Trough my research in many camps, I've been wondering about some facts about the uses of dreaming, specially when we're talking about lucid dreams recall. I'm just started in this field, and i could use some answer from some of you that could have lot of different experiences. I've been asking myself about the possibility of recreating perfectly a memory in a lucid dream, like a book we had read, or a place we don't remember exactly where it is..., i know it could sound pretty meaningless, but i could really use the information, cause that kinda skill could be of great use for me in many ways i couldn't explain.
I thank you deeply from now an on, and I'll be very grateful if you post me about some experience or if you try it for yourselves, I'm still in the early stages of developing Dream skills so i won't be able to try by myself in a while...
From now and on, thank you all.(And like always, i apology for my creepy English use, I'm trying hard to improve it.)