Hello! I am new to this forum and recently became interested in Astral Dynamics after reading about Near Death Experiences. I have been working on atral projection for about a month now. I think I may have been close to an exit last night for the first time. I was trying to stay awake longer than my child who co-sleeps with me because i wanted to read after she fell asleep. I was relaxing my body and probably drifting off to sleep when all of a sudden I became completely awake yet my eyes were closed. I felt a tingling sensation in my body so I immediately started concentrating on the rope pull technique when my heart began racing, my ears had a "whooshing" sound in them, and I was short of breath. Nothing happened beyond that and even though I tried again for another half hour or so afterwards I couldn't calm myself down enough to relax. I eventually gave up and went to sleep.

Do you think this was just an adrenaline rush from thinking about the possibility of an exit (it was all in my head)? Or do you think I could be close to an actual exit? I also had a fleeting thought of fear during my experience which probably kept me from being successful. I'm working on that. I was really excited about it all until I came across a blog filled with negative experiences and now I'm a bit afraid, but not giving up.

Advice? Thoughts?