Split from The Law of Altruism in the Healing forum

Quote Originally Posted by dreamosis
Yeah, it does depend on worldview. When I wrote that I was partly thinking about the concept of "soul loss"... If it's possible for us to lose, or become detached from, a piece of our soul, then I'd suppose it's possible for us to try to give it away too (perhaps subconsciously)...

Hmmm...I can't quite articulate what I'm thinking about here.

So, the energy that so-called psychic vampires suck out of people -- is that really healthy for them? I mean, besides from the question of whether leeching off another person is ethical or not, is the actual energy that they're sucking up work well with their energy systems? Or does it only tend to prop them up artificially? Give them a buzz, like they've eaten sugar, but not really nutrify them?

Or, in the same turn, can it be potentially harmful to give someone else your energy? Not karmically harmful, but well, think of the times you've felt "smothered" by people who are trying to help you. You know what I mean? What's happening energetically there?

I'm on a tangent...
I suspect that what energy vampires lack is not energy- if they did they wouldn't make it to childhood, let alone adulthood- I think that what they lack is a certain type of affect, and that has to do with the quality of the energy. I used to know one, and at some point addressed what was going on with him. What he needed wasn't the energy itself, but how it made him feel- and like some other maladaptive habits, any affect is a good affect- and we know that misery loves company- that is, a negative event will generate more emotion than a positive one, unless you're surrounded by empaths- so they get used to creating negatively impacting situations, because violence and anger is tastier than joy.

Think of it like this- on the surface we like what tastes better- only with age and wisdom do we seek that which is healthier to eat- but even when we choose the healthier type of foods, the tastiest of the foods are always desired. And sometimes we succumb to the salty fried starchy goodness of things that are not good for us, even when we eventually go back to the tofu salads.