Love is the opening and availability of electron flow for consciousness and metabolism…directed towards infinite complexity, and simplexity or Phi.

pH or “potential hydrogen” is really a measurement of voltage, or how many electrons are available for donation. The minus sign in front of voltage shows that it is an electron donor. An electron donor does “work” at pH 7.1 to 14…this is an alkaline, antioxidant, negative pole, constructive and right spinning substance. Whereas an electron stealer causes “damage” and has a pH range of 0 to 6.9, is acidic, free radical, positive pole, destructive and spins to the left.

Thus pH, potential hydrogen or the availability of electrons for “work” can be seen as a measurement of the health of an individual, a civilization or a planet. Nations collapse when cultural habits are such that the land and the people veer towards the acidic, electron robbing state, which no longer supports vital cells. This turns humanity towards disharmony, disease and war—people loose their sensitivity to nature’s cycles and feedback loops and the kosmosphere collapses.

Most of the activities, processes and foods of modern culture steal electrons, thereby undermining the conditions in which love can flourish. This represents the closing down of society towards fascism, war, disease and suffering. This is occurring at a time when collective consciousness is flourishing due largely to the internet. Thus there is the tension of awareness pushing up against our cultural diseased condition.

Few people have put the whole picture together to bring about significant lasting change, and so our progress is halting and the cancerous decay of the ignorant half of the collective is accelerating rapidly. If the word can get out about remineralization, reforestation and re-establishment of a high electron donor world—naturally present in intact thriving ecosystems—then we can regenerate conditions that support humanization and save ourselves from global cultural collapse. Sources of electrons in nature include grounding, tree hugging, alkaline ground water, naturally moving water, sunshine, fresh country and mountain air, forests etc…Raw food contains voltage (electron supply) while cooked food requires electrons (and enzymes) from the body to digest and assimilate it. Exercise creates electrons and the craniosacral pump circulates electrons through the spine and brain. Potassium and the other alkaline minerals donate electrons, while copper, fluoride and chlorine steal them.

Low voltage in the body or the ecosystem set up conditions in which pain, disease, cancer and the decomposers (fungi, bacteria, viruses) can flourish. The voltage of normal healthy cells is -25mV, and this voltage rises to -50mV when new cells are made during healing as more electrons are needed for mitosis and growth. This normal -25mV voltage represents a pH of 7.45, which is the ideal slightly alkaline, electron donating state that supports life and allows the body’s living-water to carry enough oxygen. This high oxygen produces more ATP in the Kreb’s Cycle, providing electrons for metabolic energy and detoxification. When acidic, low oxygen conditions arise pathogens increase—as life moves away from the “high electron love” frequency—and is being recycled back into the nutrient flow to support other life that is hopefully smarter at sustaining life-support conditions.