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Thread: Beliefs and their effect on your reality

  1. #1

    Beliefs and their effect on your reality

    We often see that the world is a static thing and then look for a way to interpret this experience, often as prescribed by those who have gone before us. Imagine, for a second, that it is your view that defines your experience of the world!

    Rather than try to find a way to interpret the world, I would focus on what you want to experience, then shape your philosphy to suite those visions! It's up to you, it's your show, so to speak, what do you want to create?

    There is one law that is becoming more and more evident to me as I go along this path and that is that the Universe operates from a place of "As you wish". Your beliefs are manifested every day, all around you, all the time. You're consciousness creates your reality; change your consciousness, change your reality. All you have to do is look around you to see what you really believe about yourself and the world.

    Now I know this is not a popular stand, it really grates against all we are taught regarding the victim mentality and that all divinity exists externally. It's my truth though, it's a perspective that is becoming more and more clear to me.

    Good luck to you! At the end of the day, it's all you. Own it and do something amazing with it!

  2. #2
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    Re: What view of life is the right one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jambu
    We often see that the world is a static thing and then look for a way to interpret this experience, often as prescribed by those who have gone before us. Imagine, for a second, that it is your view that defines your experience of the world!

    Rather than try to find a way to interpret the world, I would focus on what you want to experience, then shape your philosphy to suite those visions! It's up to you, it's your show, so to speak, what do you want to create?
    Oh, yes, YES! This. This, exactly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jambu
    I know this is not a popular stand, it really grates against all we are taught regarding the victim mentality and that all divinity exists externally.
    Yes. This, too.

    I struggled with victim mentality for quite some time. First, I lived it (and I experienced it directly). Then I slowly became aware of it, through the reflections of others mirroring it to me. Then I was able to own it and from there, overcome it. It's well worth the effort.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  3. #3

    Re: What view of life is the right one?

    Good stuff! Gosh isn't it so encouraging to find another who can relate to your experience? Sounds like we have a lot in common!
    Yes, the victim identity... Boy howdy is that one a doozy.

    It's founded on quite a tangled knot of negative beliefs. I found that some of the beliefs that drove my victim consciousness were driven, in part, by a subconscious belief that I had to self-punish, which is sometimes based on negative beliefs about self-worth, the good ol' shame and blame game. Most of these beliefs rest in the subconscious and so most people aren't consciously aware they even have these beliefs. It is as you say though, others do reflect back to us our subconscious beliefs and so knowing that, we can use that as a tool to learn who we have become and what we believe, deep down. It takes courage to face that mirror though and we will see things we maybe don't want to see or have a hard time facing. The mirror isn't always obvious though and can take some time to discern what is being reflected back. For me, this works well because it empowers me to own my creation. I love this saying "If I have everything I want, why do I want what I have?" If you think about that, it's very wise!

    A good example of a wrong conclusion or negative belief based on a misunderstanding is this story. My friend who does work in the subconscious had a female client who had troubles with trusting men. In all her relationships, this issue came up over and over again. She did some work and found that way back when she was a tiny child, she was very ill with a fever. Her father, in trying to lower her fever, plunged her into a bath of ice water. She was so little, she did not understand that this shocking and scary act was an act of love. Deep down, the belief was formed that her father tried to kill her! No wonder she wouldn't trust men. Very curious how these things can work. This trust issue can also twist and turn into a self trust issue because when we are faced with the scenario where we perceive our lives are threatened, we come to believe we cannot 'protect' ourselves, which is in itself a whole 'nuther can of worms. Couple this with forgetting our true nature, our true selves, we soon find ourselves thrust into the very weak position of powerlessness seeking control.

    The reason I am coming to see this as my reality is that I did some work to identify and defuse a few of these beliefs and it was stunning how things changed, overnight, suddenly people had completely changed! I realized then that it wasn't them who changed, it was me. I changed my consciousness and so was able to change my reality. I would not believe it if I had not experienced this first hand.

    The Universe really is about abundance. We just forgot how powerful we are at manifesting everything we are experiencing. We have been wounded by separation from source, wars, persecution, abandonment, etc. and after having fallen asleep, it's become near impossible to see the negative beliefs formed from these perceived wounds. We have been living in a deep slumber, far from the reality of who we really are.

    The victim cycle is not an uncommon experience here on Earth (or elsewhere, for that matter). Seems a lot of people are processing this issue here. The folks who are processing through this consciousness seem to fall into either a victim or victimizer role, these two consciousnesses seem attract and gravitate toward the other. If one zooms out and looks at our society, as a whole, it tells this story over and over again throughout history. It was true back in the days of Moses and it remains true today. I think of it as an experience in polarity. Even our tales and fables of ET involvement incorporate this idea. (sometimes they are the victimizers, sometimes they are the saviors saving us because we are victims who need saving - either way, it's about the victim, vicimizer and rescuer).

    After much pondering, I have come to the idea that for me, the trick is to integrate these polarities and find a common, balanced vibration. This integration is not a fusion, but something else which I have not yet quite worked out.

    Anywho...............Very nice to meet you Cat, I look forward to more discussion with you!

    (Man.... Hope all this doesn't sound too whacky, lol I jumped around a bit so this may have cohesion issues. I need to get to bed.)

  4. #4
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    Re: Beliefs and their effect on your reality

    Quote Originally Posted by Jambu
    I changed my consciousness and so was able to change my reality.
    Yes, that's also my experience. Change your mind, change your reality.

    Finding the underlying belief that leads to specific manifestations can be tricky, though, I find. I still don't know why I manifest issues with my weight. I don't know what I gain from it (other than kilograms, hah) or how it serves me. I keep asking my subconscious and my body, but nobody's fessing up yet. I rather suspect it'll be something silly (like the various bodily injuries, some of them very serious, that I used to manifest in order to get a legitimate way to opt out of certain things I just didn't want to do ).

    If anyone has any hints on ways to find/own/release those things, I'm happy to hear. I have a couple of techniques, but they're hit-or-miss, I'm sorry to say.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  5. #5

    Re: What view of life is the right one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jambu
    It's founded on quite a tangled knot of negative beliefs. I found that some of the beliefs that drove my victim consciousness were driven, in part, by a subconscious belief that I had to self-punish, which is sometimes based on negative beliefs about self-worth, the good ol' shame and blame game.
    Yes! I'm currently in this victim mentality, and becoming more and more aware of it. Mostly it's about not being good enough, not working hard enough towards self-realisation, and not deserving it. This loop tends to feed itself, which is problematic.

    A more specific expression of this is me judging myself for not being able to silence my own mind, resulting in an even noisier mind, as the effort to try and silence the mind is the distortion itself. LOL.

    This understanding is still frustrating, because I can't seem to do anything about it at all. I can't do listening to silence. I can't do being childlike. I very much long for kundalini to lift me out. I suppose thats distortion as well, lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jambu
    After much pondering, I have come to the idea that for me, the trick is to integrate these polarities and find a common, balanced vibration. This integration is not a fusion, but something else which I have not yet quite worked out.
    I would very much like any tips on how to do this. I suppose I've missed some of the basics or something here...

    Be well,

    ...but my words like silent raindrops fell
    and echoed in the wells of silence.

  6. #6
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    Re: What view of life is the right one?

    Hello, John.

    Quote Originally Posted by farewell2arms
    This understanding is still frustrating, because I can't seem to do anything about it at all. I can't do listening to silence. I can't do being childlike. I very much long for kundalini to lift me out. I suppose thats distortion as well, lol.
    Different people benefit from different approaches. You're probably more like me in these things, so some things that might help you:

    You don't have to try to be child-like. To me that would feel articifical. What I do instead is exploring sometimes chosing differently than my conditioning would have me do, and see if I fare different. Very often I closed off a course of action to myself because I had made it seem inacceptable, dangerous, harmful, etc. in my mind. However, I found that sometimes one can step out of such conditioning and follow one's impulses and the world won't come crashing down.

    This is one of the methods whereby conditioning is broken down in a step-by-step way that is feasible and doable, and it will eventually "lead there." What frustrates you is trying to do all in one step, which usually cannot be done. Find the steps towards your goal and do them. When you feel frustration it can very often denote you are skipping necessary steps in a process.

    Similarly there are people who don't benefit from usual suggestions for meditation. They tense up when they actually should relax, because they try to "do meditation." Meditation, however, is linked to relaxation. When you are tense, you can't have a still mind. The energetic forces at friction within your mind will keep on creating thoughts. The antidote is relaxation and the tool could be directing attention.

    If you go into nature and simply try to pay attention, take it in, your mind would probably settle more than if you actively tried to settle the mind directly. I was given a simple exercise that can help: Chose a path you walk every day. Observe five new things every time you walk it. I was surprised at how much detail and information we can perceive, store and recall, and how much more attentive one can be.

    Each person struggles in different areas of development. Some may have accumulated a tendency to overthink, to compulsively think, or similar problems. Those people have a harder time at certain exercises, and have problems with exercises that might prove helpful for others. You will have to keep on exploring on what works for you.


  7. #7

    Re: What view of life is the right one?

    Quote Originally Posted by farewell2arms
    Quote Originally Posted by Jambu

    I can't do being childlike. I very much long for kundalini to lift me out. I suppose thats distortion as well, lol.
    Being childlike. It's tough, we forget what it is like. As i understand it, being childlike is not a regression. It is remembering what it is like to be soft, open, original, wondrous, beaming.It also reminds us of a time when we had less psychological baggage and imposed psychological boundaries.Pure expression and experience in the present.

    One thing that can help jar what it felt like to be childlike is by looking at pictures. As you look at pictures see if you can tap into moments in time where you can capture part of that original you.

    Here are some pics i've found:

    As you look at these you may feel yourself naturally almost magnetically drawn back to that original childlike feeling in yourself.
    You haveeyes each composed of 130 million photoreceptor cells. In each of those cells there’s 100 trillion atoms that’s more than all the stars in the Milky way galaxy.However each atom in each cell in each eye formed in the core of a star billions of years ago and yet here they are today being utilized to capture the energy released from that same process all to expand the consciousness of you. It's ironic in that you are the universe experiencing itself And all you are is a thought.

  8. #8

    Re: Beliefs and their effect on your reality

    or simply remember doing fun things as a child. for example, i try to visualise every day, for 5 mins, myself as a child, playing on the swings, or riding my bike...things that involve movement, excitement. re-live those moments, and remember what it feels like to be thrilled by the simplest actions..

    incidentally, Kryon teaches the same visualisation as a means to slow down the ageing process. by living in those moments, we are telling our cells that we are actually that youthful and healthy. cells react to consciousness. tell them they're young and healthy
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

  9. #9
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    Re: Beliefs and their effect on your reality

    Homework for y'all: "chemicalization". It's an old concept in New Thought philosophy, but I feel it very much applies.

    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. Re: Beliefs and their effect on your reality

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil Templar
    or simply remember doing fun things as a child. for example, i try to visualise every day, for 5 mins, myself as a child, playing on the swings, or riding my bike...things that involve movement, excitement. re-live those moments, and remember what it feels like to be thrilled by the simplest actions..
    That's a great idea! For me, I prefer to go even further back, beyond childhood (not a fab childhood! chose/attracted/created a sitation that was no fun at all, lol), I try to recall who I am without my overcoat of survival mechanisms and wrong conclusions, who I am am at heart, to connect with my soul.

    It's all about heart for me. I get too invested in my head and need to remember to drop down into heart. When I do that, I can more easily connect with Joy. That Joy, I think, is the essence of what we are talking about or referring to as child-like.

    incidentally, Kryon teaches the same visualisation as a means to slow down the ageing process. by living in those moments, we are telling our cells that we are actually that youthful and healthy. cells react to consciousness. tell them they're young and healthy
    Love Kryon! I really relate to the few things I have seen on this - I watched the layer 9 DNA activation video on youtube, amazing stuff!

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