T 7 September 2010

At the Buddhist Centre again.

As soon as I tranced I felt a stirring in the Throne of God .This is a flat energy centre at the base of the spine on the pelvic floor . I felt the energy moving widdershins slowly and thickly like a bread dough being stirred.Then the branchless tree trunk manifested in my spine again not above it as if it had retracted there like a telescope. Or was this another lower section of it? It moved up smoothly , effortlessly and was blanched like a skinned potato. This was the Tree of Life without bark. It was tapered at the top , rounded off. The tree pushed up, extruded from the Throne of God energy centre until it extended far above the head of the body. Then a crude brown snake the size of a child's arm shivered up shaking itself erect and then slowly encircling from the base of the tree to the top. This was felt subtly. After reaching the top it continued its path encircling the tree from the top to the base and then instead of sleeping it slithered out of the body .

I think this was a Pre-K event because it was not a strong sensation and it seemed in preparation .

In fact I dreamed last night about the snake becoming pregnant and slithering back into the base of the tree ready to give birth.

II The lecture was about patience. The mind that is accepting is patient. It accepts that suffering comes from Karma.

III 2nd Meditation
Buddha appeared standing with a rounded belly; the Happy Buddha. He extended his hands to me through a wall of energy. His hands became Golden. I was in a heavy trance and attempted to lift my physical hand to him but could not do so. Then I projected from the body and took his hands but I could only place one hand through the hole in the wall before me.

Buddha/ wall/ Buddha's hands \wall \me

The left hand slipped through the hole and as he touched it , it became a black cobra to the elbow . And he changed into a massive black cobra about 16 feet tall above the coiled tail on the ground . His eyes glowed golden there were many not 2 in a symmetrical pattern like a chevron of golden eyes. He opened his mouth and looked as if he would swallow me whole but instead he swallowed the globe, the entire world.

Then Vishnu appeared in his place (perhaps an earlier incarnation of the Buddha). He was green skinned with a long lei of flowers around his neck to the floor. He had a small black cobra from the middle of his forehead hanging limply like curls from fringe/bangs down to the nose
He was barechested and wore a long cloth like toga from the waist to his feet. The face of a male lion appeared over his right shoulder in a circle of flames , fire breathing from the nostrils. On the left shoulder a thin long necked bird with a long tail of feathers perhaps a peacock or lyre bird.

Cobras came out of his back and his neck then a flare of them like peacock tails too numerous to count. He lifted his arms and these came from the shoulders and elbows too. Then he lifted one leg and cobras came from his ankles and knees and hips . Replacing the left foot , he lifted the right foot and the cobra skirt appeared in the same manner on the right leg.

Then he pointed with his right index finger to the heavens , bowed his head and was gone.