Just wanted to quickly go over a very strange OBE I had last night. I would like your input on it pls.

I woke up from sleep seemingly in a park which I reconised, I was fully conscious and aware. The park I was in was somewhere that I used to live near when I was in my old house around 7 years ago. Strange thing is I had an inner instinct that I was there in real form (or seemed it) back in 2002. I went to a nearby trashcan (I was desperate) and rooted through it to find anykind of newspaper and I did, I read the date on it to see my intutition was right and it was July 2nd 2002. I did not know what to do I just stood there in the rain and wondered if it was real or not.

Could this had been real? it felt as real as now and it seemed like I had gone back in time to 2002 (or that's how it strongly felt). Has this been known from anyone familiar with OBE's? was I really in the past? pls someone try and tell me anything about this if you can ty.