Last night I *think* I had a spontaneous OBE. I laid down to go to sleep for the night, and as I was falling I asleep I suddenly startled awake in an inbetween, semi-paralysis state and I felt like I was shaking, almost like I was in a rocket ship about to take off (hope that doesn't sound too cliche lol) and I aspecially felt a strong sensation of like an energy surge in my feet and hands. I was frigthened as I wasn't really prepared for this....I'm only on week 2 of the program. So I stopped it, but then I had a "duh" moment and realized I was probably about to project. I tried to make the sensation come back. And it was strange because I don't really know how I did it, it was almost instinctual....although I couldn't consciously project right now if I wanted. And I'm not sure if it was a success or not. The first time I tried to do it, the sensation came back and went away. The third time I did it, it seemed like everything just went dark but I was conscious. And the last thing I remember seeing was "Big Ben" the clock, like I was flying over it....which I thought was kind of odd because I live in USA. All I seen was a flash, so I'm not sure but I thought it was kind of cool.