A fellow forum member did a reading on me yesterday, and it turns out these problems I have had with OCD thoughts are neg related. I thought I could make a thread about this, where I will describe my way of getting free of an entity that has haunted me for several years. I will give specific details of psychological approaches and more here, hopefully it will benefit someone.

From the reading, I got the information there is a triangular mesh imprint on my energy body. The thoughts and images I experience tends to elicit fear on the right side of my body, more specifically on the right side of the face. This is connected to blockages in the neck, solar plexus, and stomach.

Psychologial background:

Unfortunately, a pure psychological approach (i.e. staying in the fear after the thought) have not led to the solution of the problem. Nor have trying to stay present, though this has worked as a catalyst for greater spiritual growth. I will have to change tactics to get this bugger out of the nose, so to speak.

I was told to go back in time to see if I can remember when the takeover/entity attached to me, and I have narrowed it down to an event that took place in my childhood. I was about three or four and had a series of severe psychic attacks and nightmares.

I do believe that the main reason I have been unable to deal with this efficiently has been that I have believed it to be me, that these thoughts and images were mine. That I was a few french fries short of a happy meal. As such I worked hard to get the thoughts no surface to stick to, by acheiving the identity-less state. However, now I can put my all into removing this entity without the fear of it being me.

I am not afraid of being afraid, and have reached a level of realization, where there is at moments an understanding of thoughts being nothing more than images, an axiom of themselves, having nothing to do with reality as it is. This helps a lot.

Thoughts of sucide, violence concerning family and relatives, sadistic/sexual thoughs concerning relatives and friends.
Thoughts loaded with intention of eliciting my greatest fears.
Bringing out weaknesses and putting ideas into my mind. For example, images of gurus and intention of contacting those when having sex, going to the bathroom, and more.

I will start with affirmations and manifestation for about two hours daily at night, and see how things are developing. I also plan to contact any mediums/shamans in my vicinity to see if they can get any specific details about this, and perhaps get in contact with my guides/HS for more information.

I also ask for support from the forum members, if you could keep me in your prayers. This will also make me feel more empowered to change this negative pattern.

Thanks for reading.