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Thread: numerology

  1. #1
    Alaskans Guest


    numberology is one of those things that either fits you perfectly, or not at all

    explains it pretty well:

    I thought this description of 11 was helpfull:
    "The Destiny of 11 is called a Mastery Destiny. This sounds wonderful to have and it is magnificent when it is utilized properly. The challenge is that it is a tremendous amount of energy with which to deal and this energy is constantly changing its mind and perspective. Learning how to ground this huge expanded life force is important for anyone who has it. They are somewhat like a Raku pot. Raku pottery is a form of Japanese pottery that has a fractured glaze. This glaze reflects the light in beautiful patterns but is delicate and breakable, much like Destiny of Eleven people. They are like something you put on the table as a centerpiece and marvel at its beauty. They are glorious and delicate all at the same time. They can have challenges in addictive behaviors such as: drinking, drugs, escapism, and avoidance. Yet, when they are ‘on’, they are unique and unforgettable. The light that shines from within them is noticeable to everyone. This person is a contradiction in terms. They are bright and amazing to speak with; they can give the most memorable performance; and they can inspire you to greatness. But they are often pulled under by their manic behavior and need for constant movement and change. They will have moments of extreme clarity but in the next moment they can get lost and have trouble finding their way back to reality. Grounding is essential for effective movement of this energy; even the highest form of Eleven will have had great challenges and somehow managed to pull all those experiences into wisdom and clarity. The high Eleven will be interesting to speak with philosophically and will be taking higher principals into their day-to-day life. The Destiny of 11 loves to travel and see the world as they age. They become more adventurous and playful if they find the way to balance all this powerful energy.

    This eleven can turn into a Destiny of 2. Often you will see people with the eleven do aspects of the eleven and when they are having a bad day revert to the two. They can be cranky and difficult to deal with. The eleven is a mastery number and it is important to support them in going for their dream. If they don’t get there they will have to do the whole life over again. They must find the vision and go for it. Eleven is the destiny of inspiration. This number has a great deal of tension and power. If the person does not cope well with the 11, it becomes a 2. Ideally they must explore mysticism, trust their intuition and inner vision, have faith, live humbly in the limelight, and inspire others."

    mine is 11,11,1,1 sucks to be me. but then i asked for it. stronger since earth started ascending. if im not coping in a negative way, then i have to radiate energy and do lightwork all day- wich i happen to enjoy very much, i dont mind the forced servitude usually. the only issue is grounding during and after work (i must keep my eyes open). i ordered a bunch of black tourmaline, and im thinking of making special sandals and a grounded staff to try to get a grip on the planet in a positive way. if i get the hang of this happy happy days for-- many! i just hope i have longer than 11-11-11.. deadlines

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: numberology

    Today I was working with money (writing checks, doing bookkeeping) and almost every total came out with double numbers in everything I did. Coincidence?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    sono Guest

    Re: numerology

    I also keep getting double digits everywhere (PS the microwave oven in the little canteen adjoining my office has just spontaneously switched on!) And btw I am also an 11. . . .

  4. #4
    Alaskans Guest

    Re: numerology

    Its no good. The energy and intentions built up in some of the numbers is detrimental, especially for 11, wich is a name that offends the being(s) it represents. Imo numberology is only usefull in a scholarly sense.

  5. #5

    Re: numerology

    I know numerology is basically about personality, life path, and stuff like this. I must say I'm quite bored with this numerology, and I don't quite understand how the numbers could have an influence on our lives (in opposite to the cosmos, i.e. astrology - a science on how the cosmic objects affect, well, the rest of the universe, in particular human beings).

    Anyway, I'm quite confused, because I had a number of dreams which referred to numerology, and they did not seem to put any doubt in its importance and meaning.

    I'm also pretty much dazzled because I am regularly being displayed number 2 in so many situations, particularly this number is frequently assigned to me. It means something, this is without a question to me, as the number of "coincidences" with 2 is just unbelievable. My father had a similar situation, but with the other number, interestingly.

    Anyone does know what could this mean - i.e. what does number 2 mean when constantly appearing in life?

    I have some guesses, but these are just guesses, nothing proven: 2 is the opposite to 1, the latter meaning leading, while 2 means following; 1 means being prominent, while 2 means being in the shade; 1 means a person who decides for a group, while 2 means a one who joins, etc.

    Still, have no clue about how it applies to me, anyway.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  6. #6

    Re: numerology

    For the sake of it, I divined numerology meanings back with I was omniscient and alone, still means it:

    1: alone
    2: divinity
    3: independence
    4: safety
    5: humanity
    6: temptation
    7: mystery
    8: selfish
    9: knowing
    10: community

    I do recognise that the numerology system traditionally employs number 1-9, but I did find that 10 and one were not the same, not in application to the fundamental reality.

  7. #7

    Re: numerology

    Well, if the theoretical approach is taken, I know this so far:

    1. leading
    2. adjustment
    3. creativity
    4. reasoning
    5. innovation
    6. harmonizing
    7. understanding
    8. organizing
    9. loving

    9 is a special number, creativity powered, an absolute, divine mastery. 7-9 numbers are most difficult, most 'abstract'. 1-3 numbers are most simple, most basic, and hence may seem to be easier to handle. This is what I learnt so far.

    I don't know much about 2-digit numbers, but I'd say that they are more complex than one-digit ones. My intuitive take on them is that they should not be treated the same way as the "basic" ones, i.e. 1-9; they are complex in the sense that they are compound of more than one digit: the first digit is leading, the others (those in the middle) are following and hence less important, and the ending number is again important, as it as a final "touch", maybe something like an ascendant, probably the most individualistic 'shade' of the whole personality, i.e. most related to 'self', rather than 'else'. But this is just my intuitive view of how to deal with them.

    Number 10, then, seems to be a very special case as it has "0" as the other number. My understanding is that it could be sort of "manager", "commander" as overall quality, etc.: 1 at the beginning means leading then, while 0 - an empty "digit" - means sacrifice for a group. BTW 10 is definitely an anti-definition of myself

    Taking all of that very theoretical background into account, 2 seems to be a suggestion for being "of lesser importance" and taking on the groups' tendencies. If this is so, I must say I had a hard time dealing with such situations, as I was always on the "against" (everything, everyone) side, with my revolutionary ideas. Uranus is very prominent in my birth chart.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  8. #8

    Re: numerology

    I'd say that is spot on. Perhaps we all "feel" numbers a little subjectively, without losing the One.

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