Iac stands for international academy for consciousness. They have office worldwide and teach about consciousness and obe's.
They use obe's as a tool to try and understand consciousness, the afterlife.
They also teach that we were reborn for a purpose, we need to find which one and we need to learn to die consciously to better prepare for the next life. For them, obe is just a tool. They have huge facilities with 4 labs in Portugal, one of them is called 'the projectarium'. I heard many people saying that they were greeted by extraphysical entities (that's how they call the spirits), got pulled out of body etc...
I did it, I don't think I was out of body but it was dark and I could see lights flying all around this lab, it was very difficult to handle, I went out and cried for three days with no clue as to why.(not because I was scared,it was more an energy issue)
On the downside, I find them very serious with no place for jokes about the whole thing, they are also very critical of many books/teachings... Although it's true there is a lot of rubbish out there! Sorry if my English is really bad, I'm exhausted and I'm using my phone to write this message.