In any of the BWG presets, is there an extremely deep, prominent sound that almost sounds like an "ooo"? I've used the BWG presets and other similar audio files plenty of times, but I've never heard that particular sound before. I first heard it last night. I went into trance using the "Trance" preset last night. I would say I tranced for around half-hour or so, and ended up falling asleep with the preset still playing. I never fully went into a deep sleep, but at various intervals, I would "wake up"-- or come to a different level of consciousness -- and hear this very deep sound in the back of my head near my ears. It was VERY deep. I almost want to say it sounded like an "oo", but not quite -- I don't know any other way to describe it. I thought it was coming from the preset since I still had my headphones on, but this particular sound had a different bearing -- it was coming from a different place than the rest of the sounds. Has anyone else had any experiences with this?