Quote Originally Posted by asa isar
Hi Beekeeper
just to let you know I'm feeling much much better. Still a shadow but it's receeding. Have come to see this as an initiation. A lesson I needed, which I was able to get through thanks to the love and support of my brothers and sisters online and off.(bit of a dark night of the soul) I had a obe yesterday morning and was able to gather myself together and deal with it in a sensible manner. It has definitely impressed upon me the danger of putting too much importance on leaving the body. Hope you don't mind me spilling out a few thoughts-helps me ground! I have realised that it's an experience on the path but not the answer or the end. Because it is still within the realms of duality there is always a negative side, even if that is as simple as being convinced that it is an answer in itself. To say one thing is better than another is to separate-this is not union, God/dess is unity that transends duality-GOD/DESS, Elohim expresses itself through this division but is beyond it.
THe true path as I see it is a spiritualising of the earth plane, turning lead into gold as the alchemist's would use as a metaphor , a uniting with the divine through devotion and meditation and so transending duality, in harmony and joy. If the astral can be used to aid this then great, if not it can be as poison. THis is where the need for meditative discipline is necessary as I understand it. Christ resisted in the desert for 40 days right?
Anyway, thanks again for allowing me to unload.(Sophronicus, if you intended to help me with reverse phychology then I thank you, even if you didn't then I thank you.)
Love is the law,
Reverse psychology is a bit beyond me. I would rather err on the side of caution, since the downside can be very unpleasant.