Anubis, divine rule, war and the nature of good and evil.

Anubis is the Greek name for a jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in Egyptian mythology.

The Heb Sed festival (Feast of the Tail) conducted in pharaoh’s thirtieth year, was held to celebrate the continued rule of a pharaoh. The name derives from the name of an Egyptian wolf god, one of whose names was Wepwawet or Sed. The celebration probably replaced a ritual of murdering a pharaoh who had reached an age or condition when judged unable to continue to rule. A divine or rightful king must be able to travel between worlds….to be both in this world and beyond it. Thus the king was required to journey beyond the body, and beyond death, to prove his worthiness to continue on the throne. Guided and protected by Anubis, the pharaoh descended to the Underworld to become Osiris, and return initiated into the alchemical body of transformation. Perhaps in the pyramid chambers and underground waterways through the use of sound harmonics for the crystallization of the body’s water and white powder of gold for the benefit of repairing DNA. The Heb Sed was primarily held to rejuvenate the pharaoh's strength and stamina and celebrate his continued success as pharaoh. Loyal instinct for “the good” expressed in the vitality of the resurrected king allowed the people to have faith in his continued rule. The qualities of Anubis are also those that guide us undistracted through the thresholds and protect our journey toward personal sovereignty as well.

One has to ask if the affliction of war—in conflict with the creation of the One—has any value at all to a self-conscious species. When we know to intend (in-tension) to smite another is to destablize, denature and deconstruct ourselves at the atomic level in relation to ZPE. We lose the grace of Universal Will or Nature on our side when we indulge and abide in the affliction of war. Having lost the strength and power of vital Eros, the wounded King (left-brained ego/Nazi) wants to take power for himself, rather than rule with the guiding hand of a divinely inspired and kosmically connected ruler. This creates stagnation, recession, regression, chaos, genocide and environmental ruin in the kingdom. The inability to rule by "Divine" right represents the affliction of the war state, which can be either chronic or acute decay. Whether he goes down fast or slow, the partial Man is still on his way out for he is unsustainable, having not entered into unity with Nature and Zeropoint itself. Since we cannot fight war with war what stance then can we have toward evil that doesn’t work its destructive energy upon us?

When we think of cancer we normally think “mistake and fear,” but we don’t give it the moral quality of evil. Yet the first word that comes to mind when we hear the term “Nazi” is “evil.” Nazi in the psyche is the epitome of evil. Because cancer is at the physical level we do not associate it with self-conscious, premeditated evil. If we take the perspective of seeing tyranny and fascism as social cancer, in the same elemental amoral fashion that we do physical cancer…this may be the first step toward doing anything constructive about it. This amoral stance is that of the Witness, it is a universal objectivity that is transmoral, you could call it a transpersonal morality. To dismiss evil as just misguided is what we normally do to avoid facing the dark, yet evil is more of a case of malguidedness. Evil is maligned intention and course of action that is actively in opposition to the good of the whole. It is ignorance mixed with hubris. Evil is diabolic maldirection in direct opposition to good…good not just for us personally, but for all life on earth. Personally I think new HEALTHY models need to be produced rather than pointing out the systemic evil in the human species.

As social animals we have an innate tension between helping others and helping ourselves, and we are the least conflicted when we are doing both at once. The biological drive for spiritual evolution therefore must be an experiential, experimental exploration of the tension between cooperation (altruism) and competition (selfish gratification). Good will, empathy, spontaneity, unconditional positive regard, generosity and altruism are good for the immune system. The stronger the immune system the more we maintain our Self from entropic breakdown and obsolescence. As each individual comes into their sovereignty (Kingship) spiritual community arises spontaneously. The job of protection of the throne (sovereign seat) and the individual divination of the principle causal orchestrator (God) has traditionally been given to a black guard dog. The faithful black dog is one of the forms of the psychopomp (psi) that recurs in myth across time and across cultures. The qualities of the loyal, wakeful, watchful, supersensory dog the color of the dark of night and the Void, point to universal objective witness, that guards and preserves the individuation process itself. Anubis the black Egyptian hunting dog is the bringer of dreams to the luminal pliable instinct by which we learn to open the gateway to the soul’s memory. Anubis is the protector of the stargate between this world and the eternal, formless heaven that is informing our world.