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Thread: Electric Man

  1. #1
    Ouroboros Guest

    Electric Man

    The past few nights my dream recall seems to have gotten better and better. I think this might be attributable to my new routine of listening to a 10hz binaural beat for however long I'm comfortable doing so (although always long enough to entrain) before going to sleep.

    In any case, last night's dream had some interesting facets to it.

    There was a gathering of some kind at a house. Relatives and friends were present. The clearest memories I have of this dream concern a specific phenomena that kept occurring. As I would pass a light fixture, suddenly purple bolts of electricity would shoot out of it towards me. I would raise my hands and try to absorb the energy coming out of the fixtures. Every time this happened the amount of electricity involved got bigger, and I was able to develop slightly more control over the flow of energy. At one point I even managed to make the energy converge into a vortex between my hands. It was very beautiful, one of the most vivid experiences I've had yet in a dream (the electricity being much more vivid than the rest of the dream environment.)

    There seems to be an event split, at least in that I have two distinct memories of occurrences but can't seem to logically place them may have been some sort of parallel experience.

    The first was an emotional one. The hostess of the party, which at first I believed to be my mother, became very angry at me for doing the whole electricity thing and threw me out of the party. I was extremely angry, because I thought my mother had rejected me. Then I found out that my mom wasn't even at the party, and that the hostess was actually some blond woman wearing a red dress who I didn't really recognize. The anger naturally dissipated.

    The second experience also would have logically followed sequentially from the party, although not in context with the first experience. I remember going to bigger and bigger energy sources, till eventually I went to a factory of some sort that I had been employed at in the past, where there was a massive power source that people wanted me to get close to. I have no memory of actually doing so, so either this portion of the dream is not in conscious memory or I woke up before I could get to it. Or the dream changed, no way to really know for sure.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: Electric Man

    Uriel in you, and stability of energies, both as invested and vested in. stability arises with and from forgiveness, as they are the same, i hesitate to use the term, mechanism operatively within.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  3. #3
    Ouroboros Guest

    Re: Electric Man

    Interesting analysis, Tim. I don't understand all of it, but the parts concerning stability of energies resonated well.

  4. #4
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    Re: Electric Man

    Hello, Ouroboros.

    It is not unusual to remember events without being able to establish the sequence properly. I know that it is nagging umcomfortable feeling for our brains to experience this, but it tries to download and store things that happened in a place farther removed from linear time in its usual manner. Hence the confusion. I stumbled over this phenomenon several times now in my dreams.

    Alternatively you can also get two informations streams at the same time - seeing an event from two levels of awareness at the same time. Now here the brain really runs into problems. This is like an overlay - two levels of information are present, and when you notice they pertain to the same thing you can sort them out and feel much more comfortable with it. So, this nagging feeling can be worked with.

    I'd say the first is the case here - problems attributing the temporal order for "lack of time."

    In general I would say you became aware of the fact that you are in a responsive, energetic environment. This is developing an inner sense and a process of changing your beliefs. Think of Luke Skywalker as an example - he accustomed himself to letting stones fly, and then his disbelief prevents him from raising his sunken X-Wing spaceship. Similarly you accustom yourself here to the energetic reality and the exchanges it enables that certainly happen in that way in physical reality. You accustom yourself in the typical way - you move from small to big, bit by bit overcoming your physical expectations, till you finally arrive at the biggest power/energy source you can imagine. This is kind of like going to the limit of your personal imagination, extending your personal idea of what you can do.

    The woman in the red dress might be you representing yourself limiting physical beliefs. Red for physical, and the feeling that she's your mother as a kind of authority figure. You realising that she is not your mother is symbolically defusing the situation itself, representing that this limiting belief has no more power over you, and so no more reason for anger. It all dissipates when you get the context right and see it for what it is. Compare it to the feelings you had when you misunderstood it and took it in the wrong context - amazing difference, isn't it?

    The factory could have multiple meanings. It's about size, real power. But it's also about productivity, creating something, putting power to use. People want you to get close to the power source, so it's you who can put the power to use. Jobs and employments can also represent life purpose, as we so often identify with our work. So, putting this new skill/power to work could be part of what you are to do with your life.

    The electricity here is an abstraction for power or energy in general, a bit generic. I would say it does not directly imply what kind of energy, what kind of power, and what use you can make of it. The factory might imply something creative, but that's just one possibility.

    I'd just take the whole dream in general as a sign of your developing your own skill with energy and interacting with nonphysical reality, and also a new level of lucidity.



  5. #5
    Ouroboros Guest

    Re: Electric Man

    Thanks Korpo, that resonated well with me! I especially liked the interpretation of the lady in red, it made a lot of sense to me. I have been working a lot with my internal environment lately, especially when it comes to dealing with self-limiting beliefs. I've overcome a number of them, although there's still plenty of work to do.

    I'm definitely not entirely used to atemporal experiences, so I'm still adapting to processing non-linear events and information. It's an interesting puzzle for the brain to play with, but keeping in mind the nature of the information does help with avoiding obsessing over attempts to organize the information sequentially.

    Interestingly enough, I haven't been doing much energy work lately. At least, not consciously. I'm sure some energetic development has been taking place through meditation and belief elimination, though. I should find some time for energy work.

  6. #6
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    Re: Electric Man

    Hey, Ouroboros.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ouroboros
    Interestingly enough, I haven't been doing much energy work lately. At least, not consciously. I'm sure some energetic development has been taking place through meditation and belief elimination, though. I should find some time for energy work.
    Don't limit it to energy work. People hear energy and think energy work. Energy work is like pumping water - it's to a certain degree just a matter of mechanics (or hydraulics ). This is one aspect of energy - moving energy, releasing energy.

    At the same time, and this comes up more in meditation or OBE than in energy work, is the aspect that energy is also information. Everything you interact with in nonphysical reality is really a representation of energy. So, not only the electric arcs or the vortex were energy. Also the wall, the floor, everything!

    There are exercises to develop this awareness. In fact, Kurt Leland is preparing a book on how to do this, there's an announcement on his website - see for example here.

    So, what you did here is one thing - you interacted with the energy of the environment, but only where it was apparent to you - in the form of electricity. You could now extend your understanding and realise that everything you saw in the whole experience was already an energetic interaction. Just take this in and let it settle, and it might transform your experiences over time as well.

    Further good sucess,

    PS - do you really think your signature is still, well, um, you?

  7. #7
    Ouroboros Guest

    Re: Electric Man

    Ahh, I see what you mean now re: energy.

    As for the signature...I usually forget it's there . Although it still makes me giggle every now and's more of a humorous statement than anything else.

    Mostly though, I just haven't given much thought to replacing it. Now that you mention it though, it might be fun to switch it up.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: Electric Man

    Quote Originally Posted by Ouroboros
    Interesting analysis, Tim. I don't understand all of it, but the parts concerning stability of energies resonated well.
    I gave no analysis. i ejaculated a response.

    as long as one looks without for it to be spelled out in reasoned logic they will not looking see it, doing without to be.

    look within you, where the pulse of yourself does not lie in betraying worded logic. the intellect cannot graspingly know what is the heart's passion to understand.

    does love need to know that it might with reason love?

    if one says to them self, "I am a stumbling block unto my self", then surely they might see to get out of their own way, so as 'to be'.

    whereever you are, you've every right to be. no contest, but to be content with understanding that you are, as you are, rightfully being.

    this is forgiveness, as in the Lord's Prayer. for if you've this accepted right, whom among you is not rightful in that acceptance?
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  9. #9
    Ouroboros Guest

    Re: Electric Man

    Interesting ejaculation, then. Do you need a towel?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: Electric Man

    Quote Originally Posted by Ouroboros
    Interesting ejaculation, then. Do you need a towel?
    lol, why yes i do.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

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