My Closest Experience to Sleep Paralysis Symptoms

Date: 24/10/10 Time: woke at 1.30 am

Starting Location: From my Body in my bed

Experience Contained: sleep paralysis, 3rd eye projection, transition sensations, airborne, fears{electrical wires/cables} other people

Becoming Lucid
I woke up {so i thought} from a slightly disturbing dream, that had started to become nightmarish, but then seemed to be still dreaming, {i later remembered scuffles around my bed and being dragged out of my bed} i was in my bed and there were monsters {like the aliens from the film Alien} coming through my door into my bedroom. At this point i seemed to gain more awareness {probably from my desperation to avoid the approaching aliens} and realised i was asleep in bed, this got rid of the aliens AND although i was awake i couldn't move. WOW i thought to myself, this must be similar to the famous sleep paralysis i've heard about. I was not aware of seeing or being able to 'look', but felt completely aware on some level of my visual surroundings, maybe this came from knowing i was in my body and just 'knowing' where i was.

Then i felt { and heard and saw in my mind's eye} a 'tazar-like-buzz' crackle through me causing a strong vibration / tremor. {this appeared to go across my body, approx. level with my chest area} Although i often feel alsorts of different energy sensations, this was VERY different than i had ever experienced before and i think that this was so, because of being in this 'type of' sleep paralysis awareness that i had also never experienced {so lucidly as this ?} before.

I thought WOW {again } this must be a Pre- OBE vibration, then i heard loud roaring, ripping, twisting noises, mixed in with normal earth type noises all mixed together, i recognised this type of sound { i had heard this once before - see notes at end} i find this sound to be different to 'normal' reality sound, it's almost as if there is a buffer between me and the sound. Also i think that is the reason the energy vibration felt completely different, it also, felt like something was absorbing the impact even though i was very aware of how strong the vibration felt.

I wonder if my point of awareness at this time was in my projected double {is that the name ?} already and that is why these experiences felt soo different to me.

Another vibration crackled through me the same as the first, i was then aware of travelling forwards at a very high speed {i think this might be phasing {in some form ? } or projection from the 3rd eye charkra ? } and for a split moment there was a point of light i could see in front of me, still moving rapidly forwards, i became closer and closer to this point of light, as at the same time i found myself running {in my body} down a road - I WAS OUT - YIPEEEEEEEE

Because of the way i was conscious going 'out' i did expect to pop out by the bed, in my room {but never mind} i was out and thrilled and felt very, very lucid at this point. Super

I seem to have mixed memories about the road i was runnning along, i have a memory of it being an unknown 'non real' road while i also feel it was two other roads {in real reality} too. Hmmmm . . . . . i think i have older dream, OBE ? memories from running along these roads that are getting mixed up with where i actually was.

I knew the location i was at, a real place in my old neighbourhood, i had stopped running and was standing still. Two lads in there late teens {my son's old school friends had lived in this area} were buzzing and whizzing around in the air having fun, i didn't recognise either of them. They also seemed elated to be out of their bodies, i tried to share my own delight about being out of my body too and whizzed into the air to show them, but they seemed not to notice me. I was aware at this point, {without actually directly looking at or for this} that the scenery around was / had morphed and no longer fully showed 'real-time' scenery. Although i still had a feeling sense of where i was in 'real' reality and was in the same area.

I can remember soaring up into the dark sky with delight and looking down at the town lights sparkling below all around, beautiful - sooo freeing. {this reminds me now, that although i had not thought about it at the time, the enviroment was dark and dusky but light enough to see, the normal brightness that streets lights provide i guess}

The lads were now also high in the sky and there were wires {electrical} around { i do have fear issues with these 'dam' wires and have got completely freaked out by them at times in past lucid dreams, OBE's to the point of where i can't remain airbourne or travel and also that they seem to suddenly appear in there 100's because of my fear}

One lad hit the wire, it sparked i saw flames and he looked charcoaled as he fell, { on T.V recently i saw a fireman trying to get a cat out of a tree, hit an electrical caple and get 'electric shocked' {he survived luckily and the cat too} so i now feel that this event was connected to this real memory of mine} I became worried by the cables / wires and for a while lost some lucidity while i found myself surrounded by wires. I realised i was loosing the lucid experience and tried to get back to my body so i could remember and record all the really 'exciting' bits.

All willing and asking to get back to my body failed, i found myself spinning in the air with my arms stretched out ?? So i felt the only way to get back was to travel there. {Sometimes i just do not seem to have the awareness, ability or 'knowing' to 'be' back in my body, yet other times i can just will it and i am awake}

Un- expectedly i did manage to remain awake / lucid until i woke up, at that point i was still trying to 'travel' back to my body. The rest of my experience was more dream like, in that i was interacting with others, but not really being in control of the 'storyline', so i'll finish writing it very briefly.

Travelling back to body, airbourne, met and chatted to my two nieces, jumped in a truck to catch a lift home, truck stopped off, i carried on airbourne following 'real' road, scenery changed {DAM it} in a building of sorts with rooms, someone - a woman coming i felt like hiding so as to not get caught up in any interactions, left building, asked my spirit teams to get me back to my body, found my self airbourne again this time flying with a whole kingdom ? of other people, being told i was the clothes maker of the king ?? i said 'i don't think so, i am rubbish at sewing', was then told that before this duty i had been the jester {that's more like it} Anyway the king wanted to go to the loo and so we stopped, i was just helping the king undo his lower garment outside the toilet cubicle . . . when i FINALLY woke up and was back in my body {3 cheers for the kings toilet needs. . . }

Some thoughts / notes
Although i don't think i have experienced sleep paralysis type symptoms much before, at least not this lucid anyway. I have had many experiences of being pulled out of bed and scuffles and fights around the bed often with seemingly unseen beings, which i now know are related to this experience. So these experiences around the bed, that feel very physical and real are probably connected to me being out of my body but too close to it and me not being lucid or aware enough to realise 'what's going on properly' at that time, and so, seem often to take on a nightmarish feel.

i had heard loud roaring, ripping, twisting noises, mixed in with normal earth type noises all mixed together once before, back over 10 yrs ago, whilst i was reading Roberts Astral Dynamics book for the first time and also reading 'The Psychic Explorer' - V Van Dam. i was aware of being 'awake' but body asleep and i tried the 'Spiral' technique {which is basically just spinning yourself free} to get out of my body, i heard the astral - type sounds at that time. I did also get out of body at that time and found myself in a dream / astral - type enviroment.