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Thread: Enargo's Dream Journal

  1. Re: Enargo's Dream Journal

    Yet another Lucid Dream and it's semi-interesting (man when can I add some OBEs to this journal ).
    Anyway I became (don't quiet remember what it was that made me lucid?) but the moment I became lucid the first thing I did was to bring some stability to the dream.
    At the moment I decided to site on the ground and just feel it (specificly the carpet) and I was gaining focus on my dream.... Then something random happened.
    I have the feeling of waking up, but I was standing in the kitchen (not even my kitchen, but felt like it was). My family was there and I had that shock of "what the heck? why am I in the kitchen" and lost just about all my lucidity.

    Certainly the oddest fasle awakening I've heard. anyon have something like this?

  2. Re: Enargo's Dream Journal

    Another Lucid Dream last night...

    Some how I get lucid and decide the first thing to do is check my hands (always wanted to do it ). My left hand was perfectly fine, but my right hand was the one kept changing. First my pinky was a nub. Then when I look back my other fingers kept getting shorter. Afterwards I decide to go into my room. My TV was on, but fuzzy. I didn't fully open the cabenit with the TV in it because one cabenit door has a mirror on it and I didn't feel like gambling between lucid dream or lucid nightmare. I attempted to teleport, but I just kept flinging myslef forward (figures, my dreams are odd and random, but want to stay realistic ). So I decided to make a pill that made me fly instead. When I swallowed it I kinda stood there waiting for the effects to kick in for a second then woke up. Appearantly I took the red pill instead of the flying pill .

    P.S. CFTraveler, if you feel this needs to be moved to the dream section I won't mind at this point, it seems like I'll be having plenty of Lucids before I'll have an OBE...

  3. #43
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    Re: Enargo's Dream Journal

    It's up to you. I don't care either way.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. Re: Enargo's Dream Journal

    It appears to me this will be a dream journal long before it becomes an OBE journal. Go ahead and switch.

  5. #45
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    Re: Enargo's Dream Journal

    Done. I'll delete this part of the conversation and the shadow topic in a few days, after your readers adjust to the switch.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. Re: Enargo's Dream Journal

    Normally I try to post lucid dreams only; however, this one interests me enough that I feel I have to post it.
    This dream was just a bit hazy, but at some point I was with my sister and she (for some reason) had some sort of imaginary friend like. It was a little girl (I can't really pin how old, but maybe around 4-6 years due to size) She had what looked like a long sleeved shirt that was obnoxiously big (enough to cover her whole body, arms, and legs). She had a brown bowl cut like hair and brown hair. When I met her she seemed very happy to meet me. When I went to shake her haind (her fhands were too small and only shook my finger) and it was so unreal. It's hard to describe, it felt like it was real, but somehow she wasn't there at the same time (almost like a more physical form of a ghost or something). We were hanging out and after giving a hug for some reason what I saw after wasn't her. It was a young woman instead (barely looked anything like her).
    Who could she possibly be?

  7. Re: Enargo's Dream Journal

    copied from my other dream journal here it is folks

    I walk into this class room that is almost kindergarten in nature, I was looking at one of the pictures with a big cursive s (lower case) and a small glance back it was a printed lowercase b. At that moment I RC then I asked why is the s now a b to the teacher, she responded pointing out that it was because it was for a news reporter (which never answered my question though) I take the moment to look for my DG, so I kept calling for him, somehow it went dark in my mind but in dreamality I was up (so I was more focused on what is happening in my head). I call again and instantly I felt a geavy presense, he said hello so I greet back. His voice sounded almost exactly like Frank from Donnie Darko, but different in a way I can't put it. I told him saying I've been looking for him and I'm glad to meet him. From this point on my voice begins to crack more and more and it becomes difficult to talk. I ask for his name, but forget what his name was. I then say "I am getting better at dreaming, but it seems that this dream is too light to see you". He only respond with "Exactly". At this point it felt like I was being caries by the heavy presense and I woke into another dream. It was a little after Christmas so I could still see the tree and unwrapped presents, but no decorations. I decided to try to get a magic madallion and do magic shenanigans, but it turns out the madallion was just a gold chain with a soda can on it. The magic never worked

    At this point I'm awake

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