Today on BBC: ... 410486.stm

But the question for me is rather also: Why do these many skeptics/materialist philosophers get media coverage all the time?

So why do journalists AND (self-proclaimed) "philosophers" still buy into sheer materialism? What is going on here? I thought we are just on the verge of a paradigm change? Still these guys get promoted like nothing else. What is happening here???

Why don't they talk (or know) about quantum physics, the paranormal, etc.? Why don't the know about idealist monism instead of only promoting materialist monism on one and religionism on the other side?

Why don't they talk about thinkers like e.g. T. Campbell or other progressive writers (and scientists!)? Why don't do reporters or columnists write about these scientists? How stupid are they? How uninformed? What is their agenda?

Why do they only contrast science with religion and dump anything else in between? The truth lies in the middle, but no one is interested in the middle. They just need to stir up controversy, so they go for the extremists again.

This you can read when a "chemist" turns into a philosopher:

"I think that science exposes the wonder of the world as it is. You don't need fantasies to build that sense of wonder. Science is true glory, whereas religion is fabricated glory." (...) "The religious notions of soul and spirit, of life everlasting and the final judgement, are nothing more, he says, than a "fantasy". - P. Atkins

Atkins = Dawkins 2.0, huh? So the skeptic religionists have yet another hero.

My goodness. His quote is so complete b*l*sh*t. This man has NO IDEA about reality! Still he is featured in the media and can sell his sh*t to a gullible crowd willing to swallow it and they will buy his book like they buy Dawkin's and Blackmore's and Dennett's stuff.

This s*cks. I am so fed up with mainstream media.

sorry, this is my rant day.
