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Thread: energetic physiology

  1. #1

    energetic physiology


    I wasn't sure where to put this, but it seemed like the best place. In the one OBE I've had that I can remember, something happened that has since had me thinking a lot. It wasn't a big event, but it was enough to really make me wonder about the body in a certain way.

    When I first saw my own body, it totally freaked me out. I mean, I had a full-fledged rush of terror. But what was interesting about it was I noticed how very differently I felt the fear outside my body, as opposed to when I'm inside it. When we feel fear, or any such strong emotion, there is a cascade of physiological effects and sensations, such as adrenaline rush, feeling it in the pit of your stomach, heart racing etc. When I felt the fear in this case, it was totally devoid of any such physiological and chemical effects or sensations. I was fascinated by how differently it felt, feeling fear without my body. Instead, it felt like what I can only describe as shock waves, like I was a pool of water and someone had thrown a rock in it. And then it subsided and didn't linger for very long as is the case when we feel it in our bodies, fear tends to hang around after it's been released.

    This got me thinking a lot. Obviously, any emotion (such as fear) is felt first on the astral, then on the physical. But then science says that fear occurs because of certain complex neurological and physio-chemical effects in the body. I, for one, am on the side of belief that biology is a result of consciousness, and not the other way around as science believes, meaning that the physiological effects in the body are the effect, not the cause.

    So, making a vague sketch of this, a "vibration" occurs on the astral/energetic level (in the energy body), and certain chemicals and physical structures are specifically designed to respond to these stimuli. But how? How can we think about the actual physical, chemical, and electromagnetic structures and processes of the body in their precise relationship to the energetic body?

    One thing that comes to mind is the research of Dan Davidson, in his book, Shape Power. He totally shifted my perception of the atom, from the usual, rigid scientific thinking of particles making up particles making up particles. He stated that an atom is an aetheric torroidal vortex:

    "It is quite possible to derive the nuclear structure of matter as well as the
    basic atomic, nuclear, and electromagnetic constants by analysis of
    aether. By treating aether as a hydrodynamic fluid, and nuclear
    particles as torroidal (i.e., ring or donut) shapes, one can derive all the
    known physics of the atom, resulting in a new, satisfying, atomic
    morphology. Keep in mind that the torroid is a special case of a selfsustaining

    He went on to say that all the subatomic particles are themselves torroidal vortexes within vortexes:

    "The charge of matter is due to its interchange with aether. The electron
    as well as some of the other subatomic particles are self-sustaining
    vortices in a fluidic particulate aether. The electron, to be a stable
    particle, is a vortex ring or torroidal structure made of aether.

    Charge represents a difference in concentration of aether between two
    points (i.e., a gradient in aether). Mass (i.e., atomic particles) is made of
    aether, aether continually flows into and out of the particles as vortices,
    and the charge is due to its being at a different concentration of aether
    at a point in time and space than the local aether concentration. The
    electron's charge is due to aether flowing into and out of the vortex and
    the fact that the electron ring is a concentration of aether.."

    So thinking about it in this way, I wondered if an atom is simply a vortex through which aetheric energy flows in and out; in to the deeper dimensions of reality (astral, mental, etc) and out from these dimensions into our reality. In other words, an atom is like a doorway of communication between the physical and spiritual worlds. When a particular vibration is set up in the energetic level, particular complex arrangement of atoms that make up the chemical and physical structures of our body are already attuned to these vibrations. Think of when you sing a loud note in the presence of bell, whose shape and structure is tuned that note - it sings in sympathy.

    Thus, to conclude, I am fascinated to learn more about the mysterious relationship between spirit and matter, between the energy body and the physical body. Anyone care to share their thoughts?
    I shall never forget your brilliant soul, but always draw inspiration from your memory

  2. #2
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    Re: energetic physiology

    Well, in my opinion, energy is energy, and we can call it 'ether' as well as 'quantum probabilities' or 'vibrating strings', and as far as we know, it's all possible.
    when we feel it in our bodies, fear tends to hang around after it's been released.
    This can be also true of any emotion felt in the nonphysical. I have woken up from having a deeply sorrowful emotion only to have it dissipate.
    I suppose whether matter arises out of energy or vice versa is a matter of grouping phenomena in a cause/effect linear way, and the person will do so according to their worldview- in mine, I think that anything we do is energy based, and the physical is one way of perceiving it, so that causality is not really how I see it.

    ATM I'm flirting with the idea that we are data living in the event horizon of a black hole, and experiencing holographic reality in what we call the universe.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: energetic physiology

    I think that anything we do is energy based, and the physical is one way of perceiving it, so that causality is not really how I see it.
    I see what you mean, and you do have a good point. Energy is energy, including what we call matter, but I think the material level is definitely a denser form of energy, and that there are complex interactions between the more subtle frequencies of energy and the denser. Maybe instead of it being a cause/effect thing, there is a feedback loop. The main thing I am thinking about though is that I wonder if the geometric shape and structure of "matter" from the atom to the organ creates a kind of field that is set up to manifest specific frequencies on the "physical" level, just like the shape and structure of bells or wind-chimes. Think about it, science ascribes chemical reactions and effects to the actual chemicals themselves, but what if the chemicals (and the atoms that make up chemicals) are just a kind of transmitter and receiver between the physical layer and the more subtle layers. This theory is difficult to describe in a few sentences, but I plan on clarifying it a bit more for myself by writing it out in full as a kind of personal essay.
    I shall never forget your brilliant soul, but always draw inspiration from your memory

  4. #4
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    Re: energetic physiology

    This all makes sense in fourdimensional reality, yes.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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