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Thread: INTERESTING......yet scaryy!

  1. #1

    INTERESTING......yet scaryy!

    hey guys im a 17 year old male who has had 2 OBE, yet i havent been able to duplicate them, to be honest just dont get the time to do em, summer job & all that....last night i planned that i was gonna do a meditation with hemisync by focusing on my pineal gland & after im done i was going to try to have an OBE........when i was into like 3mins of pineal gland focusing i noticed that my heart chakra & throat chakra, both opened at the same heart center was so active like OMG it kinda scared me.....i know how robert's golden rule of energy work is if it hurts u get up relax urself which solve 99% of the problems......i was going to do this but the thing was it wasnt hurting in fact this activation of the chest was so pleasureble, it felt so good like sex! , so i kept on going.....after i was done with the heart chakra activation thing, my throat chakra got activated,........after i was done with both of them, a question appeared in my mind "DO I REALLLY WANNA DO THIS, ALL THIS OCCULT KNOWLEDGE I HAVE?" this point i was so scared that i immediately stopped everything & just went to sleep but the questions kept on popping in my head like "WHAT IF I RAISE MY KUNDALINI IMMATURELY?" .....can someone please answer the bolded letter questions that i wrote above...........i didnt know where to put my story so i put it here.....if u guys want u can just stimulate ur pineal gland which is right in the center of ur head at the brow this every day for 5-10mins & after few days see what happens...anyone can comment thankss

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: INTERESTING......yet scaryy!

    I moved it to the forum where you will get answers.

    It is highly unlikely you will raise kundalini without trying to- it is easy to activate, not so easy to raise.

    And, you should never do third eye work exclusively, always do all your chakras from the bottom up, staring with the base chakra, and ending with the crown chakra.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: INTERESTING......yet scaryy!

    no i wasnt trying to work on my chakras....i was just going to stimulate my pineal gland & then try to have an OBE.......i was intending to work on my chakras either....they just spontaneously got activated by themselves......i was worried about kundalini because i always read these stories about a a unintended spontaneous kundalini rising in people at random thats why i was worried....also can u tell me that is it healthy to try to activate the pineal gland....or should i work on my other chakras too....? if yes how many minutes should i spend on each chakra??thankss

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: INTERESTING......yet scaryy!

    Yes, but the eye thing does stimulate the brow chakra, because the pineal gland is considered to be part of the 'brow' circuit, and the trigger 'flash' is a strobe of this chakra.
    I wouldn't work more than 15 minutes on each (at the most, I work on mine less than five minutes each when I do).
    Most of the time people have spontaneous K events, there is something going on in their lives- something traumatic or life changing, besides whatever meditative/energy work they do. Of course, this is possible and it does happen- it just isn't very likely.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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