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Thread: Cackles Dream Journal

  1. #11

    Re: Cackles Dream Journal

    Hey everyone.
    Been gone for awhile as I couldn't remember my password OR the email I used to sign up. But I have obviously sorted those issues and im back! Nice to see the site looking so new and fresh!

    anyway, back to keeping up with my dreams! Its been awhile.

    This first dream lasted only about 5-10 seconds when I dozed off at work but it was pretty vivid.

    I was on the deck of a white boat which was heading out to sea. I was lying on my back staring at a cloudless sky, I turned my head to the right and I could see that the water was a perfect bright blue and I could see land about a mile or less away and I got the feeling that we had just set off and were leaving some sort of natural harbour.
    I remember it being very bright, warm and sunny with a perfect clear blue sky.
    I noticed that somebody else was there with me. When I looked round there was the beautiful woman sitting over me. She was wearing white clothing and she had shoulder length brown hair and she had the most gorgeous smile. Thats when I was awakened at work by one of my work mates trying to sneak up on me.
    As I said before, the dream was very short and I must have been asleep for less than 10 seconds.

    This second dream was more elaborate but I cant remember everything from it.

    I was with a group of people, some of them seemed to be friends whereas others seemed to be strangers to me.
    We were in some kind of medieval half underground fort with moss covered stone pillars holding the earth up above our heads. The hall that we were in was very dark at the back and it felt like it went on for miles.
    To the front, there was no wall, just an opening that led to a rap going up out into the daylight. The ramp was covered in the same old patchy moss as everything else.
    The left of the ramp led round a left corner into a courtyard and the far right of the ramp led up higher onto a landing which overlooked the courtyard.
    We eventually ventured out and up the right side of the ramp onto the landing which ended in a steep drop at the end.
    The courtyard was all big cobblestone blocks and was, again, covered in the same patchy moss. In the middle of the courtyard there was a massive perfectly round hole that resembled a giant dried up well.
    We were all scared of it as we all believed there was some kind of horror at the bottom that meant to harm us.
    I went to investigate the hole and looked over the side. It was very deep and I could see through the darkness that there was a giant mechanical looking dragon curled up and sleeping at the bottom.
    Its body and head was a greyish black colour and its two massive wings were a golden amber colour.

    I then remember standing back on the landing overlooking the courtyard again and feeling this immense rumbling and a monstrous roar coming from the hole. The dragon then came shooting out of the hole and about 500 feet into the sky. It then circled a few times then flew straight towards us. Everybody was then shoving and jostling, trying to run back underground.

    There was definitely more to this dream but I simply cant remember it all.
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
    Blog Entries

    Re: Cackles Dream Journal

    Hi Cackle. Glad to have you back.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #13

    Re: Cackles Dream Journal

    Man I SUCK at staying active on this site!

    Anyway, I came across my old dream journal on another site I used to use a few years back, so I thought it would be best for my journal here if I copied and pasted everything in my old journal to here to keep it all together. I plan on reading the more vivid dreams a lot as a mini experiment and see if I can get longer, more vivid dreams as well as some awesome lucid dreams.

    So anyway, on with the mass copy paste sesh!
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend

  4. #14

    Re: Cackles Dream Journal

    I was in a cafeteria at a school or a college, apparently it was the start of a new year with the place filled with new students, but apparently I stood out from the other guys in the college because I was instantly singled out and picked on. I wasnt scared and I fought back against them and ended up winning. It was only the other guys that had a problem with me. Only a couple of them act towards me though.
    I remember the main colour was brown, all the walls seemed to be a brownish colour and it just seemed to stand out throughout the entire dream.

    I was in a class, I was sitting at a big long table with about 20 girls sitting at it with another table identical to the one I was sitting at directly across from me. I seemed to be sitting second from the end of my table, I instantly made friends with a girl sitting on my left exept I cant remember her face or name or what was said, I just remember her being a friend. Everyone had big textbooks infront of them and was working on a piece of paper. I had no idea what I was supposed to be reading or writting so I just started working randomly from the textbook, I cant remember what it was.

    Im sitting in another classroom, the teacher/tutor is sitting at a desk at the front of the class reading a book, She was wearing glasses. Again I have no idea what the lesson is so I work randomly from the textbook. there is a sort of barrier between me and the rest of the class, with only a few people behind it, I am sitting on the floor beside an old school friend (David Murdoch) I havent seen or spoken to in years, he shows me what page im supposed to be on and what im supposed to be writting.

    Im sitting back in the classroom withe the long table, a black girl with frizzy hair stands up from the table across from me and shouts to 3 friends on my table to come and join her at the other table. I cant feel the presence on the girl on my left so I speak to the girl on my right, I get the feeling I have had short conversations with her before. She has her head down and is busy working from the textbook, I say to her "Sorry, I cant remember your name". She says "I dont want to tell you, I dont like my name". I reply "Dont be silly im sure its not that bad".
    She tells me her name is Melanie P.... Her voice is soft and kind.
    I cant remember what she said her last name is but it deffinetly started with a "P"
    I say to her "What?! I love the name Melanie, its a beautiful name!". I can feel myself smilling to her, she has shoulder length blonde hair and she is smiling back at me, our faces must only be 8 inches apart, because her face obstructs the rest of the room. I remember feeling VERY strongly for her. I start calling her Mel.

    Im on the back of davids bike riding down a massive hill in my home town, were on our way to get equipment for my classes, he is going to help me get what i need, its a bright, sunny day. I bump into my friends (James, Massey, Louis, Austin) in the super market where ive come to get what i need, they are all happy and laughing about something, the only thing I hear about the conversation is that Louis stole James' car keys and did moved his car. I move away from the conversation and pick up 3 black ball tip pens. I stand alone in the isle and all i can think about is Melanies smiling face, it makes me happy.

    Then I wake up feeling that the dream is unfinished and that I need to go back and get her last name. I can still see her face as if I had actually just met her 5 minutes ago.
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend

  5. #15

    Re: Cackles Dream Journal

    Cant remember as much as I could with my last dream.

    I was staying in a wooden cottage with my family. The ground outside was covered with snow.
    I was doing something at the cooker, I then realised somebody had ran in the front door on my left, and through the door to my back into the living room, I caught him and "interogated" him as to why he had ran into my house.
    I cant remember anything after that.

    In the second dream, me and my friend Chris were driving to the leeds festival, we were in a rush because apparently we were missing the band Pennywise playing their song Greed.
    We crashed into the back of a campervan and bounced back into the middle of the road, except none of the momentum of our car had been lost.
    We arrive at the festival and start waiting in line except the lines were in random places and for random things, like cloakrooms and hotdogs.
    I kept meeting people from my town at random, even though the festival is in Leeds. I got extremely angry at some girl because she kept pulling on my t-shirt and saying that she knew me, I shouted at her and she let go.
    Chris tells me that ithe quickest way to the stage is through this small tunnel and that he would meet me at the other side.
    Im in the tunnel and I have a flashlight that seconds as a laser pen. There are holographic tigers and orcs in a massive room built to look like an old temple. I had to kill them all with the laser to find the exit. Turns out the exit comes out in a cinema.
    Im sitting in the cinema watching a movie, it is very cramped and some people are smoking.
    We get out of the cinema and finally go to see a band.
    I then wake up
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend

  6. #16

    Re: Cackles Dream Journal

    Last night I dreamt that there was a zombie apocalypse engulfing the world.
    Me and a group of friends were hiding out in an abandoned sky scraper. We were in a big room with one door at the side of the room, it was always open and it led into a dark corridor.
    There was a jakuzzi in the far corner beside the window. It had a door underneath it which led to a sort of panic room. The room was square with 3 of the walls lined with fish tanks and the other wall was just tinted glass. One of the group came out of the corridor and had been bitten and was now a zombie. The rest of us got into the panic room, the zombie smashed through the glass and got inside, we all ran out and got outside into a car.
    We were going to drive across the city to the next town to get my girlfriend.
    The sky always had a bright blue twinge in the sky like a super nova and it was always nightime. There was always a feeling of unease.
    We found a VW campervan and met up with another group of survivors who had shotguns. We picked them up.
    We had stopped to collect something and I was left in the campervan. Zombies surrounded the van and started to open the doors. I managed to hold both doors closed until help arrived
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend

  7. #17

    Re: Cackles Dream Journal

    Last night I dreamt that my brother and sister and myself were drunk. We decided to get a taxi out to hillwalking spot about 30 miles away. It was late at night and there was alot of drunk drivers on the road. There was a bright red sports car recklessly driving infront of us.
    The taxi somehow crashed in a ditch, so me and my bro and sis started to walk across the fields trying to get back.
    We came across a row of shops beside the road, it was daylight now, early morning.
    We went into a shop with a big white sign with big black letters that read "Hobbart".
    It was a game store with thousands of computer games, they were extremely cheap.
    My brother bought a new game for 99p. It was so cheap because apparently it was "upside down..."
    I met the store manager, she was the same age as me. She had dyed red hair. She asked to speak to me outside, she offered me a job doing returns for the company and apparently they were going to open a new store close to my home town. I couldnt have been more thankfull. She kissed me on the lips. I went outside to use the portable toilets outside, she had to come with me to get the keys out of her office to open the toildets. Her office was a small "carny office".
    The toilet was green with cloudy windows.
    She was in the toilet next to me and was having a conversation with me. I remember I stopped doing the toilet but I still needed to go just as bad.
    My Friend Chucky then walked passed the toilet and asked me if I was starting work at Hobbarts.
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend

  8. #18

    Re: Cackles Dream Journal

    A few nights ago I had a dream that a movie was being shot in my home town, so I went with a couple of friends to see what the fuss was about. There was a few big movie stars sitting outside a big building in the center of town, there was a big street party going on.
    One of the crew/actresses came up to me and told me not to stop what I was writting because it was going to work (I had been thinking about writing a book/movie script in the real)

    On the way home, a 3 guys from around town were riding motorbikes down the main street. One of them was on a dirt bike and the other 2 were on bright orange street bikes and they were crashing all over the place. The guy on the dirt bike told me I could ride one of the orange bikes next time
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend

  9. #19

    Re: Cackles Dream Journal

    I have noticed that my dreams have started to become alot more frequent and vivid.
    I sometimes forget to type some of them up here. But most of the more vivid ones I have posted here.
    Ive noticed that I am remembering faces better and there is almost one sentence and a feeling that always stands out in the dream.

    Last night I dreamt that I had met an old school friend in an Asda supermarket. We walked around for a while then went to get some privacy in the toilets for some reason. The toilet cubicle was massive, with enough room to run around in. The toilet was right at the back of the cubicle. We almost kissed until we realised that the cubicle walls were not very high and that people were looking over at us.
    We left the supermarket and told each other it was best that we didnt kiss and should stay just friends.
    She walked away towards the car park. It was pouring of rain but I wasnt getting wet.
    I tried to phone my friend for a lift home but I couldnt get through.
    I started to walk home but I was followed by 4 guys. I knew I was going to get attacked and mugged but I knew I couldnt run because I was wearing heavy clothes (Rain coat, waterproof trousers) and that I was to proud to run away anyway.I tried phoning my friends but I couldnt get my phone to work. So I turned round and shouted "What the f*** do you think your doing!". One of them then pushed me over and spat on me, some of them threw kicks but they all missed and I got spat on a few times. My phone fell out of my hand and I half think I half woke up because I knew I would wake up at that point but I didnt want to. When I did eventualy woke up, my arms and legs felt realy weighed down. I assumed I was in sleep paralysis so I tried to focus on a point in my room without opening my eyes and try to project to that spot but I couldnt concentrate.
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend

  10. #20

    Re: Cackles Dream Journal

    Two dreams last night.

    The first dream was awsome! I had been thinking about my dreams and stuff before I had gone to sleep, then I dreamt that I had woken up.... in the past, in my old bedroom. I instantly knew where I was, my room was back the way I used to have it years ago. The wierd thing is, I had my knew mobile phone with me, I just assumed that I must have been holding it when I fell asleep.

    I was still going out with my ex-girlfriend at the time but she was in France with her parents. I noticed that everything was bright and warm with a golden hue to it all, as if the sun was out in full force in the middle of summer.
    I ran downstairs to see what else was different. My mum was in the kitchen preparing dinner. I told her about being back in time but she clearly didnt think anything of it.
    My phone then started ringning. It was a girl called Kelly whom I used to chat to on MSN but have never actually met. I got the impression that when she called years ago I had rejected the call, but this time I answered it. She was talking about a barbecue which apparently we had been planning for awhile and this would have been the first time we would meet (This didnt actually happen in real life although the details in my room and about my ex were true). She was saying that her parents had bought everything we need except for the food.
    I tried phoning a few friends about me being in the past but I got no answer except to my friend chris and he believed me.
    I dont remember having the BBQ but I feel that we did.
    I think I remember meeting with Kelly and her friend, sitting on the grass in the sun.

    This dream really forced a feeling of happiness on me. It was amazing
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend

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