I awoke 1 hour earlier this morning and was still really tired, I thought I should try to have some obe even though I guess they could be dreamy ones.
And I soon began feeling myself rising up from my body, but my tired state seemed to follow me through my body.

I thought I should try to move by mind power alone, I moved but I couldn´t feel where I was in relation to anything else, could only feel up and down.
For some time it felt like I was moving really fast, sometimes sideways and sometimes downward, I tried to demand sigh by thinking several commands like "I want to see now!" and other similar statements but that didn´t seem to work,
When I was moving too fast for my comfort I though "stop" and this seemed to slow me down at least.

So I was blind this whole time but sometimes got quick flashes as I was moving, but I couldn´t match the images to any related object or structure.
This happened 3-4 times, I was back in my body but was quickly out again, but one of the times that I thought I was out It felt like I was still attached to my physical body (inner projection) and moved around in my own skin

Anyway, it´s nice that I seem to be on the correct path (MAP week 3), I dont really count these obe´s as "real" ones since I was in a tired and groggy state in my bed.
I just wonder why I couldn´t see anything or "feel" where I was, perhaps I should have tried to feel with my hands?
