Okay, when it comes to energy, there are so many applications of it is scary. Many people have different ways of using it, different belief systems on what it really is, and especially how to effectively manipulate it.

Some like to choose visualization.

Some prefer more "tactile" systems such as NEW.

And some prefer other methods ( I won't name them, as they other two above seem to be the most popular and the most common.)

The question is, which one of this appliciations is more effective? Most of you , I have know doubt, will probably think you ( speculation of course), and who can blame you? It's a good system with many benefits. Kudos to Robert Bruce.

But does that mean visualization is in-effective? Certianally no. That is, if you use the right way of visualising and realize its only a mental/visual aid to help you get a better awareness of the force that is , and as always been, inside of us.

Now, in my opinion, I disagree that NEW is much more effective than visualization is manipulating energy. What it all boils down to, is the will of that person. Simply.

I think we all agree (those of us who have'd history with energy work) that energy follows your intentions and can be in some ways, controlled by thought? But what makes one person better than the other? Its not that they use NEW, its not that they visualize but their state of MIND.

All you really have to do to move energy, is to will it too. But, the problem with that is that some people's will's are well , lets face it, pretty weak. And therefore need more development and more focus than some others.

If you like to feel energy rather than try to visualize it, your still doing what the other person who is visualizing is doing, right?

And I know, there are those type of people who take stuff like visualizing and run off with it and get carried away.

But what I want you to realize is, that, with any given system, some idiot will think "Hey, since people say this more effective, I'll be able to shoot GIANT blast and by able to turn into a super saiyan". There. No matter where you go, somebody will always be there to turn something so simple and make it complicated. *sigh*

Anyway...back to what I was saying. NEW, visualizing, and etc are just like aids to help you become aware, then using your willpower to move it.

In the end, its not the methods themselves that determine how your growth in energy is, but you yourself. Your will.