I've always been taught that Chi, Ki, and Prana are all the same thing. In Reiki, it's called Universal Life Force. I think that storing energy isn't going to hurt you. Using New is really great. From my experience with it, as you continue raising and storing energy, your physical body adapts and can work with more and more energy.

With Quantum Touch healing, you are taught to raise the energy and then let it flow out your hands for healing. It's continual, so there's no need to store. I've never felt energy depleted after doing many QT sessions. In fact, last weekend, I was in a workshop where we were raising the energy almost all day for two days in a row. By Sunday night, I was feeling better than I had felt in a long time.

Isn't energy (Life Force) just energy? Just because different modalities give it a different name doesn't necessarily mean it is different. IMO it's like God. Just because God has a zillion different names from a zillion different religions and belief systems, isn't It still the same Creator?

Maybe I'm wrong...I'm not experienced in some of the modalities you mentioned, but my intuition tells me it's all the same.