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Thread: Why do i scare my wife at night?

  1. Why do i scare my wife at night?

    Hello all, I am new to this forum and have recently started to study the work of Robert Monroe and Robert Bruce, and have not had any experiences (at least that I recall) with AP or lucid dreaming. I have started a dream journal and when i wake up i try to recall the nights experiences, usually with some degree of success.

    During the time that I have been married (about 10 months) there have been a couple times where I do something like hit my wife in my sleep, but this past week has been bad for some reason. I hit my wife in the back one night, another night i started grabbing at her (all in a very deep sleep). I've sat up and muttered gibberish, sometimes words, and last night I put my hand over my mouth and started making deep unintelligible noises which scared my wife very much. It seems that it has become more frequent and I cannot figure out why.

    I am not unstable or disturbed, if anything I am under emotional. I have never been through anything traumatic in my life, and although I have an unpleasant dream from time to time, I have never had problems with "night terrors". I love my wife dearly, and would never harm her or try to scare her. I have bad sleep inertia, and when she finally gets me to awake enough, I am confused and have no memory of what I have been doing and I cannot recall what dreams would have caused my actions, no matter how hard I try.

    Please help if you have any advice! I do not want this to become more frequent!

  2. #2

    Re: Why do i scare my wife at night?

    Do a quick search on REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. I think what pops up with those search terms will answer some of your questions. Take care.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: Why do i scare my wife at night?

    I do this occasionally, it's just biological. There is some overlay that happens- when it happens it's not 'her', it's who you're dreaming about. She's just there to receive the physical hits. Unless there's some unresolved stuff, of course.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    South Coast, NSW, Australia
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    Re: Why do i scare my wife at night?

    Cirrus Minor, please let us know what course you take and what works.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  5. #5
    sono Guest

    Re: Why do i scare my wife at night?

    I REALLY advise you to get prfessional help if possible. . . I used to have a partner who would not only talk & walk in his sleep, but who also nearly broke my back trying to beat a crocodile (! me!) to death one night. He was also terrrified of little red snakes that would apparently wind themsleves in his hair . He could have a relatively lucid conversation with me while he was in this state, insisting that he was NOT dreaming, but couldn't recall anything about it later.

    On occasions it was really amusing. I used to keep a little note book where I jotted down some of his more bizarre sayings & doings, but it can also really be dangerous. One night he crept out of bed (I woke at once, am a very light sleeper & besides I was always on the alert for his strange night antics) & fetched a razor from the bathroom. I asked what he was doing & he said that he was just going to shave his brother (who was spending a few days with us) to see whether he looked like Jack Nicholson without his beard. It took some careful persuasion from me to get him to put the razor down; I also threatened him with an imagninary red snake. . . . I often wonder whether he was actually plagued by negs! But I didn't feel safe enough to hang around & find out - I left (with his little girl who lived with me for 8 years) He had had counselling for a truly appalling childhood but it was clearly not helping.

    Pardon the personal saga here - I just wanted to emphasise how you can actually put yourself & your family in real danger if you don't get help.

    All the best with whatever you decide to do.

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