the creational, the mind heat and patthers, the energy...
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