Hi, again really great for me to read your dream-experiences and congrats on the special strong lucidity you`ve gained lately.
There do occur quite often ladies in your LDs and at least in one of them I had the impression the lady - especially Mrs. Lotter! could be a kind of Guide.. ?.. and when I look at the name, it could be a hint and translated to something as *Gain* for you... anyway, just somehow got the feeling... and also have heard that guides are often appearing in differently disguised forms... (as I said somewhere a guidelady once appeared for me in a funny space-ship-commander-form, and im truly convinced she IS one of my guides)
This your following question i find extremely interesting... this is also so much what Im wondering about... in my case maybe even a bit more complicated as although i have had some lucid dreams as well, i usually am not lucid at all, but all the same it feels that in my *dream-i* im in my most real and natural identity.
But what makes one dream, more 'real' feeling than the next ?? Anyone know ?? i was more aware perhaps, but why would that be ? More energy in someway or something ?