We often see that the world is a static thing and then look for a way to interpret this experience, often as prescribed by those who have gone before us. Imagine, for a second, that it is your view that defines your experience of the world!

Rather than try to find a way to interpret the world, I would focus on what you want to experience, then shape your philosphy to suite those visions! It's up to you, it's your show, so to speak, what do you want to create?

There is one law that is becoming more and more evident to me as I go along this path and that is that the Universe operates from a place of "As you wish". Your beliefs are manifested every day, all around you, all the time. You're consciousness creates your reality; change your consciousness, change your reality. All you have to do is look around you to see what you really believe about yourself and the world.

Now I know this is not a popular stand, it really grates against all we are taught regarding the victim mentality and that all divinity exists externally. It's my truth though, it's a perspective that is becoming more and more clear to me.

Good luck to you! At the end of the day, it's all you. Own it and do something amazing with it!