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Thread: Can my Kundalini Experience cause traumatic events?

  1. #1

    Can my Kundalini Experience cause traumatic events?

    I've been practicing Kundalini yoga for a few months, and suddenly extremely traumatic events that make no sense at all have been occurring. I am not a superstitious person at all but the events that have been occurring are completely insane. I'll list a few of them:
    I got stung by a jellyfish and it completely f*cked up my arm. (matter of fact the whole entire animal kingdom seems to want me dead)
    I went to the ER because I had an unexplainable fever of over 40.5 that happened in less than 5 minutes (which the doctors tell me is medically impossible) but from my readings I've heard that kundalini awakening can induce extreme heat energy.
    My car and part of my home literally got BULLDOZED with no one knowing who did it.

    Many other insane events have also been occurring like failing in university, I know there are logical explanations to everything I've mentioned but I somehow feel that my improper kundalini experience could have induced all this. I've been stuck in bed afraid of doing anything because everywhere I go and everything I do something terrible occurs, and I am not exaggerating.

    I thought if I do some good deeds I can get out this situation. I donated blood, and gave money to the less fortunate and nothing seems to fix this situation I'm in. I am afraid of meditating.

    I just feel that my kundalini experience has something to do with this. Is this what they call kundalini syndrome?

    Any advice to how I can maybe reverse my kundalini awakening would be of great assistance. I know this sounds insane but I've reached a point of desperation, and I know no one who can explain all of this.

  2. #2
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    Re: Can my Kundalini Experience cause traumatic events?

    Hello, bluemystic.

    I cannot claim being able to explain what is actually happening to you. I cannot possibly know, I'm not that psychic.

    However, if there is a correlation to what is happening to you and your actions, then let me hazard a guess. I'll send you a private message.

    Take care,

  3. #3
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    Re: Can my Kundalini Experience cause traumatic events?

    i second "hazard a guess". good choice of wording.

    :::pulling back on this one:::, because i see where CFT is a comin from, and how my words might exacerbate the topic.

    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

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  4. #4
    Palehorse Redivivus Guest

    Re: Can my Kundalini Experience cause traumatic events?

    Hi BM,

    In my experience with kundalini, I've had a lot of success basically by throwing aside all the "common sense" and prevailing thoughtforms surrounding the subject, and working *with* mine, even via dialogue, rather than assuming it's going to bowl me over and take over my life. What I can also say is that I've tended to attract thoughtforms and possibly sentient interference with the motive of "proving" the religious paradigm correct, in the sense that kundalini might rise without issue, and then something else comes along and sabotages my ego and persona deliberately with the equivalent of an astral crowbar. I've sort of got a running joke with my K at this point -- "damn, they're playing blame the snake again." Heh. Whatever your problem may be, I can pretty much assure you it's not a moral one, in the sense that you might do some good deeds and win brownie points with anybody. If anything that might encourage the thoughtforms, institutions and occasionally people I mentioned to continue that game.

    On the other hand, being an intense phenomenon that moves more energy than most people are used to if it happens spontaneously, it is also possible to have it blow one's normal filters between the physical and various other planes, which could well attract malicious influences. My advice there would be to strongly intend that the snake and related energy phenomena settle down so your system can rebuild into a new kind of functional, and then either choose to attempt to raise it deliberately or intend that it stay dormant if you feel so inclined.

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    Re: Can my Kundalini Experience cause traumatic events?

    I have no idea where the 'idea' dept is with this, but I ocassionally practice Kundalini Yoga, and it hasn't triggered anything except maybe a sore shoulder. I don't think practicing K yoga will make Kundalini rise, there's so much more involved in this- however, your interpretation of events may indeed be caused by a K spike, which is a different thing.
    Who knows- not me.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6
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    Re: Can my Kundalini Experience cause traumatic events?


    i love that "they're blaming the snake again". right on

    we call to love where we do not see love, even in the adoption of a new spiritual practice. to me god is love, and god is no respector of persons, being as a person is not what they would think themself to limitedly be. it is hard to respect a limitation where none should be, is it not?

    several years ago i was removing a crumbling cement stoop at the back door of my then house. under it was three enormous copperheads to my surprise. folks said, and even my thoughts said, kill them snakes dead. but i did not, i gathered them one at a time with a fashioned pull-noose on the end of a rod, put them in a gott water cooler and drove them down to the river and released them on a farm road running along the banks.

    months later hindsight taught me a lesson, as three very close family members (exwife n exinlaws) 'stung' me in what was a surprise filing for divorce, which got pretty ugly for myself in the midst of teamed accusations with no basis behind them. i basically rode it out, peacefully realizing that i had nothing to feel ashamed of or be guilty of.

    i relate those two events, and i see where that had i killed those three copperheads then the whole divorce scenario would have gone in the opposite direction.

    so yes, dont blame the snakes, let em peacefully be. love would forewarn us, giving us a chance choice before even the circumstance would reveal itself. one would think that love cannot be seen in a divorce, yet it is love that would not have what is not love. sometimes in life this can be a surprise awakening when one is thinking to otherwise see love where it isn't.

    love arriving would as a storm take much thought to be love away. love showing love is most often the revealing of what is not love so that love might in the clearing be seen trued as You with new sight seeing.

    in this way we may forgive those close enough to have played their part/s in the reveal. one cannot hold another bound to that which from did love free, for if it is love trued then all is/are trued in it.

    caution:lyrics may be offensive, but they only serve as transitional languages on seeing life anew...analog (manmade) becoming digitalized into the natural ems/f. perhaps 'signs'

    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  7. #7
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    Re: Can my Kundalini Experience cause traumatic events?

    The full awakening of Kundalini begins a process of transformation and metamorphosis. If necessary, that process will involve events that you might well perceive as traumatic or painful or undesirable, etc. Through the process, you learn a great deal about yourself, how you act, react, think, believe, etc., and are eventually brought into a position of being able to change or override those tendencies (amongst many other changes that are wrought, some of them conscious, some of them unconscious).

    If, indeed, you are in the beginning of a Kundalini awakening, there is nothing you can do to stop it. Resisting will just make matters worse and make the transformation take longer.

    However, as you say, there are standard explanations for all of the events, as well, so it's very difficult to even begin to guess what's going on. The biggest thing I think you could learn from this, right now, is that reality is NOT as clear cut, stable, and set-in-stone as it appears to be. "Impossible" things happen all the time, to all kinds of people. Amazing things happen all the time, too, along with strange things, weird things, unexplainable things, etc. The rabbit hole is, indeed, infininte...
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  8. #8
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    Re: Can my Kundalini Experience cause traumatic events?

    I don't know about Kundalini yoga, but I do know that anytime we focus our will upon a object of self, we will get its attention - animate it to some degree.

    Quote Originally Posted by CPW
    If, indeed, you are in the beginning of a Kundalini awakening, there is nothing you can do to stop it. Resisting will just make matters worse and make the transformation take longer.

    However, as you say, there are standard explanations for all of the events, as well, so it's very difficult to even begin to guess what's going on. The biggest thing I think you could learn from this, right now, is that reality is NOT as clear cut, stable, and set-in-stone as it appears to be. "Impossible" things happen all the time, to all kinds of people. Amazing things happen all the time, too, along with strange things, weird things, unexplainable things, etc. The rabbit hole is, indeed, infininte...
    What she said.

    But allow me to add that Kundalini is a broad concept that incorporates all that relates to the trial of Spirit to become conscious within the mortal self. I have before compared the K to this stanza from Dante (Thread: Dark Night of the Soul):

    “Through me lies the road to the city of grief.
    Through me lies the pathway to woe everlasting.
    Through me lies the road to the souls that are lost.
    Justice impelled my mighty architect:
    The power Divine, and primal Love and Wisdom
    Surpassing all, have here constructed me.
    Before I was created, nothing was save things Eternal.
    I shall last Forever.
    Abandon hope, all ye who enter here!”
    - Dante, Divine Comedy; “Inferno” Canto 3

    Here, however, I'd like emphasize these lines,

    "Justice impelled my mighty architect:
    The power Divine, and primal Love and Wisdom
    Surpassing all, have here constructed me.

    It's a terrible love, the Kundalini, and if the unfortunate events in your life were spawned by this 'terrible' energy, then so be it. On the other hand, may have nothing to do with it - sh!t happens - but I wouldn't be too quick to retreat to that prosaic explanation.

    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  9. #9
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    Re: Can my Kundalini Experience cause traumatic events?

    Asking for it is more like it. When the world seems chaotic and we seem to suffer upheaval , it can because we are ready to move on. It seems that you describe the Tower. The tower is the "we all fall down" card. But after the loss, life goes on and the secret is up to you. It will all get so much better or we can whinge and suffer the loss some more. It is always up to the magician to count their sufferings or to count their blessings. You are a good person. I believe that this destruction around you is to wake you up and move you to a different place and different lessons and I think you asked for it. Congratulations, the universe listened. Opportunity for great change is now in your hands. What will you do next ?
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

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