Well, I don't know what's happening lately, but dream results come in thick and fast now, so here is already my next installment of my little programming-series (sorry for all my 'forum spamming' today, but this one is at least a bit shorter).

Again, I want to repeat my encouragement to try this affirmation yourself and report here, if you feel like it. Strange things might happen.

Background: I had tried Retrievals a few months ago, but stopped for other things. Lately I read in CFT's dreaming thread about dream retrieval drills. So I took this as an incentive that I might try this again to get insights - this time with dreams instead of Bruce Moen's techniques or lucid projections.

In projections, so far I did not get to retrieve s.o. although sometimes I met people and later (when back/awake again) asked myself if this had been the opportunity to retrieve s.o., but could not settle it at all. I should get used to talking to people I meet in lucid dreams/projections, but mostly I was busy with trying to get away because I had my own agenda. I might have missed opportunities or thwarted "simulations" made for me (see Kurt Leland thread).

One dream, a few weeks ago, might hint to a further development in this area. The "retrieval specialist facilitator" I identified as a brown-haired girl named Ludmilla before (still am not sure at all if she is genuine or just my own creation) popped up in another dream.
It was a dream when I was initiated as a teacher trainee and waiting with others of my "class" on the court / playground of my own former elementary school. We watched school kids playing. Then our teacher trainer (an older woman, aged 50-60, with glasses) came to pick us up, she also talked to me, and then we (class of trainees and teacher) went into a classroom for teacher training. Ludmilla was present too and shortly talking to me. So I took this as a hint of (possibly) being admitted to a kind of 'retriever trainee class' (since Ludmilla is a retriever, too). But as always ... it might have meant sth completely different. It could have to do with my language teacher training in physical life, but my intuition tells me it didn't (also because I seem to have dropped this ambition now again ... yeah, momentarily I am pretty capricious at my life plans).

Anyway, this is just the intro, so here is the affirmation I did (date Feb 23):

"Give me a lesson on retrievals"

This is what I got (again, the same night!):

It was only a short scene, in an array of different dreams. It started from sth that took place in a restaurant chain (either pizza hut or mcdonalds). I have forgotten any other dreams around it. This is what got stuck (and there might be a reason for it):

I sit at the table and talk to about 4-5 other people who are sitting there facing me.

Forthrightly, I tell them that they are Ghosts.

I demonstrate it to them by asking one woman, that is the foremost or the one most in the middle of them, to try to grab a bottle that is standing on the table.
I show her that her hands glide through the bottle. (Another variation might be that I grab it myself with my hand and glide through it, or both, don't remember anymore).
The woman smiles and seems not to be shocked or anything, I have no memory of the looks of the other table companions.

It could be that I felt like being another person, a bit like an old 'confused' professor. Maybe it was just an "aspect" of mine I was adopting in this situation (giving other people a "lecture" or at least my opinion about sth I was sure of being right about...). Again, this is just an assumption.

Also, it might be, but only MIGHT be, since I do only vaguely remember her appearance that this woman was the above-mentioned Ludmilla. If so, this would clearly indicate it was a test or exercise (or both).

And if so, did I pass it? Not sure. I could have been more tactful. Telling retrievees that they are ghosts now is possibly not the best way to approach them, when consideration is necessary.
However, I know I would not do this when I was doing this in a lucid state. So I cannot make anything definite out of this test .. or drill or lesson or meeting or whatever it was. (Definitely it was only a simulation or exercise, and not a real retrieval).

I will keep affirming this for the coming nights, since it is a VERY interesting development. I would LOVE to become a human helper in the non-physical, btw., that's why I am also doing it.

Maybe my application (or training) is in the works now.