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Thread: Oliver's Dream Journal

  1. #81
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    Re: Oliver's Dream Journal

    "Visiting a school"

    I was on the ground level of a really busy school, thinking it was not mine, I'm just here for a visit at this point. I felt the need to go to a restroom, but it seems kids were queueing up on it. I went up a floor, searched the corridors. Sometimes there were signs for restrooms and showers, and people were queued, sometimes I could only find rooms for girls. At some point even the hallways were divided and there were showers on one side. Teens waiting for class turned them on and shoved each other under them and I could hear the shrieks of the girls who got wet.

    On 3rd floor I finally found a restroom. I decided to use it, but not take a shower, because it seemed sports was on my curriculum for today, anyway, so I would certainly take a shower afterwards.

    Now the order of events becomes a bit tricky. I think next comes the part where students were herded together to watch a movie. It was like a movie theater - seats in descending rows, for example, but it also had a bit of a college class room. I was sitting in first row with a friend.

    The movie wasn't starting for some reason, they were having trouble. My friend popped open a laptop and we researched something together. After we closed the laptop down, the movie finally started, and there were some comments as if we had delayed the movie.

    But instead of a proper movie what came on screen was that they would show an ice hockey game, and the teams (one seemed to be "Dusseldorf" - it was even spelled wrong) were really uninteresting, and because they lost so much time fixing everything, they would only show the last third of the game.

    I decided this was way too uninteresting and not educational, stood up, announced so and marched out.

    Now what happened when becomes hazy again, and I made my way into the sports grounds somehow, and now I'm on my way out. It's a bright and sunny day, maybe the grass looks a bit parched, like on a really bright summer's day.

    A small group of first graders is blocking the exit, we (as a group) at first stopped, then decided to get past them. I don't know what they were doing, for some weird reason I remember preparations for scuba diving. I just can't match that with what I saw, which I don't remember.

    The exit required showing some ID. I was aware I had slipped into the sports ground without showing my ID. I pulled out a transparent plastic protector with two pockets. In the right one was a red badge on a string, the left one was empty. I knew the right one had been my permission to be here.

    A person standing next to me, as far as I know not the person in charge of the gate, started to irritate me. He announced aloud I had no proper ID. I felt this was preposterous, especially since I knew I had a second protector in my pocket with at least my ID card, if not even another ID. So even if I had not come in the regular way I had everything required.

    He was getting really annoying. I noticed we were standing next to a moat, and somebody was lying down behind him, taking in the sun. I told him he better watch it, and he took a look at me and was kind of like "Oh yeah? I'm stronger than you!" And I said "Oh, really?" and shoved him over the person, he lost his balance and dropped backwards into the moat.

    Then I had to get the person lying down out of the moat which seemed to have slipped in a bit, and then I pulled the other guy out, who didn't seem to get out on his own or even try, but I couldn't leave him there.

    I half-awoke. In the in-between state I went over everything I could remember again, as if to memorize it. (This is the second night I can remember doing this.) Then I had to convince myself that this wasn't enough. No matter how nice it was to drift around in this feeling, I would surely go back to sleep and forget my dream if I did, so I made myself finally wake up.

    The intial part seems definitely take place on the mental plane. The school location gives it away. Also having problems to order events seems to indicate a higher plane. And there was even an element of instruction. The 3rd floor I climbed up to could then have been the 5th subplane of mental plane (3rd if counted from lowest).

    The restroom then may have symbolized something I had to release before I could rise higher. The bright sunshine in the last bit might indicate that. But it could also just mean to release something to sustain the rest of the experience.

    I think the friend in the cinema who gave me private instruction was a guide, a senior student if you may.

    About the movie - the actual city is spelled "Düsseldorf." "Dusseldorf" on the other hand could either be the Americanized pronounciation, or it could mean this: "idiot (Dussel) village (Dorf)." I don't know if the boring movie was to make me overcome likes/dislikes in the mental body, it seemed really, really boring and pointless, as if someone had picked something to not tickle my interest at all. Never had been a fan of watching something just because somebody told me to, so this may be the same aversion against such stuff in a lesser form.

    The bright sun parching the grass in the sports grounds might be an indication that something is putting a strain on my growth. It could be my physical elemental, given the reason I was there - sports / P.E. So maybe my "physical education" is an issue, but somewhat parched grass doesn't seem too bad yet.

    The kids trying out scuba gear might be souls preparing for incarnation, doing simulations for physical reality (submersing themselves in physical reality), maybe?

    I wonder if the annoying guy was the actual gatekeeper, or maybe a chance to release something before passing the gate and go somewhere else. I showed some logical thinking here, but I think I failed the simulation as the guy basically became lifeless after I pushed him into the moat, as if the simulation couldn't continue because of my course of action. He certainly "challenged my identity" but I knew within that there was nothing wrong with it, which is a good sign I guess, but the reaction may have to be improved.

    PS - I note the absence of teachers, professors or offical instructors. This might have been in order to prevent triggering my aversion of high school that prevented other such learning experiences. The instruction was then instead given be a fellow student which met no resistance, but rather my full interest. An elegant solution.

  2. #82
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    Re: Oliver's Dream Journal

    I realised I never posted this one. At the time this adventure felt too personal to post.

    Met my dead uncle

    This morning I fell asleep again to wake up with my mother with me. I'm starting to suspect it's really a guide. I always think it's my mother, but I never see her.

    My uncle arrived in his car (he loved his Audi cars) with his family - I guess wife and kids - even though the kids are near-40 or over it. They looked like kids, but also like shady reflections, maybe for his comfort. I got only his attention.

    He got out and was glad to see me. I couldn't remember he was dead, only recovering from something. Given his age I thought heart attack. I kind of suspect this was suppressed so I play my role better. He looked old, grey and smaller, like the image of him had greyed out, and his voice was different, also almost a whisper, but it was him and he was glad to see me.

    When I asked him about his recovery he said "The first weeks are the hardest." He's been dead for about two months now. I gave him half a hug not to hurt him while he's in recovery.

    My "mother" said something to him, and I thought it somehow tactless, or she asked if what she just said was tactless. We turned to the right and there was a vast green expanse full of sunlight, maybe with trees around. It had a well-cared look, I think it was a park. It was a really sunny day, like vacation season.

    I sent this experience to Kurt, it was so rather clear and wonderful. He said that on the top level of the astral plane a shade/spirit can say goodbye to the people he knew in the world, before he becomes unavailable during the deep life review on the lower mental plane. I must have been the only one in my family ready for meeting him there, and I am glad I did. I think it gives a lot of closure to have such an experience, and is one of the not-so-expected rewards of working with dreams or the energy bodies.

    Whenever I visit places like this I remember the light. Bright but never blinding, of a fullness they try to emulate in movies, rich and sometimes golden, all natural, often shining through the leaves of tall trees. In a recent experience I was on my way back to waking reality and passed through this "area" again - it was like passing through an ideal Indian Summer's day in the forest, along the creek.


  3. #83
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    Re: Oliver's Dream Journal

    He got out and was glad to see me. I couldn't remember he was dead, only recovering from something. Given his age I thought heart attack. I kind of suspect this was suppressed so I play my role better.
    This reminds me of my dreams of my father. I've mentioned it somewhere else, and I really should make that post about it, because it's something that's been bugging me for years now.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #84
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    Re: Oliver's Dream Journal

    Hi Oliver,
    I just read the first page of this thread then jumped to another thread in the Dreaming Forum called "Full moon and pyramid" started by Sono on Dec 20 2010. I had to draw your attention to it because of your "Golden Disk" dream where you think you see 15 and 6 on two DVD-like disks. (And then when you think of chakra's you see 1 -- 5 and 6.) Here's what I thought you might find interesting from Sono's post:

    "Last night I had an inspiring dream; I was looking up the the full moon, & next to it an enormous pyramid of light, slowly revolving . . . . There was also a sort of "projection" of a few paragraphs of light- writing, which was huge, spread right across the sky & visible in all parts of the world simultaneously; the gist of the writing was that "they were here" & we could expect to meet "them" openly around the 15/6 next year!"

    Hmm . . .

  5. #85
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    Re: Oliver's Dream Journal

    Hey, noctua_breve.

    That's a good observation! I don't think it's related to a date, though, if you meant that.

    However, on the 21st of December I recorded this in the morning:

    At some point I read a booklet and it warns that in June the cockroaches swarm and one should be on the lookout. It has two bugs on it with ridiculously overdone bug eyes, look more like oversize fly heads. Maybe the date was 15/06, like in sono's alien prediction dream.
    Ridiculously overdone "bug eyes" - hmmm. Didn't think about that one earlier.


  6. #86
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    Re: Oliver's Dream Journal

    Well, I usually collect my dreams elsewhere now, but I liked this one so I'll share it:

    "To the moon"

    It all starts out outdoors. I'm supposedly in a computer game, without noticing that I'm inside the game. V (co-worker) is there. I glimpse in the distance around the corner a huge battle robot. This is all part of the game, and I know the game parameters. I know when it can spot me, and I'm about to shoot it before it even detected me. (I know the game, but never from being awake. I seem to have played it in my dreams before. I usually shoot the robots by aiming at them before they can shoot me. It's like a railshooter, I guess.)

    V is skeptical. He says "If P (distant co-worker) wrote this, shouldn't he know we're here?" Instead of crouching he's standing up, and he gives away our position. The battle bot is starting to move! I begin to run downhill, I can see into a huge, beautiful valley. This shouldn't be happening. I jump and lift off, and start to fly over the valley.

    Now I know this is no game! But to make sure I use some powers, I lift a train off its tracks and throw it at the bot. I start to accelerate, and as I approach the wall on the side of the valley it looks I can not rise fast enough, but I ignore it and make it somehow. I was very determined not to touch the ground again but to stay airborne. The whole wall is changing while I speed along it. It even turned blue, and I might have passed through it.

    I rise higher and higher, but I have this feeling of wanting to do even more. I decide to go to the moon, and it is quite the challenge. It's as if everything around me trembles (like sitting on top of a rocket) as I try to do so, but again I pull through. As I arrive on the moon my normal sight is gone, and replaced by a weird "raster vision." Little grey hexagons form surfaces and lines connect here and there, as if it was some computer schematic, constantly updating and changing.

    At some point during my ascent I was like "The moon? Why not another galaxy?" but I stopped myself, thinking better to stay within my own reality system, wondering if the moon was not already too far out. I realised that I did not know how the moon fits into our reality system.

    Now that I am on the moon I remember this line of thought, and decide to descend back to Earth and back into my body, so I would recall. But instead of going directly by just using my mind I want to shoot towards Earth with this awesome acceleration again.

    I wake in the dark. I am at my mother's house, it seems. I go to the living room and turn the light on. (Everything is different, but I don't notice.) Four cats at least are in the living room, but I somehow explain the additional cats to myself. One isn't really a cat, but some kind of jungle monkey with huge eyes, but it looks so cute, it could be a cat. One of those who are adjusted to the night.

    I brought two snacks with me I was going to eat, chocolatey things. One of the cats is trying to get into the snack bowl. Before I can sit at the computer I suddenly realise this is a false awakening and wake up.

  7. #87
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    Re: Oliver's Dream Journal

    "Held in place"

    (This one back from January 28th.)

    I woke in the middle of the night, with the sensation of being held in place. I was lying there, and it was somehow uncomfortable, but I was not alarmed in any way. I was not fully awake, though, I think, but had some awareness that this was like sleep paralysis. I felt chakras. 7 I think. I was confronted with a situation I don't remember. I flicked my 8th chakra on and made my choice regarding the situation.

    I guess that did not resolve the situation. I didn't have the feeling it concluded or dissolved. The incessant loud noise coming from my dog (she snores badly) irritated me, so I kind of made sure she would notice me without fully waking up. I fell asleep again.

    In fact this must have been my first conscious encounter with sleep paralysis. The sensation of "being held down" wasn't that strong, just like finely applied pressure to certain points, and I chose to explore that state to see what it was like.

  8. #88
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    Re: Oliver's Dream Journal

    "Sleep school"

    I was in class, in the 2nd last row. The rows were sloped downwards, so I was at the top end. The class topic seemed to be "Rhetorics & _________" (forgot). There was a main teacher whose class it was, I didn't know him, but he seemed kind of well-known during the experience, as you would have if you had written a book and/or been on TV. And as a second teacher attending to the class a close co-worker of mine, Frank, whom I share office with, ten years my senior.

    I was taking interest in the class, and I think at first I was listening to the teacher, and I have some memories hearing about that it is not about what you know - facts you can cite - he doesn't deem that most important, but it would help and maybe today we would be doing that. I then remember dialogueing with Frank on topic, like I identified three matching facts to his question and he was agreeing that it was a suitable answer, IIRC with some enthusiasm.

    At this point I realised I was now in 1st row, I think (originally I thought 2nd, but I can't remember someone in front of me). I thought I must have slipped down the slope to the place I was now in, and now I tried to push myself back up. I pushed myself back, but bumped into someone. I turned around and discovered I had bumped into two black kids, possibly early teens or pre-teens, they looked like they were brothers, a close resemblance.

    At this point I realised that nobody was sitting on a chair or something. People were lying or sitting on the slope, I might have even woken up those kids by bumping into them. I remember sleeping bags, don't know if I had one, I think they had some. I think I woke up soon after.

    I realised in hindsight that people attended this class in their sleep - and so this is my most clear instance of "attending sleep/night class" so far. The fact that I was aware enough to interact and attend to the topic moved me "forward in class" for interaction with the teacher. I wasn't really prepared for that "conceptually," I expected to have a fixed spot in class and wanted to get back to it, which must have distracted me too much.

  9. #89
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    Re: Oliver's Dream Journal

    This one is from just last night.

    "The Lesser Abode"

    It was a dark, stormy night, and raining heavily. I was homing in on a scene as if flying. A meeting of people had just dispersed, I could feel them leaving. Some may have left by car, not sure, but my direction was the dark forest. Somebody must have just left for that direction, and it was my direction, too, so I tried to catch up.

    I heard reverberating echoes of a voice, and I asked out loud "Are you trying to lure me in?" This had a fantasy, unreal feel about it. I had the feeling I was indeed being lured in, but I followed the trail underground. Twice it went down, and I went past blue lights in the ground of eerie glow. I entered a dimly lit cavern.

    I'm not sure I was alone at this time, I might have had company. I think I was speaking to company. I saw somebody rush through the scene and leave to the left, too. At the end of the cavern I saw crushed body of a man. A fallen rock had smashed it. As I went towards I felt something like the spirit of the man, and I talked to it. I explained he was dead. He must have acknowledged that but then he told me wasn't accepting that and would change it.

    The man now filled his body with undead life, and it tried to attack me. I think I had company at this time because I said - as if to someone - "I hate when this happens." I struck the undead down, I think.

    The scene must have changed at this point. The cavern had changed into a huge hall. It was a place of elaborate design, the walls so high I couldn't see a ceiling (but I didn't look up either). I somehow had the feeling I could leave the scene now, but I decided I was not done with the spirit of the dead man. Instead of leaving the scene, I stepped again towards where he had been, and I think that might have released him. He might have also tried to scare me off for a last time before that happened.

    The scene changed further. The place I was now in was a mixture of church, baroque castle and luxury apartment. It had red carpet lining the walkways. Little sets of white marble stairs led between the different "levels" from room to room, and the rooms were made of white marble, too. Golden candelabra and other golden decorations were everywhere.

    Again I felt as if I had company, and I began explaining "This is 'The Lesser Abode of the Gods'. They don't visit here much, spending most of their time at Dunmanifestin. But still they sometimes come here, so it's better to be careful and leave right away." With these words I reached an elevator (like one in a penthouse), stepped in, went down and woke up.

    Funny I would think the gods spent most of their time in Dunmanifestin. That's the Mount Olymp equivalent in Terry Pratchett's Discworld. Many elements of descending towards the cavern and meeting and fighting the undead had unreal elements to it, but the 'Lesser Abode' was brightly lit and "well defined" if that makes any sense.

  10. #90
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    Re: Oliver's Dream Journal

    The words "Golden Chamber of Melchizedek" come to mind.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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