Last night I was in bed and I could feel what surrounded me. Laying there, I couldn't remember if I had fallen asleep or not, but I started to feel the vibrations. For some reason I kept telling myself "you need to remember this so you can write it down tomorrow". Still feeling what was around me, in a sleepy state I started to swing my astral legs to get out and I stood there a moment repeating "remember all this" (something I tell myself in lucid dreams). I took a few steps but things started to go black so I thought I better get back to my body before I just lose all of this. When I awoke in the morning this seemed more like a lucid dream than an actual concious OBE. It's bugging the heck outta me trying to figure out what state I was in. Does this sound like an incredibly lucid dream or regular dream I just projected for myself and remembered when I woke up?
