Quote Originally Posted by poème
Quote Originally Posted by Volgerle
I saw everything in colours - so vivid, intense, vibrant, warm and lush - colours that I never saw before (and never after, so far!) on Earth. (...) But there was more: I read his thoughts! And even that is not enough to describe it, because maybe I actually "was him" in that short moment, too. (...) It wasn't words to be heard or even grasped, just information entangled with feeling/emotion. (...) I was in an UTTER STATE OF BLISS like never before in my life. (...)
Considering this, it's very (very!) likely that you were in a higher state of consciousness. I am no expert, but it seems to me that when one is in a higher state of consciouness, the closer one is to the source, a source of love. This would explain this wonderful feeling you had!
Also, it seems that the barriers one usually has when experiencing «reality» through a denser body were partly gone in your case : you shared this surgeon's thoughts, and even more, you «felt» you were him. It makes sense to me that this happens when «reality» is experienced through a less dense body that filters less, and has less boundaries between its «self» and the other «selves», therefore, it's like experiencing, partly, what is shared with everyone, what it is like, partly, to be one.
I wonder WHAT kind of body (according to e.g. Yogic or Theosophic theory it could have been) that was with such 'abilties'. It still must be a body that is able to "manifest" on the physical/astral plane (as I still - and only - saw the surgery). Causal, buddhic? I would like to ask Kurt Leland about his view on this but it seems he is no longer in this forum now. He also talked about bliss-experience in higher bodies, but he (and the Theosophists) says that the higher of them not usually "worked on" or "went down" to the lower planes.