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Thread: My Lucid Dream Journal

  1. #121
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    Vivid, impactful non-lucid dream

    Date: 02/03/14

    Time: approx. time on waking 2.20am


    This dream was very clear, vivid, impactful & very real-like, however i was not lucid...
    The details & experience of the dream were so 'full' that it would take a long time to describe / write it up fully & even then, would not do it justice, so for now i am just going to record a brief-ish outline of the story & add some extra notes after. i have missed out chunks of the dream experience throughout the below write-up.

    non-lucid dream
    i was visiting an old nursery i used to work in, my daughter was with me, it felt like we were on a shopping trip.
    My daughter & i were about to set off on our journey home, we were some hours away from where we lived, we were in different cars, i was waiting for her to be ready, when i found she had gone. i drive off looking for her (dream events not included here) i end up where i am told she is, at a friends house, but she is not there & apparently has gone off with my friends sister.

    i am shown my friends house ~ WOW ! this house goes up & up forever, never-ending stairs. he has amazing water views & owns a long stretch of water that is outside his house, we go swimming. We get to the very top of the house, only this part appears to be shared with others & is not available to look at now, but there was alsorts of weird & wonderful phenomena in there.

    End up in a room with others, who i recognise from my life & from films i've watched. Someone in the room is doing subtle energy magic & it affects me & others making my hand /fingers tremble, then i get affected with pain. When the people in the room disperse, my friend has gone from where he was standing.

    i spend the rest of the dream trying to find my way back to his house, navigating through an indoor complex with dangerous games & competitions situated everywhere.

    i wake up during the finish of one of these games/ competitions, that i accidently got caught up in

    the dream contained
    • colours, textures,
    • numbers, written names,
    • voice sound
    • sensation - the water was very cold
    • awareness of clothing worn - i was aware of what i was wearing whilst swimming & later while walking around the indoor complex
    • there is telepathy going on within the room full of people & when the people look at me they are giving me an understanding of 'how it is'
    • the competitions are both physical & subtle energetic in nature
    • My friend introduced me to his Ballet class as. 'this is my friend big mama'

    i wake up in awe ~ WOW ! .... this felt like a dream very much orchestrated / set-up for me by others, more powerful than me ..... by the puppet masters or 'the powers that be'

    Within half an hour of waking from this dream, the impact had diminished to that of a 'normal' dream recal impact, taking it from feeling like a real experience i just had to a 'dream memory'

    This morning i was more sensitive to myself than the usual:
    • catching (hearing) myself's own self-talk
    • feeling more sensitive to my ability to feel
    • more sensitive to my body's experience of stimulus

    which allows me to receive insights, knowings, understandings & have more conscious choice in my life.

    One understanding i got from a flash of insight & feeling has shown me that i should take some physical action to change something in my physical life, only a temporary change to make, but that doing this will take off the stress, pressure & burden that is causing a constant background 'worry' 'frantic' feeling within me, that is only adding to the difficulties for me in my attempt to function better.
    Last edited by newfreedom; 3rd May 2015 at 09:31 AM.
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  2. #122
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    Re: My Lucid Dream Journal

    Just over the past few posts I'm sensing something sexual about them. That's cool. Gotta have the wild and furry even deep in our psyche.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
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  3. #123
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    Re: My Lucid Dream Journal

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
    Just over the past few posts I'm sensing something sexual about them. That's cool. Gotta have the wild and furry even deep in our psyche.
    ..... yea, that darn 'sexual' just about gets everywhere, no matter how much you try & shove it away... ..
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  4. #124
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    Re: My Lucid Dream Journal

    Quote Originally Posted by newfreedom View Post
    ..... yea, that darn 'sexual' just about gets everywhere, no matter how much you try & shove it away... ..
    Maybe because you shouldn´t shove it away but transformit.....!!

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
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  5. #125
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    Re: My Lucid Dream Journal

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Maybe because you shouldn´t shove it away but transformit.....!!

    Well, i've worked on loads of sexual issue stuff the past several years & although i 'know better' i don't think i will ever really lose my feelings of 'discomfort' with some sides of the 'sexual' ....maybe i am still releasing trauma with sexual energy, but if so this trauma seems to be never-ending.

    Maybe from a place of permanent peace all things are peaceful....

    i was teasing when i said 'shove it away'....that's what the superficial me would like to do & very much did so in the past, but no longer, these days i try to be aware, open & receptive to myself & my issues.

    Shoving things away only helps in the short term, but later comes back to 'Bonk you on the Head'....Big Time !! (done that, got the T-shirt)

    Thanks for the comment xX
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  6. #126
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    Re: My Lucid Dream Journal

    Quote Originally Posted by newfreedom View Post
    Well, i've worked on loads of sexual issue stuff the past several years & although i 'know better' i don't think i will ever really lose my feelings of 'discomfort' with some sides of the 'sexual' ....maybe i am still releasing trauma with sexual energy, but if so this trauma seems to be never-ending.

    Maybe from a place of permanent peace all things are peaceful....

    i was teasing when i said 'shove it away'....that's what the superficial me would like to do & very much did so in the past, but no longer, these days i try to be aware, open & receptive to myself & my issues.

    Shoving things away only helps in the short term, but later comes back to 'Bonk you on the Head'....Big Time !! (done that, got the T-shirt)

    Thanks for the comment xX

    Without knowing the right answere, but I feel a misunderstanding or misdirection about the transformation....if I can get more deeply grip of this I will let you know....but somhow I feel you are looking on wrong Place..

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #127
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    Scary....but interesting experience

    Date: 06/03/14

    Time: approx 1am - 2am

    I am not sure what to call this, as it doesn't fit with how i describe 'normal' non-lucid dreams, but i wasn't lucid either, i was physically asleep when it happened anyhow. i have had experiences that feel similar & this experience also had the nightmarish, terror tone to it.

    Think this was the first 'dream' ? / experience of the night, i did have other normal dreams later, but they didn't impact me much & so i have allowed them to mostly be forgotten, with no interest in recording them

    Unfortunately, i fell straight back to sleep after this experience & have lost alot of clarity & specific details of the event.

    the experience

    Something invisible had gripped me around my wrists & was forcefully pulling me out of my bedroom, i was aware of my bedroom being dark & as it is in real life. i fought desperately to not get pulled out of my room, but was loosing the battle, i was terrified...

    False awakening
    i woke up & was very 'shaken' & feeling extremely emotionally disturbed, so clutching my duvet, i made my way down the hall to see if my daughter was still awake, she was, i could see light coming from under her door & could hear the sound of her voice / t.v

    i knocked & spoke as i opened the door slowly asking if it was alright to enter my daughter's room, it was, i told her what had just happened & explained i felt like i needed some human company to help dissipate the franticness caused by the terror, she understood & was fine with me being there (in real life i have had to ask for the company / or to be in the presence of others, many times to ease the emotional terror i experience sometimes, when trying to get back into a normal sleep pattern after days of not being able to sleep, so this is something my grown-up daughter is quite familiar with & unperturbed by)

    ....then i woke up... this time physically in my body which was still in my bed & i then i was able to realise that these had been experiences i had gone through whist my physical body had been asleep...

    Wacky !
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  8. #128
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    Hypnogogic image of Robert visiting me at Home

    i hope to find the date / time ... if i can (find where i recorded it with pen & paper)


    i had not slept enough to be comfortable for some time & this 'hypnogogic image' came as a much needed releif / respite from struggling to not reach/ gain enough normal sleep & i was / had been 'struggling' again more than i would personal choose to had i the capacity to 'rule' my experiences

    Hypnogogic image

    Robert was leaning on the top of our wooden fence in the front garden with his forearms resting on the fence. He was staning outside the garden, in real 3Dlife the Elliot evolution porta cabin is situated slightly behind & to Robert's left. (though in the hyponogogic image, i was not aware of this dwelling / construction)

    In the image there was no front fir-tree hedge visable, which i have now grown, so time-wise with no 3D physical hedge, the time scale would i would image be anywhere from the year 2000 to 2003, but it could be later than this date, i don't remember when i bought & planted the fir tree hedge.

    Hypnogogic images / first dream segment memories

    i was at weddings, having my photo's taken with the others attending, as you do at weddings...

    these could of been real life memories, since my son married in Sept. 2013. then my niece, in Nov. 2013, one image of photo's being taken was a memory recall of being at my nieces wedding.

    Was able to plan a visit to spend time with my big sis yesterday, a once in a Blue-moon occurance these last 11yrs. .... so not sure if the wedding memories were connected in some way with the capacity for me to arranged & execute this 'sisterly visit'

    Seems all very possible with he appearance of Robert prior to the wedding images....xX

    After the wedding images were remember3ed by me, i was then allowed to go into unconcious sleep for sometime, a much needed life survival need being allowed (least life-survivalable for me, anyhow)

    ...Pheffft.... .... SO.... a BIG THANKYOU to ROBERT for Being there (here) & a BIG THANKYOU to all who made this 'POSSIBLE' .... ....... i luv U all xxxxx xX
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  9. #129
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    Hypnogogic words heard & visual image seen

    Date: 24/04/14

    Time: approx. 6.10 am

    Dozing on & off so this hypnagogic experience was what woke me

    the words heard were ~~~'scratching the Tie- namics'

    i saw an image of someone scratching metal with a what 'looked-like' a 'screw-driver' type of tool

    tie-namics --> a cross between a Titanic & Dynamic .... very clever word mixes ... i enjoy them xX
    Last edited by newfreedom; 3rd August 2014 at 09:31 PM.
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  10. #130
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    Non-Lucid Dream - Having stuff

    Duration of sleep: approx. 11pm - 2.51 am (approx. 4hrs)

    Dream Elements: High energy, enthusiasm, busy, fun, abundance, sociable, truthful, colourful, warm-hearted, enjoyable, others, childhood way of life, having lots of 3D stuff, collecting 3D stuf, giving others 3D stuff, 3D stuff (hair accessories, perfume, ornaments, plants, toys, edible things, jewellery)

    : the last 2 days, i have been in a 'better' subtle-energy space, this allows me to engage with myself, subtle energies, my 3D enviroment, more awareness & involvement in how to make decisions & choices, i am able to take interest in what i am reading, seeing, doing, thinking.

    It's a 'Can-Do' space (at times) & i love it..

    Non-lucid dream

    i am not going to describe the dream 'bit by bit' because this would be too laborious, but the dream was very impactful, clear & 'love-of-life' filled & i woke up 'Buzzing', a very pleasant way to wake

    a few things stood out within the dream:

    • decisions / choices
    • truthfulness
    • appreciation of others
    • functioning in 3D life
    • enthusiasm & joy

    A Great, upbeat, up-lifting non-lucid dream experience

    What comes to mind with this dream is the 80's Games show CrackerJack -Double or Drop (to hold onto as many prizes as you can without dropping them)
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

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