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Thread: Shared Dreaming

  1. #1

    Shared Dreaming

    My friend and I dream about each other almost every night. I am curious, does anyone here have any experience with shared dreaming?

    She and I feel so much so connected that we did not talk at all for this entire past year until January, and yet we never felt the other's presence leave us throughout the day. Sometimes I will wake up spontaneously mid-dream and feel a phone call coming and vice versa. This experience brought about some immensely epic dreams to both us, yet our dream diaries did not match up as much as I would have thought.

    Meeting spots? Creating landscapes? What do you think we can do, if anything, to increase similarities?

  2. #2
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    Re: Shared Dreaming

    You two seem to share an amazing bond indeed!
    In my opinion, you dream journals may not seem to match at a surface level simply because you are two different persons who translate what you perceive and share in the dream state with a different and personal languague. In other words, your friend may translate something you both shared with a different symbol than you do. What was shared remains the same, but your perception is likely to be very different.

    It's also possible that you may be communicating with each others in the dream state at different times. Perhaps, the information shared needs not to be sent and received at the same time. It can also be sent at a certain time and received at a latter time, as if one was sending a letter (or posting on a board!).

    My advice to you would be to experiment together. I do so with a friend of mine with whom I also sharea close bond... Though we don't dream of each others every night! For instance, we tried once to «program» ourselves to meet at a given time and place we both know well in the physical through the dreamstate... We did not meet in the end... Because that night we both woke up at the set time! As if something in both of us remembered our rendez-vous but thought that there was no point to get there through the dream state...

    You two may also want to try to consciously send each others a given message, mood or picture while in the waking state to see how it can be picked up in the dream state. Always write down when and how you try to send something. Try it in meditation, try it while the other is supposed to be asleep and do try it also while he or she is supposed to be awaken. This may help you to find out how it works for you two...

    And this is how I came to think that such messages definitly can be picked up, but not necessarily at the exact time you send it... There can be a delay. And what you send isn't necessarily picked up exactly as it is. The outcome may be slighlty different because of the translation process...

  3. #3
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    Re: Shared Dreaming

    It's also possible that you may be communicating with each others in the dream state at different times. Perhaps, the information shared needs not to be sent and received at the same time. It can also be sent at a certain time and received at a latter time, as if one was sending a letter (or posting on a board!).
    What an excellent insight, poème. It would not have occurred to me.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4
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    Re: Shared Dreaming

    Thanks CF

  5. #5

    Re: Shared Dreaming

    I just got off the phone with my friend and she described this dream to me she had last night. I do not know what to make of it.

    From her perspective for ease of writing.

    I was at a party when someone at the end of a hall called my name. Taylor come here! You have to meet this person! I was led into a room and a crowd of people were surrounding someone who was out of my sight. The person of interest was revealed to me but I did not recognize them. The person of interest pulled me to them and told me things. She said "You have never met me but we have a deep connection", "I don't have much time" " I have to let you know that you are going to be successful and beautiful and amazing..etc..etc". I asked who it was before I left and she told me her name was Elizabeth Taylor. end

    The next morning my friend awoke to the news of Elizabeth Taylor's death. She never really had an interest in Elizabeth Taylor prior to this.

  6. #6
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    Re: Shared Dreaming

    Very uncanny indeed!
    Out of curiosity, does she see any link between her life and Elizabeth taylors' life? For instance, does she aspire to lead a similar type of carreer?

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