Thanks, Korpo, for these very insight- and helpful interpretations, especially the shower combined with the elementary school is indeed eye-opening. I should have noted it (another of my many school class settings I experience, most often in dreamstate).Originally Posted by Korpo
Regarding this part quoted, maybe that (my target-orientedness) is the most difficult thing for me. You know, I take an almost 'rational' and 'personal-scientific' approach to these things. This involves planning and setting goals (which you need or want or believe that you need/want to reach) beforehand. Many books on AP also recommend that you 'have targets in mind' when you go out, making constant affirmations also contain this element.
But you are right, what I still need is more patience, 'coolness', keeping a level head and a more improvising attitude in some of these situations. Problem is (also today) that I still do not get ludic(ventures) often enough, so I get too frantic when it happens and lose patience too soon (also in fear and knowledge of the fact that my time is very limited before I get 'unlucid' or wake up again). I definitely need to work on this.