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Thread: My experiences with shadow people

  1. #1
    Lono Guest

    My experiences with shadow people

    Hello, all. This is my first post, and I hope I'm putting it in the right forum. I'm not sure these incidences were attacks, but they sure felt like it, so here goes:

    I've had two experiences in my life in which I encountered shadow people. It wasn't until after my more recent encounter that I even knew there was a term for these things.

    The first incident happened when I was 6 years old, and living in an old house in Arkansas. This house was unusual, in that the only way to reach my room was to go through my parents' room, then a bathroom with two connecting doors. In other words, there is no way someone could get to my room without going to my parents' room first.

    I had many strange occurences during my stay in this house. I would frequently awaken with that feeling of cobwebs on my face I hear people on this forum describing. Once I would open my eyes, I would see a ghastly white, disembodied head floating above my face. It had large, dark eyes, and a big downturned slash for a mouth. It also had wild white hair, so I referred to it as "the mophead."

    Once during this time I was having trouble sleeping (imagine that!), when I saw my bedroom door open. The light was on in the bathroom, so I could see perfectly. Standing in the doorway was the sillouhette of a man, pointing something at me. He appeared to be bald, or to have a stocking over his head, so I assumed he was pointing a gun at me. I dove under the covers and stayed there for what felt like forever, until I got the courage to look once again. This time, the figure was gone, but the door was still open!

    I went into my parents' room, and saw that my mother was reading, and my father was lying next to her, asleep. I asked my mom if my dad had been in my room, and she said 'no, he's been asleep." Now, don't ask me why I didn't just tell her what I saw. For some reason, I only needed to make sure it wasn't my father.

    Fast forward almost 30 years. A couple of months ago, I was having trouble sleeping because of a bad case of heartburn. I began feeling a severe pain in my right side, so I thought it might even be a gallbladder attack. Once, I was drifting in and out of consciousness, but not really asleep, when I "thought" I looked at my bedroom doorway and saw a huge figure in sillouhette standing there. It had to be at least 7 feet tall, and it was blacker than black-- even outlined sharply, like a computer-generated figure. Strangely, it appeared to be covered in leaves! I say this, because the impression I had of it was sort of a swamp-thing, because there were these leafy protrustions around its head.

    I can't even begin to describe the level of terror I felt. It was a primordial terror that was even greater than I think I would feel if it had been an actual person. But here's the strange thing-- I said to it, "I'm ready to face you now!" What the heck? In no way, shape, or form did I feel ready or have any desire to "face" this thing, whatever that meant. But still, I heard myself saying these words. To my surprise, the thing retreated further from my doorway. I was almost disappointed, because I wanted to get this "facing" thing over with so I'd never have to see it again.

    I almost forget to mention-- while everything in my room, including my doorway, appeared normal, what was outside the doorway bore no relation to the actual rest of my house. It appeared to be nothing but whiteness, and I got the feeling it didn't lead to my hallway. I have no idea why.

    Was this a Neg? If so, what was its purpose, and did I handle it correctly? Has anyone heard of the shadow people that I've been reading about since this encounter?

  2. #2

    Welcome to the forum! Did the atmosphere in your room seem dense
    weird like you could cut it with a knife? Your pain in your side, i'm not
    completly sure but i've seen it in alot of book's is this seem's a common
    place for neg's to nest, that's were mine seem's to hang out. I understand
    about the fear thing when it's induced it is one strong fealing and i don't
    scare easy.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    It could be a series of things:
    hypnagogic imagery- did this apparition resemble the first one? If it did, there's a chance that you were in trance. Do you suffer from sleep paralsis?
    ghost- is this a new place? Have you had other weird stuff happen after you moved there?
    Neg- Do you fall into trance easily? Because for some reason (at least for me) negs only appear in transitional 'areas'.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4
    Lono Guest
    Thanks for the response and the warm welcome, guys!

    Yes, Dan, the atmosphere was indeed dense. Also, I forgot to mention that the pain actually went away once I confronted this creature. I did think the thing may have been causing the pain, but I hate the thought of it "nesting." I wonder if I got rid of it?

    CF-- Several strange things have happened in this house, for sure, so I know it could be ghost-related. Also, I do go into self-induced trance quite easily. I used to do trance channellings years ago, and I used to practice inducing OBE's before that. I'm just now getting back into OBE research. Does this mean I'm more susceptible to negs, or just that I can see them more easily when I'm in transition?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    There are many theories regarding negs (lots of info in this forum) but they seem to be observed in transitional phases,like being in trance, being in the RTZ and trying to go astral, and this type of 'transitional' phase. ( No one really knows why). They are believed to be 'wildlife' of these dimensions, so people who ob, or go into some type of trance which lets them 'see', will also let them see negs, and since the prevailing theory is that they feed on fear energy, seeing them will scare you, being scared will attract them to you. So it's a vicious circle. So if you never have anything to do with the conscious perception of astral wildlife, don't develop fear of them, they they shouldn't bother you, unless your 'regular waking' life is full of fear and negativity.
    Having said this, it's also useful to note that people who get sleep paralysis, also get the 'dweller on the threshold' phenomenon, and that is possibly a hallucination caused by the brain. So it's possible that your particular manifestation may be that, and if you get it, it's also possible.
    What to do? Well, IMO whatever works- if you have a religious persuasion then adopt any countermeasures that you believe in, and it should protect you, whether the problem is 'astral' or 'psychological'. Just remember, fear is the enemy.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6

    The image that it's giving you of it is not it's true self. This image is
    mean't to scare you. Look up Robert's core image work and you can get
    a real glimce of it. I bet it won't look scary, infact it will be the opposite
    i've never seen anything flee as fast as they can! After that the fear part
    kinda take's care of it self. Good luck


  7. #7
    The image that it's giving you of it is not it's true self. This image is
    mean't to scare you. Look up Robert's core image work and you can get
    a real glimce of it. I bet it won't look scary, infact it will be the opposite
    i've never seen anything flee as fast as they can! After that the fear part
    kinda take's care of it self. Good luck
    I was just going to mention that...these things pull a lot of tactics to insert crap into you, mainly with frightening images.

  8. #8
    Lono Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by DAN

    The image that it's giving you of it is not it's true self. This image is
    mean't to scare you. Look up Robert's core image work and you can get
    a real glimce of it. I bet it won't look scary, infact it will be the opposite
    i've never seen anything flee as fast as they can! After that the fear part
    kinda take's care of it self. Good luck

    One interesting thing that happened after this experience, is that I had a dream in which I was helping a friend face her biggest fear. In my mind's eye this was the same creature, only it wasn't in shadow form. It was tall, green, and covered in leaves. I was going to take her to it in a car, and for some reason I needed to reserve a place where it could sit in the back seat, but not anywhere else. So I picked up handfuls of dried leaves and put piles everyewhere it could *not* sit. I woke up before we went on the journey.

    I'm still confused as to whether this was my own shadow I was facing, or whether it was a neg. I still don't know whether I handled it correctly. How do you know whether what you're afraid of is a neg or a teacher of some sort? In other words, is fear itself an indication of another's intentions, or is it simply a reaction to something unknown and powerful?

  9. #9
    animosity Guest

    Re: My experiences with shadow people

    Quote Originally Posted by Lono
    Hello, all. This is my first post, and I hope I'm putting it in the right forum. I'm not sure these incidences were attacks, but they sure felt like it, so here goes:

    I've had two experiences in my life in which I encountered shadow people. It wasn't until after my more recent encounter that I even knew there was a term for these things.

    The first incident happened when I was 6 years old, and living in an old house in Arkansas. This house was unusual, in that the only way to reach my room was to go through my parents' room, then a bathroom with two connecting doors. In other words, there is no way someone could get to my room without going to my parents' room first.

    I had many strange occurences during my stay in this house. I would frequently awaken with that feeling of cobwebs on my face I hear people on this forum describing. Once I would open my eyes, I would see a ghastly white, disembodied head floating above my face. It had large, dark eyes, and a big downturned slash for a mouth. It also had wild white hair, so I referred to it as "the mophead."

    Once during this time I was having trouble sleeping (imagine that!), when I saw my bedroom door open. The light was on in the bathroom, so I could see perfectly. Standing in the doorway was the sillouhette of a man, pointing something at me. He appeared to be bald, or to have a stocking over his head, so I assumed he was pointing a gun at me. I dove under the covers and stayed there for what felt like forever, until I got the courage to look once again. This time, the figure was gone, but the door was still open!

    I went into my parents' room, and saw that my mother was reading, and my father was lying next to her, asleep. I asked my mom if my dad had been in my room, and she said 'no, he's been asleep." Now, don't ask me why I didn't just tell her what I saw. For some reason, I only needed to make sure it wasn't my father.

    Fast forward almost 30 years. A couple of months ago, I was having trouble sleeping because of a bad case of heartburn. I began feeling a severe pain in my right side, so I thought it might even be a gallbladder attack. Once, I was drifting in and out of consciousness, but not really asleep, when I "thought" I looked at my bedroom doorway and saw a huge figure in sillouhette standing there. It had to be at least 7 feet tall, and it was blacker than black-- even outlined sharply, like a computer-generated figure. Strangely, it appeared to be covered in leaves! I say this, because the impression I had of it was sort of a swamp-thing, because there were these leafy protrustions around its head.

    I can't even begin to describe the level of terror I felt. It was a primordial terror that was even greater than I think I would feel if it had been an actual person. But here's the strange thing-- I said to it, "I'm ready to face you now!" What the heck? In no way, shape, or form did I feel ready or have any desire to "face" this thing, whatever that meant. But still, I heard myself saying these words. To my surprise, the thing retreated further from my doorway. I was almost disappointed, because I wanted to get this "facing" thing over with so I'd never have to see it again.

    I almost forget to mention-- while everything in my room, including my doorway, appeared normal, what was outside the doorway bore no relation to the actual rest of my house. It appeared to be nothing but whiteness, and I got the feeling it didn't lead to my hallway. I have no idea why.

    Was this a Neg? If so, what was its purpose, and did I handle it correctly? Has anyone heard of the shadow people that I've been reading about since this encounter?
    The entity I'm dealing with at the moment sometimes appears shadowy like, if that mop head thing happend to me I'd probably cry though! Maybe you did do the right thing. I challegend, mocked and insulted the one thats been troubling me at first, this definetly didn't help but I don't know if it provoked it further or if it would have done what it did anyway though. A neg means a spirit that has a NEGative effect on you so yea. Has it stopped bothering you now? I think it's best not to engage with the things if possible.

  10. #10
    Nikpalj Guest
    This happened once during my posession while I was under prolonged mental attack by the negative netities who have merged with my subconsciouss mind (which you would call "classic" demonic posession).

    I was lying in my bed awake early in the morning, listening to the jumble of their voices inside of my mind talking to me, threatening me in various ways, screaming and laughing... They were sometimes even moving my hands and legs, I would turn to my side in the bed and put my arm beside me like I'm used to and find comfortable, but then suddenly my arm and leg would jerk from under my control: the leg would slide up and bend smoothly in the knee of it's own and the arm would slide up the bed and slip the hand under the pillow while I witnessed all of this in quiet disbelief, too stunned to remember to try to counter these's motions, try to put my limbs under my control again. Robert Bruce called this phenomena "Virtual Puppetry", but he was referring to the neg completely taking over your body, you witnessing this at full consciousnes and unable to stop it, not just partial takeover like this.

    This very human behaviour of the neg rearranging "it's" arms and legs into a position itself is comfortable with in bed also proves to me even more that half of these so-called negs and demons are actually regular human spirits, who were probably were already socyopaths/criminals while they were alive and only continued doing what they're best at after they died - only that they now find themselves being invisible to the (untrained) human eye and capable of pulling off a lot of minor (energetic) tricks...

    Well, I was lying on my back and sweating, holding my hands on my chest with my fingers entwined and trying to shut off images the bastards were sending into my third eye (which any doctor would immediatey write off as "visual hallucination" - that's technically exactly what a vision is, the difference being that this wasn't some mental fart that my subconscious made, but a stream of intelligently connected images appropriate to the situation sent into my consciousness by the neg, where I could view them as I would a regular memory but unnaturalely clearly, like no memory I ever saw inside of my mind. They were mostly about the negs (human) face grinning broadly at me, his mad eyes goggling - he was clearly a lunatic, which fit perfectly with the crazed stuff that he was saying inside of my mind.

    I was scared to death from this as I expected that this was it, I wasn't gonna get out of that bedroom sane anymore, that they were gonna do something to my mind now that will send me to a mental institution and screw up my life forever...

    Somewhere into all of this I vaguely became increasingly aware that there were "people" standing all around me, watching this. I could see nobody and nothing in the space around my bed, yet I could feel clearly that there was "something" by the side of my bed to my left and right side (! that would mean INSIDE of the bed on the right side of me, 'cause I have a bed that was made for couples, not singles and I prefer sleeping on the left side of the bed). I thought this was really crazy and that I REALLY started hallucinating from all the fear... but then I felt a light touch on my left arm, like somebody had touched my arm with a cool coin (meaning to say slightly cold), pressed it into my skin for a second, then had retrieved it, all in one motion.

    I froze in panic when I realized that there had to be a ghost of some kind standing right beside my bed, prodding me with a finger of it's "hand" (and probably having immense fun) and I could see absolutely nothing there, 'cause of course it wasn't physical. But my "cat sense" was screaming it's alarm that there was!, there was!, there was a bunch of somebodies/somethings standing all around me, that I was surrounded with them, just couldn't see them...

    A few stunned seconds passed. Nothing happened. I began writing off the sensation again to being already scared to death and that I probably started hallucinating, when the same thing happened all over again. I suppose that it could read my mind and was dissapointed that I was spoiling it's fun by not believing, so it decided to do it's first contact trick all over again to prove to me that it was actually there.

    I felt the cold point of it's finger pressing into my skin in the same place, but this time more strongly, insistently, so that I couldn't write it off as a hallucination anymore because I could sense this clearly.

    What then appeared before my eyes, I suppose you could call it one of the few truly shocking experiences I had to live through during my posession...

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