While doing the "Rope Technique" this morning while playing the preset (I guess since I was focusing on doing the rope the preset was background noise to my conscious mind) I did experience vibrations--almost a shuddering feeling. Unfortunately I thought about them and took my focus off rope climbing and they diminished... I realize I shouldn't do that. I relaxed for a few moments and actually just listened to the preset and I got vibrations more in the head---these were more of a pulsing type... I then visualized myself flying for a few moments and the vibrations stayed for a few moments then I tried to shift back to rope and the vibrations went away.

Q1: Are there really different types of vibrations, and if so, which are better?

Q2: I am not sure I can stay in a trance-like state while doing rope since it is such an active activity... I feel like my legs are actually moving also as I visualize climbing the rope.

Q3: Does each successive preset have something extra that alters the brainwaves making projection easier? I notice meaningful differences in the latter presets even when I listen to them for only 10 seconds?
