I´m on week 2 of MAP and I´ve discovered that if try to project when the time is not
right its practically impossible to even get into a trance.
It does not matter if I do mind taming, relaxation or listen to the brainwave generator files.
I know I´m only on week 2 but I can hold my mind calm from thought for at least 30 minutes by now,
thoughts might crawl in but they don´t stay long.

Does the obe state require a "windows of opportunity" I mean a sufficiently tired state of mind, but
not tired enough for sleep, or is it possible with enough practice to project no matter how tired or rested you are?
Can the body learn to shut down more easily while the mind stays awake?

If I´m not mistaken, an obe can be much clearer than normal waking experience in some circumstances,
how can this be if an obe only can happen when you are in the tired zone or is this not so?

When I have completed the 90 day program will things be easier than they are now?