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Thread: my obe's scare me

  1. #1

    my obe's scare me

    hello i have been having what appear to be out of body experiences since about the age of 22, i am 33 now, there was a short time that i would purposely induce obe, and the only times i could do it was befor sleeping befor my mind drifts completely to the dream state, but doing it seemed to be a great strain on my mind and i decided to stop doing it, my expericences were mostly dark very little visual everything was blurry, i would levitate but it wasnt a controled levitation more of a drift, and it was always very intense, alot of static in my hearing, any attempt to control the obe would send me out of it.

    lately it happens when i do pain killers, as i try to fall asleep i am usually ripped into an obe, i have always been able to disengage the obe, mostly because its so stressfull, the longer it seems i'm in the obe the worse my head hurts, it kinda reminds me of a microphone when the balance of the sound is off on the speakers and if you dont stop talking it makes a loud pitch sound on the speakers and just gets louder, i feel that way in the obe it is very umcomfortable and after i pull my self out of it i can feel pain in my head and what is the worst is the fear that i have, i feel as tho when i had the obe i entered a state of vulnerability that leaves me in danger, no i should say i feel scared.....very scared like i am being watched. and everytime it happens i have to wake my self up completely, and try again to goto sleep only fater i have woken up completely, if i try to sleep right after it happens the static noise gets louder and louder, and my fear gets more and more, its like a chain reaction that i cant seem to control.

    I am writing on this forum cause it happened to me tonight, and i wanted to check to see if it happens to other pple and if they have this unrelenting fear that i have.

  2. #2
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    Re: my obe's scare me

    One thing that you can do, if you need pain killers for some chronic condition, is to learn how to do energy work. This is a process that gives you back control of your energy body and keeps involuntary things from happening. I used to have something similar and I stopped them from happening by using sponging every time I felt my energy limbs start to detach without my control.
    Another thing you should know is that pain killers give you rebound headaches, especially if you didn't have a headache to begin with.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: my obe's scare me

    thx i did read on after i posted that and found that what i was experienceing was the "Dweller" thx for the help.

  4. #4

    Re: my obe's scare me

    Hi Adam,

    It can be kind of stressful at times.Ideally it shouldn't be too stressful but it just seems like sometimes it can be. There are things you can do to make things better. Right off the bat i would say to try investing some time everyday before you go to bed or during you oobe sessions to experience positive emotional states. This could be any positive emotion you can think of. I would say maybe try confidence and self assurance first, based on the kind of experiences you've had so far.

    dealing with lack of control can be a little frustrating. If you find yourself struggling to gain control i would say to stop doing that and let whatever is happening just happen. That is the scary part, relinquishing control is something i'm still not all that comfortable with yet. Know that whatever is happening while you are having the oobe you are going to be ok though.Please keep that in mind next time you find yourself not in control, it is all ok.

    Dealing with darkness or blurriness, you can try asking/intending for clarity/sight. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't work it is because you may not feel confident that you can get it to work. So when you do ask for clarity feel like you know it should work, ask for sight as if you are supposed to have it, there is no reason for you not to have it. This goes for pretty much anything you are trying to do while oob. If you are attempting to pass through a door or a wall, approach that with the same thing in mind, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to, approach it with that kind of confidence. Flying as well.

    I think doing some positive emotional amplification before going to bed or incorporating positive emotion amplification in your oob practice sessions, in this case confidence and self assurance, might help you. To do this remember back to a time when you felt confident because of an accomplishment that you had made.Maybe others recognized your accomplishment and because of that they have a sense of confidence in you too. Remember how that made you feel and try your best to really start to feel it more and more.Feel the confidence and security spread and pour all over you.
    Try to keep this feeling in mind as you are doing your oob practice. This will not necessarily stop the intensity or scary stuff from happening, scary/intense stuff is just going to happen from time to time, but if you can tap into this confident feeling, you may be in a better place to manage what is going on.You can let go of your reaction to the intensity and start to enjoy the experience.

    Some other things you can do is make a list of things that scare you. Rate them on a scale of 1-10, 1 being least scary, 10 being most scary.Start off low on the list and take this feeling of whole body confidence with you when you start doing what scares you.Start off making little victories, it is a very rewarding and refreshing feeling. You may find yourself wondering why you were scared of whatever it is to begin with.The little wins will start to add up, your confidence will go up and you can take this with you when you start going oob.
    You haveeyes each composed of 130 million photoreceptor cells. In each of those cells there’s 100 trillion atoms that’s more than all the stars in the Milky way galaxy.However each atom in each cell in each eye formed in the core of a star billions of years ago and yet here they are today being utilized to capture the energy released from that same process all to expand the consciousness of you. It's ironic in that you are the universe experiencing itself And all you are is a thought.

  5. #5

    Re: my obe's scare me

    yeah now that you mention it, the thing that i am scared of most is what i cant control or see, so i can see how the coraltion is with my oobe. thx that was great advice and thx for taking the time to reply to my post everyone.

  6. #6

    Re: my obe's scare me

    Quote Originally Posted by adam
    yeah now that you mention it, the thing that i am scared of most is what i cant control or see, so i can see how the coraltion is with my oobe. thx that was great advice and thx for taking the time to reply to my post everyone.
    That is good that you can recognize what is bothering you. From my experience so far, OOBE has a way of brining up things that have always been there to the surface....

    After every projection you have maybe try to take a moment and look at the experience to see if there is anything that happened during the experience that you can take home with you.

    I think, ultimately, part of the purpose of conscious OOBE is take things back with you to your material life.
    You haveeyes each composed of 130 million photoreceptor cells. In each of those cells there’s 100 trillion atoms that’s more than all the stars in the Milky way galaxy.However each atom in each cell in each eye formed in the core of a star billions of years ago and yet here they are today being utilized to capture the energy released from that same process all to expand the consciousness of you. It's ironic in that you are the universe experiencing itself And all you are is a thought.

  7. #7

    Re: my obe's scare me

    I came to this site looking for an answer to this question as well. I have never tried to have OOBE's, yet I have them like it or not. If I become aware of what's going on once I "get there" it's quite fascinating. What scares me is being completely aware by feeling the paralysis and/or vibrations, seeing myself leaving my body and feeling like I have no control over it. My OOBE's are always unintentional and when I sense it coming I try to fight it. I've heard that people try to do this and it's happening to me involuntarily. Why is this happening and how can I get to a point of just enjoying the ride?

  8. #8
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    Re: my obe's scare me

    To get to the point of enjoying the ride, you have to learn to induce them on purpose. Once you do, control comes back to you, and you will find that if you can make them happen, you can also make them not happen if you don't want to.
    I recommend you learn to do energy work (NEW specifically) to take control of your energy body. It is my opinion that what is happening here (in some of the occasions) is that your energy body (etheric body) is getting very charged with energy and strobes causing the OBE while you are still awake. If you can control the energy aspect, you can then direct the energy to what you want to do, instead of having a spontaneous thing 'happen' to you, sort of like a hiccup.
    Of course, there may be other aspects to this, but I think this one, and the practice of meditation (which trains you to stay aware while in the liminal state) is the reason why people start having aware spontaneous exits a good part of the time.
    The other reasons would be metaphysical, but I think that's another post.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #9

    Re: my obe's scare me

    Thanks for the feedback CFT. I have "Astral Dynamics" by Robert Bruce so I guess I should study that. Mainly I bought it so I could figure out what was happening to me, but great point on controlling it. I will also look into the energy work you suggested. If I were to look at the metaphysical aspect of it, what would you suggest? I'm not familiar with that. Thanks again!

  10. #10
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    Re: my obe's scare me

    Well, two I can think of is,
    one- You reached a point in your development in which you were supposed to 'take the next step', and events happened, arranged by your Higher Self or Aspect. Perhaps it was prearranged by you (or an aspect of you) to enable you to be exposed to this and to want to learn to control it (even if to stop it).
    two- Perhaps you asked to be shown 'the bigger picture', 'what is true', something vague about life, and your subconscious obliged, allowing you to experience something that goes unobserved most of the time.
    Something like this is what happened to me (to an extent) and got me interested in this type of thing in a more concrete and driven way, but that's another post for another time.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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